The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 173 Chapter 173 I Was a Demon

Chapter 173 Chapter 173 I Was a Demon (24)

"I said I didn't want to come, but the old man forced me to come, not afraid that I would encounter danger here, and only sent these two people to protect me, really..."

Listening to the voice not far away, Shen Mengdie could tell from the sound of footsteps that there should be a lot of people on the other side.She doesn't want to confront those people now, so she grabs the people beside her and wants to leave here.

"Who are you? Stop for me." A yell interrupted the movement of the two of them turning around and leaving.

Shen Mengdie looked back and saw that there was a group of seven or eight people, and the young man standing in the middle was the one who just shouted, and looking at his clothes and the attitude of the people around him, one could be sure that this young man It was the so-called young master. Beside him was a fat man of the same age. Judging by his flattering appearance, he could probably guess his relationship with the young man in the middle.

"What's the matter?" Shen Mengdie took the hand of the person beside her and glanced at the few people over there, but all her attention was still on Elder Wenjun.

There was nothing wrong with her move, as the two parties did not know each other after all, and there was no conflict, but the arrogant young man felt that her move was ignoring him, which was a provocation.

"You guys are from there, show me the way now." Not long after entering, the group encountered danger. After sacrificing one person, they ran into the forest in a panic, but for their current situation , he will not tell the two over there.

Shen Mengdie heard the kind of naturalness in the other party's words, and began to look at the people there carefully, only to see that in the crowd on the other side, except for the young man in the middle who seemed to be in good condition, the others were more or less Everyone is a little embarrassed.But she doesn't want to go with other people now, so she refused: "I don't think we should have anything to talk about, and I don't want to go with you either."

"Why so much nonsense, quickly lead the way." After he found the two, he judged from the other's neat clothes that the two should not have encountered any danger. It means being strong and not afraid of the dangers around you.

"I think these two people are no worse than me. No matter how strong they are, they can't beat so many of us." After thinking about it, he began to command the other party confidently.

"Let's go." Shen Mengdie lightly held the hands of the people beside him, not planning to talk to those people any more, and Elder Wen Jun didn't say a word, but just glanced at the people over there casually before leaving. Several people flicked their fingers before everyone noticed.

"Hey, I'll let you lead the way, where are you going?"

The two quickly disappeared from everyone's sight, but the boy didn't stay behind, so he could only angrily scold the people around him.

"Why didn't you help me stop him just now?"

"Young master, you didn't order." The little fat man seemed very wronged, but he had always followed the other party's orders to do things.

"I didn't order, so you don't know how to do it? Why are you so ignorant? My father asked you to protect me, and this is how you protect me?"

"Master, we..."


"Did you hear that? What's the sound?" The young man in the middle raised his hand to stop the words of the person beside him. Hearing the approaching sound, he looked around.

"Young...Young Master..." The little fat man who had been flattering looked behind him, his feet were trembling slightly.

"I have something to say." The young man frowned and looked at the other person impatiently. After noticing the abnormal reaction of the person beside him, he turned to look behind him. "Why are you still standing there, run away."

He patted the shoulder of the person beside him, and fled forward immediately, dare not say anything else, he has practiced hard to escape.

This is a huge monster with a height of seven or eight meters. At this moment, it is savagely smashing away the trees in front of it. The big tree surrounded by several people is directly broken from the middle under its impact. Smaller trees were uprooted, startling a flock of birds and beasts.

"I'm catching up, run quickly." A group of people looked at this situation, and they could only run forward. They can be said to have come to play. Facing this huge monster, they can't beat them, so they should keep the little one. Life matters.

The difference between monster beasts and ordinary beasts is that they have developed their intelligence and can think on their own, while wild beasts do everything by instinct. This monster beast was sleeping on its own territory, and suddenly smelled a very strong smell. The smell of incense, so I ran to this side desperately.Come on, come on, that fragrant smell is just ahead.

"My God, why is it chasing us so closely?" No matter how sad and indignant these people were, they could only run around after being chased.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Shen Mengdie was holding the hand of the person beside her, tapping the ground with her feet from time to time, practicing how to float lightly in the air. After hearing the loud noise behind her, she looked over there in confusion.

"Did something happen over there?" Being far away, she could only see smoke rising in the distance and startled birds. The earthquake-like movement made her ask the people around her why in doubt. .

Elder Wenjun also looked over there, he naturally knew what was going on there, after all, he just gave that cute boy a small gift. "It should be a monster, we don't need to take care of that side, let's go."

"Well, okay. Let's continue." Shen Mengdie also understood that the purpose of their trip was just to relax, and other things could be put aside.As for saving people and trees, she never thought about it. She didn't have so much time and energy to save people, and she couldn't help much if she passed by herself.

Elder Wen Jun didn't know how gentle his eyes were when he looked at the other party, and he didn't realize when the smile on his mouth gradually increased. He only knew that he felt at ease when he kept the other party by his side. "Take my hand and let's go."


Needless to say, the two walked forward in a tacit understanding. On the way, the two also met other experienced people, but under the vigilant gaze of the other party, the two did not come forward to chat. As long as the person who runs at the same time doesn't affect him, both of them will just ignore and leave.

"This is..." There was a sea of ​​flowers in front of her, where all kinds of unknown flowers bloomed, which made her feel as if she had returned to the forest when she first came here.

"These are plants that bloom all year round. Common medicinal herbs are not very useful. Since there is no danger here, it is a good place to enjoy flowers. If you look at those people in the distance, they should have come here specially."

(End of this chapter)

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