The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 170 Chapter 170 I Was a Demon

Chapter 170 Chapter 170 I Was a Demon (21)

"It's the first time he looked at my human form so tenderly. Is it just a change of hair color, the difference is so big?" She had a little doubt in her heart, wrapped her fingers around a strand of hair near her ear and let it go. I looked in front of my eyes.

The head of the Qiongye sect watched the interaction between the two before him, and he could only sigh silently in his heart. Just now, he put his palm under the table and secretly pinched his fingers. His junior brother Hongluan moved, and the other end pointed It was this fox demon brought by the other party.

The three of them were not focused on the topic just now, and they didn't know where their thoughts wandered. For a while, the scene was a little silent.

"Junior Brother Wenjun, how do you think about it? It's not a problem for you to stay in closed doors like this. You should go out more often. You are the most promising monk of our Qiongye sect after the master. I... "

"Brother Sect Leader, I know." Elder Wen Jun raised his hand and interrupted the other party's continuation. In the end, his only thought was to achieve Taoism and become an immortal like his master. "The leader of the team this time can arrange for me to go. I just haven't gone out for a long time."

"Okay, you go back to prepare for these few days, and I will arrange other things." The head of the Qiongye faction looked at his junior brother, feeling a sense of relief that my family has a child who has just grown up.

Elder Wenjun looked at the other person's eyes, and naturally knew that the senior brother treated him like a child again, but the age difference between the two was indeed large, so it was no wonder that the other party had such thoughts.

"Brother, I'll go back first."

"Well, go back and have a good rest, she..." The headmaster sighed and shook his head. "You'd better keep her in the original form. This look is too ostentatious, and it's not convenient to walk through the door."

Shen Mengdie kept silent the whole time, and never spoke when she shouldn't speak by herself, and now she has no part to intervene, it doesn't matter if she is an invisible person, anyway, other people's thoughts have nothing to do with her, as long as the people around her pay attention Just be yourself.

"Thank you for the reminder, senior brother, I will handle it myself." Elder Wen Jun stood up and nodded to his senior brother, then led Shen Mengdie and walked out slowly.

The head of the Qiongye sect looked at the two people who were drifting away, feeling very helpless in his heart. "Back then, the master calculated that there was a calamity on the way of Wen Jun's junior brother's certification. It was a calamity of love, and countless monks fell on this calamity of love. It was really dangerous. Keep your heart, your heart... hey..."

Shen Mengdie didn't know that there was another incident. She always thought that Elder Wenjun was joking about the love robbery. After all, she had never been exposed to such a thing.

Elder Wenjun's only goal now is to ascend to the fairy world. Although he is not very eager to become a fairy, it is his only motivation to move forward.

The two walked slowly through the long corridor to the crowded square, and then prepared to go through the crowd together and walk towards their own mountain.

"Who is that woman? Could it be the rumored Fairy You Lian?" A male disciple noticed the two people here with keen eyes, and curiously pushed his senior brother beside him.

The person who was wiping his sword stopped his hands, turned his gaze to that side, and explained the confusion to his junior brother. "It's not her. I've seen what Fairy Youlian looks like. This woman is absolutely not."

"I've never seen this woman before. Why did she walk hand in hand with Elder Wenjun? Eh...holding hands..." This was the exclamation from a female disciple, and she expressed her shock.

Shen Mengdie naturally heard the words of the people over there, not to mention that since she became a fox, her ears have become more sensitive, and the volume of the people over there is not small, although she doesn't like being surrounded by people, but As long as it's with the people around her, she doesn't mind too much.

"But didn't you say that people from Huayan Palace came here specially to discuss their marriage? The Qiongye sect has spread rumors, saying that Fairy Youlian and Elder Wenjun will probably be together this time."

"Hmph, what kind of fairies are those foxes in Huayan Palace? I don't know how many men they have hooked up with, and now they want to hook up with Elder Wen Jun. It's really hard to live." This is obviously a faction who hates Huayan Palace. As a female disciple, she can't see those seductive women going around to hook up with people from other sects.

When Shen Mengdie heard the word Humeizi, she subconsciously wanted to caress her fox ears, and she came back to her senses only after touching her soft hair.

"What's the matter?" Elder Wenjun looked at the person with lowered eyes, and stroked the other person's hair. He didn't know when he developed this habit. When the other party was in the fox form, he liked to lightly Rubbing the soft hair and small fox ears, when in human form, it becomes a light rubbing hair, in short, he will soften his heart unconsciously towards the person in front of him.

"It's nothing, I'll go back." Shen Mengdie shook her head lightly, gently pulled her back with her backhand, and took a step forward.

Elder Wen Jun took a look at the disciples around him, turned his back on the guest, and led them back.

When the two returned to the cave again, it was getting late, and the withered flowers in the vase on the table were still there, everything was so familiar and strange.

"Sit down first, I have something to talk to you about."

After hearing what the other party said, Shen Mengdie was no longer restrained, and slowly sat down on a chair beside her.

"Just tell me what you have, I'll listen." The other party stared at her blankly, his deep eyes didn't know what he was thinking about. Seeing this, Shen Mengdie's calm heart suddenly felt a little nervous .

"You..." The other party opened his mouth, seemingly hesitating. "You will go to the secret realm with me when the time comes, and you should keep the prototype in front of people in the future, so that you will be safer."

"Okay, you just need to take me with you wherever you go, I have no objection." She always felt that the way the two of them got along was always a bit awkward, and the other party seemed to be avoiding something when expressing their love.

"Okay, you can change back now."

"Okay." Since the other party asked so, she no longer struggled, and happily turned into a fox, and lightly rubbed the other party's calf.

And the other party, as she expected, gently hugged her. "I have something to give you."

"What?" She opened her round eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

Elder Wen Jun did not answer her directly, but took out a simple red rope from his hand, and was about to tie it around her neck. "This can make me feel where you are, and it can also protect your safety."

(End of this chapter)

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