The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 168 Chapter 168 I Was a Demon

Chapter 168 Chapter 168
She didn't think about what was wrong with it, nor did she think about how people in the real world would appear here, she just walked up excitedly, wanting to hug him. "Why are you here?"

The visitor looked at her with a smile on his face, and slowly approached, with the smile she used to see in his eyes.And the other party is Shen Mengdie's real friend, Wu Nan.

"I'm here to find you." The woman who looked like Wu Nan had a slight smile on her face, and said leisurely, with rustling sounds as she walked.

"Ninny, why do you..." It's a bit strange?Shen Mengdie didn't say the following words. For some reason, she felt that if she couldn't speak, something bad would happen.

"Nuan, I'm Mengdie, Shen Mengdie, do you recognize me?" Seeing the other party's silence for a long time, she was a little anxious. When she realized that she was still a fox, she quickly changed back to her own appearance .

Although her silver-white hair seemed a little strange, she still walked up slowly. When she was about to hold the other's hand, she felt something behind her. After looking back, she didn't find anything. When she looked in front of her again, the person who was still smiling at her just now was gone.

"Uh... Where's the person?" This made her look around in surprise, confirming that everything just now was not her hallucination.

"Xiaohu, go back." Just as she was a little distracted thinking about her own affairs, Elder Wenjun called from behind.

Hearing the other person's words, her body froze, then slowly turned around, looking at the person walking towards her slowly, she couldn't help but her eyes were red. "You don't like me, so why do you come to me?"

"Little fox, go back."

"I..." She wanted to say that she didn't want to go back, but when she saw the eyes of the other party looking at her, she couldn't speak out, so she glanced at the other party's face again, and slowly lowered her head Eyes, dodging, not knowing what to say.

"you are mine."

"Didn't you say that I am a monster that harms people, then why do you want me back?" Shen Mengdie looked at the other party quietly like this, trying to get what she wanted through those unpredictable eyes message.

"Even if you are a demon, you are mine." Elder Wenjun didn't know how to express his feelings at this moment, but he knew that he wanted to hold people in his arms very much at this moment, and he thought so, so he did so up.

Faced with the intruding behavior of the person in front of her, Shen Mengdie didn't know whether to push him away for a moment, her raised arm hesitated for a while in mid-air, and then gently hugged him.

It's useless to say more now, she obviously felt that something was wrong with that person's emotions, but she couldn't say it herself, so she still lowered her head obediently. "Don't abandon me easily in the future. I want to be with you all the time. It is my luck to be by your side."

Elder Wen Jun lowered his eyes to look at the fox demon in his arms, and straightened a strand of the opponent's hair. With his slow movements, the silver-white hair of the opponent gradually turned from the root to the black as night. black. "You will be like this from now on."

Shen Mengdie naturally noticed the change in the color of her hair around her ears. Looking at the familiar black, she smiled and tapped her forehead. "I like this color. It's the same as you. It's great." After all, the silver-white hair is still too strange, and people can tell that it is not a normal person at a glance, so she readily accepts the other party's kindness.

"It's fine if you like it, let's go back." Elder Wenjun thought that the other party was expressing his love to him in a tactful way, so a slight smile appeared on his lips, and he persuaded the other party softly.

"Okay." Now that the other party has come to her, she also feels a lot more at ease.Neither of them had a hot temper, so it was basically impossible for them to quarrel. This small conflict was easily resolved after the two had a simple exchange.

When the two walked towards the distance one after the other, Elder Wenjun gently held the palm of the person beside him, feeling throbbing and happy that he had never felt before, and smiled and stroked the ear of the other person. After the hair was cut, he glanced behind him thoughtfully, with a faint murderous intent hidden in his eyes, then calmly withdrew his gaze, and led the people away.


When the two of them left completely, a figure came out from under the big tree beside him, only to see that the other person was the good friend Wu Nan whom Shen Mengdie had just met.But upon closer inspection, the other party's eyes turned out to be vertical pupils, and his eyes turned to the other party's feet, where there was a long snake tail. Judging from the bright red color, it was a snake demon with a strong poison.

"It's really interesting, the fox demon got mixed up with the cultivator." There was a cold smile on her lips, and a look of sarcasm in her eyes.

After lightly stroking the bracelet on her wrist, she narrowed her eyes slightly, looking in the direction where the two left. "It's such a pity. I wanted to confuse the fox demon, and then snatch the other party's demon core, but I didn't expect that she would easily resolve my maze. But..." When she thought about the fox demon's reaction to her just now, she felt that she was still There is a chance. "However, the origin of that fox demon must be extraordinary. If I get the other party's demon pill, I will no longer be a little demon who is bullied by others."

Speaking of this, her nails swelled, and she grabbed the tree trunk next to her with hatred, her eyes were determined to win.She is just a snake demon that has just transformed into a human being, and she can't even maintain her human form for long, so she is now half-human and half-snake. Among the many monsters, she is very weak.

"Hehe..." She lightly licked her red lips, and the snake's forked tongue stuck out, matching her face, it looked very weird. "Fox demon, I'm waiting for you to throw yourself into the trap."

At this time, Shen Mengdie didn't know that she had been missed by other goblins. She was walking back with Elder Wenjun, and neither of them spoke along the way.

When he returned to his mountain peak, a disciple suddenly came up to meet him quickly. Looking at the woman beside Elder Wen Jun, he couldn't help blushing, lowered his head, and secretly looked at her.

Seeing the appearance of the disciple blocking his way, Elder Wen Jun couldn't help frowning slightly. "When?"

Hearing Elder Wenjun's words, the disciple quickly turned around and respectfully bowed to him, announcing his intention for coming. "Elder Wenjun, the head of the sect welcomes you."

He pondered for a moment, and asked the disciple who came to pass on the message: "Did the master brother say what it is?"

"I don't know, so I ask Elder Wenjun to go as soon as possible." The disciple bowed respectfully, showing fear and sincerity to the elder's question.

(End of this chapter)

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