The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 172 Chapter 172 I Was a Demon

Chapter 172 Chapter 172 I Was a Demon (23)

While everyone was waiting quietly, a figure suddenly flashed in the distance, and with a slamming sound, that person actually rushed in towards the half-opened entrance of the secret realm.

Shen Mengdie thought that someone was blocking her, but the others didn't move at all, as if they were not surprised. "Someone went in first, why not stop it?"

"The entrance to the secret realm has not been opened yet. If you rush in, you will only get lost in the gap between time and space. Unless you have strong mana, you will be trapped there to death. It seems that it is another newcomer who wants to seize the opportunity. Every time There are always some aggressive people when the secret realm is opened." Elder Wenjun is not a talkative person, but whenever the other party asks a question, he will answer it in detail.

"Oh." Shen Mengdie scratched her fox ears, indicating that she understood, and at this moment, a few people from the crowd took a step forward again.As for the behavior of those people, she could only sigh silently.

"It's noon." Someone said something, and then the few sects took the lead in action, followed by the middle sects, and so on.These are the rules that have been agreed upon by everyone, and everyone in this system must abide by them.

When she was led to the entrance of the secret realm, she buried herself in the opponent's arms nervously. For unknown things, everyone will have different reactions. Some people are afraid, some people are excited, and some people are excited. While she was confused, she felt at ease because of the support behind her.


When she came in, the first thing her sensitive ears felt was the sound of the wind around her, and she slowly poked her head out suspiciously, but her hair was blown into a mess by the strong wind.Feeling the gust of wind that made her unable to open her eyes, she tightly grabbed the man's robe behind her.

"Where are we, why didn't we see where they are?" With her hair in a mess, she shouted loudly, and at the same time kept looking around to see if anyone else was there.

As far as the eye can see, there are all low weeds, and with the strong wind blowing, waves of grass are formed.But the people who had come in with them had disappeared.

"As soon as you enter the secret realm, everyone will be teleported to different places at random, but don't worry, I will protect you." Elder Wen Jun stood firmly in place, and the icy wind around him had no effect on him at all. With the hem of his clothes blown by the wind, it was impossible to tell that he was in the strong wind.

Now that Shen Mengdie got the answer, she didn't continue to ask any further questions. Looking at the giant tree blown into the air by the wind in the distance, she couldn't help shivering, secretly rejoicing in her heart. "Fortunately, I didn't separate from him. If I was the only one, wouldn't I be blown into the air like that giant tree?" Thinking about it, it was a terrifying thing, but she forgot that she was a demon, so she was more than enough to deal with the situation in front of her.

"Hold me tight, the wind is too strong, I'm going to be blown away." She pressed her ear with one paw, and hid her nose in the other's arms.

As soon as she finished speaking, the wind around her suddenly disappeared. Looking up curiously, a windshield appeared in front of Elder Wenjun, and she could see that the dead branches and weeds were blocked when they were blowing. down.

"I'll take you out of here first. As for the others, I'll go there when they ask for help." Generally speaking, the elders who lead the team will be with the disciples, but he doesn't want to be like this, and each disciple is equipped with a A talisman that can be used to call for help and a jade pendant that can send people out. If the talisman is ignited, he can receive the other party's call for help, and crushing the jade pendant will leave the secret realm in advance.Besides, this is an experience prepared for the disciples, and the leader is just a life-saving talisman.

So, after he finished speaking, he stepped lightly on the curved tip of the grass, and walked forward leisurely, but the speed was not slow, and he could only see a shadow of him constantly moving forward. flashed forward.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie was eager to go out and try, but after poking her neck out, she was stopped by the other party.

"Don't mess around, I'll show you around later." This is his second time here, and now with his ability, this place is no longer a threat to him.

For that person's actions, Shen Mengdie could only silently retract her protruding head, and tugged at the other person's shirt in a bored manner.

When the wind in her ears gradually subsided, she slowly came back to her senses. Looking at her surroundings, she couldn't help but want to raise her eyebrows, but this movement was still too difficult for the fox.

If the place just now was a grassland, the current place is a forest, surrounded by luxuriant branches scattered and crowded, almost blocking all the light.

"There is no distinction between night and day in this secret realm, but it has become a small world of its own. There are many interesting places, and I will take you to see them later." The places that can be considered interesting by Elder Wenjun do have their own The extraordinary thing is that after many explorations, everyone has basically understood the situation here, but in a farther and more remote location, no one has ever explored it.

The opening time of this secret realm is two months. Once the time is up, outsiders will be forced to eject, and then hide in the void, waiting for the opening of the next hundred years.

"I want to go down and walk by myself." Shen Mengdie let go of her paw and said to the other party.

Seeing this, Elder Wenjun bent down slowly and gently placed her on the ground full of fallen leaves.

She shook her messy hair and transformed into a young and beautiful black-haired woman.The characteristics of a demon were hidden by her, and her pure white clothes swayed gently under the breeze.She smiled softly at the other party, stepped forward in two steps, and grabbed the person who was watching her.

"Will I be recognized by others?"

"No, I'm here." Elder Wen Jun stroked the other's black hair again, and he became more and more used to the other's appearance at this moment.

"Then..." Just as Shen Mengdie was about to continue speaking, a cursing voice suddenly came from nearby, which made her stop what she was about to blurt out, and looked behind her vigilantly.

Elder Wen Jun naturally held the person in his arms, he didn't feel any danger approaching, and knew that it should be the person who came in to practice this time.

"What the hell is this place? We've been walking for so long, why haven't we left yet?" A young man said a little irritably, with a strong arrogance in his tone.

"Master, please be patient, we should go out." It was also a young man's voice, but the tone seemed very flattering.

(End of this chapter)

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