The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 171 Chapter 171 I Was a Demon

Chapter 171 Chapter 171 I Was a Demon (22)

"Oh, that's it." She raised her head, exposing her neck to facilitate the opponent's movements. If she was in human form, it would be impossible for her to make such natural movements.

Elder Wenjun scratched her chin habitually, then tied the red rope around her neck.The biggest function of this rope is to let him know the other party's whereabouts, and when the other party is in danger, he can feel it immediately.

"This bell looks a little different." He picked up the small bell and looked it over in his hand.

"Is there anything the same?" Shen Mengdie looked down at the bell that had never rang, but couldn't guess what was different. "Could it be broken?" She thought a little uncertainly.

Elder Wenjun twirled the small bell. Although he had seen such a thing before, he did not examine it carefully. "This is a magic weapon, the bell of pure heart, which can prevent the invasion of demons."


"Where did this come from?" Elder Wenjun couldn't help but guess whether he had missed something he didn't know.

Because it was a gift bell at the beginning, she felt that Bai Ze should have tied it on her only because he thought it looked good, but she forgot about it in such a long time. "The gifts from the street stalls, are they really that good?"

"It seems that you are lucky, this is still very useful at a certain time."

"That one gave it to you." Shen Mengdie didn't think that the silent bell was of any use to her, but the other party seemed to need it more.Seeing that the person in front of her didn't speak, she pulled it off with her claws, put it on the other's palm, and stared at him silently with her blue eyes.

After a moment of silence, Elder Wen Jun smiled lightly and tied the bell around his waist. "Then I'll take it."

"En." She nodded her head, and rubbed the back of the opponent's hand with the top of her furry head.

Elder Wen Jun followed the other party's movements, caressed each other, sighed softly, and said: "This time you are walking with me, don't leave my side, there are dangers in there, not something you can handle now of."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Shen Mengdie naturally had no objection to the words of the person in front of her. Her current situation is that she has a whole body of magic power, but she doesn't know how to use it. It would be dangerous to meet ordinary little monsters, but Looking at the appearance of the other party, it seems that there is no intention to sharpen her.

When she stood in the sect hall again, it was already two days later. She turned into a fox, hiding her distinctive fox tails, and asked the other party to use a trick to help her hide even deeper.

At the top of the main hall is the head of the Qiongye Sect, surrounded by several other respected elders, standing below are the fifty disciples who are about to go to the secret realm this time, and these disciples are all outstanding among the younger generation , although there are dangers in the secret realm, there are also opportunities they need.

The other sects who came to visit a few days ago have already gone back to prepare.

The headman glanced at the people present, he had already said what he should have said just now, and now there is nothing more to say.When he saw the white fox in his junior brother's arms, he just sighed softly, then raised his hands, pressed them down, and after attracting the attention of the people present, he began to explain: "Junior Brother Wenjun , I will leave it to you to lead the team this time, and I won’t say much else, please be careful.”

"Brother Sect Leader, please leave." Elder Wen Jun didn't intend to continue his long speech. The purpose of what the senior brother said was to remind him that in addition to the danger in the secret realm, he must also pay attention to other people's killing and seizing treasures.

"Go." With an order, a group of high-spirited teenagers, under the leadership of Elder Wenjun, came to the mountain where the flying magic weapon and mounts were docked. The way when I came here for the first time.

"It's still the same, it really hasn't changed at all." The scene in front of me hasn't changed in the slightest, except for the change of the guards, nothing else has changed much.

"Sect architecture has always been like this, and it's always been like this since I came here." Elder Wen Jun stroked the other person's fluff, looked at the people coming and going around, and sighed softly.

"Everyone, go up, we're ready to go." A flying magic weapon like a ship has already been parked here, and a special person has already been waiting by the side.Following his order, the fifty elites behind him walked up in an orderly manner.

"Set off."

When the flying magic weapon slowly lifted into the sky and reached the clouds, Shen Mengdie quietly poked her head out from the opponent's arms.

"It's really beautiful to see from here." Although it was the second time to take this form of transportation, everything around her was still so shocking in her eyes.

The clouds look beautiful under the sunshine, and the ease of touching makes people feel relaxed, and there is someone she admires behind her, which makes her heart jump even more.

In such a relaxed mood, the group finally reached their destination.

The other fifty disciples were undoubtedly excited along the way, but at the same time they were also a little nervous.There was a mountain forest in front of him, and on the mountain peak not far away, it was obvious that a faint crack was slowly expanding.

"This is the entrance to the secret realm, but it won't be fully opened until noon." Facing her surprised gaze, Elder Wen Jun introduced it lightly, as if this was a very common thing.

Shen Mengdie wasn't surprised by the secret realm in front of her, but the entrance to the secret realm looked too much like the crack caused by the collapse of the previous world.

At the entrance of the secret realm, there was already a large group of people waiting, and just as the other party was introducing, some people came around one after another, so it can be said that it is overcrowded now.

"It's almost noon." She looked up at the sun above her head and muttered to herself.

"We have to wait a little longer." Elder Wenjun said calmly, stroking the head of the white fox in his arms.

The fifty elite disciples who followed were no strangers to the actions of their elders, while others who knew Elder Wenjun were a little dumbfounded, not understanding why he suddenly had a pet.

Although Shen Mengdie saw the appearance of those people, she didn't care what other people thought. She was just a fox now, and she didn't need to have any contact with other people.

Since Elder Wenjun led the team this time, the leaders of other sects didn't come over to chat when they saw this, and he didn't like to deal with these cutscenes, so the scene became quiet for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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