The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 174 Chapter 174 I Was a Demon

Chapter 174 Chapter 174 I Was a Demon (25)

Shen Mengdie followed the other party's guidance, and indeed saw the couples or a group of women coming in the distance.Among them, there are also a few people who are picking large quantities. Although these are just ordinary medicinal herbs, in the hearts of a few scattered people, such a large batch of non-dangerous medicinal herbs is still very good.

After all, there are still some small sects who came here this time. It is too dangerous to go to other places and it may not be rewarding.Therefore, when faced with the surprised or contemptuous gazes of those appreciating flowers, they kept their heads down and kept busy.

She bent down and picked up a flower, held it in her hand and gently twirled it. She raised her head and looked at the endless sea of ​​flowers in front of her. A sea of ​​flowers that has been destroyed is really rare."

Elder Wen Jun's gaze was always on the other party. If it wasn't for making the person in front of him happy, he would not have come here by detour. "This is just the periphery. It's better to see the sea of ​​flowers from the center. Come, I'll take you in." After speaking, he stretched out his palm and let the other party hold him.

"But..." Shen Mengdie pointed to the people in front of them who had the same idea as them, but now they were fighting with some plants that appeared suddenly in the sea of ​​flowers. "There seems to be danger ahead, and none of them can go in."

Elder Wenjun naturally saw the situation of those people, but he didn't care, he had the capital to be arrogant. "With me, don't worry."

"Okay." Now that the other party has said so, of course she no longer refuses.

When the two of them vacated their feet and walked towards the center of the sea of ​​flowers step by step, those restless plants seemed to feel a huge crisis, and they didn't move at all, and they stopped launching sneak attacks in groups.A small number of attacking vines often bounced up, but as if they touched something, they instantly turned into flying ash.

Being able to dance freely in the sea of ​​flowers like now, without any pressure on the flowers under her feet, is something Shen Mengdie has never thought about.The two of them were already far away from the crowd, and the people outside could no longer see their shadows. At this moment, in such a beautiful place, there were only two of them standing quietly in the sea of ​​flowers.

I don't know when, the wind gradually picked up, and the petals were blown everywhere. Under the guidance of the wind, the petal rain revolved around her non-stop.

"Hehe, Wen Jun, come here quickly..." Shen Mengdie was now accustomed to her own ability, flying happily in the sea of ​​flowers.Although the two seldom call each other by their names, it does not affect their communication, and this address was also requested by that person.

Elder Wenjun heard the other party's call, and slowly withdrew his hand holding the formula. The weird wind just now was his masterpiece. He didn't know why he did this, he just followed his own heart .Looking at the other party's happy appearance, a gentle smile could not help but rise from the corner of his mouth.

"Xiaohu, don't run too far away." He stood in the distance, silently watching the movement over there, and when the person was a little further away from him, he couldn't help but want to take a few steps forward.

"Got it." Shen Mengdie responded to the man's words, tapped the delicate flower branches under her feet, feeling the rare relaxation, everything looked so beautiful.

There are blooming flowers here, colorful and colorful, revealing a different sentiment everywhere, but they didn't realize that the quietness here is a bit abnormal. There are butterflies and bees gathering honey in the surrounding area among the flowers, but there is nothing here. Living things, too quiet.

Just as the two of them relaxed their tense nerves, a giant vine suddenly appeared from nowhere and waved towards Shen Mengdie who was playing among the flowers.There are long hook-shaped spikes on the vines, and there are many animal remains hanging in it, which makes people shudder.

Facing the sudden crisis, Shen Mengdie felt a chill behind her back, and her animal intuition allowed her to avoid the danger in the first place.

"Little fox, it's dangerous." Elder Wenjun didn't care much at the moment, the moment he sensed the danger, he rushed over like lightning.

After the giant vine failed in one blow, when it was about to brew for the second time, an angry person burned one of the vines to ashes.It has been hiding here for many years, and it has just opened up its intelligence. It is preying on instinct, and the menacing flames make it have to pull all its vines out of the ground. For a while, there is an illusion of a group of demons dancing wildly.

Shen Mengdie saw that the other party had burned the vines protruding, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw that the sea of ​​flowers under her feet suddenly collapsed, exposing the dense bones on the ground. It can be seen that there are really many living creatures buried here. The flying vines caught her off guard, and she hurriedly dodged around.

Elder Wen Jun intended to take the other party out to play, but he had no choice but to encounter such a thing. He knew the vines in front of him, and the man-eating vines grew up, just like the growth of piranhas, which needed the flesh and blood of living creatures.

"Xiaohu, protect yourself well, I will deal with this." He quickly explained to the person behind him, and then turned his gaze to the swaying vines in front of him.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Shen Mengdie also understood what the other party was worried about, but under the current situation, there was no problem for her to protect herself.

She is not very clear about many things in this world, such as the level of cultivators, how to divide them, and the level of monsters, etc. She only knows a rough outline.

While avoiding the vines attacking her more and more proficiently, she occasionally paid attention to the situation over there.I saw Elder Wenjun standing in mid-air like that, holding magic formulas in his hands from time to time, like a banished fairy, but she couldn't help herself, and couldn't get close to the master Teng Teng.

After dodging the attacking vines again, she staggered. There was nothing in the air, but it seemed that something was sucking her in.

"Mr. Wen..."

After hearing her call for help, the people over there quickly glanced over, and her body was already half sucked in at this moment, she couldn't break free, and couldn't move.

"Little fox." Seeing that she was in danger, the other party rushed towards the main vine after shooting a ray of flames. The moment he grabbed her palm, the two of them were sucked in, and the surrounding area recovered. The original look, do not see any difference.

Only the tumbling vine was left on the spot, and then gradually stopped moving. Its roots were burned by the spreading flames, and it was no longer full of vitality.The little flame just now had such power that it burned the domineering evolutionary cannibal vine to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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