The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 175 Chapter 175 I Was a Demon

Chapter 175 Chapter 175 I Was a Demon (26)

At this moment, the two were standing in front of a long corridor, silently looking at the environment around them. The moment they were sucked in by a strange force, Elder Wenjun knew that he had met an opportunity, but in the end it was a blessing. Whether it's a disaster or not, we'll have to see the situation to know.

"Where are we?" Shen Mengdie looked at the pitch-black surroundings, a little confused that it was still day just now, how could it turn into night in a flash of divine skill. "Didn't it mean that there is no night in the secret realm?"

Although Elder Wenjun was in the dark night, he could clearly see the other person's expression. He stroked the hair of the person beside him, then took the other person's hand and walked forward. "It looks like a leftover cave."

"Cave mansion?" Shen Mengdie can also see the situation around her clearly in the dark because she is a fox demon, but she has never encountered such a situation before.

Elder Wenjun patted the other person on the shoulder, sighed and said, "Let's go in and see what's going on inside."

"Let's go, I also want to know what kind of place this is, and where is the way out." Thinking of her inexplicable way of getting in, she was not sure that she could find the way out smoothly.

"There is me."

Feeling that the other party was holding her hand tightly, she also shook the other party back. "Let's go, let's go out quickly, it's dark here."

The space here looks very wide, but it is also very quiet, perhaps it can be said to be eerie silence, only the slight sound of two people stepping on the ground.

"Da da da……"

Although she could see things in the dark, the quiet environment made her more nervous. When a faint light appeared in front of her, she couldn't help pulling the people beside her to speed up her pace.

"There is a bright light ahead, let's go over to see if it is the exit." Shen Mengdie's feet were getting closer and closer, and the other party followed closely behind her.

"This is..." Looking at the two doors of unknown material covered with strange patterns in front of her, she moved her gaze upwards and looked over slowly.This is a mountain wall, and only the mountain wall can be seen. It is very smooth and reflects light from time to time, but the faint light just now was emitted by some insects attached to the mountain wall.The densely packed area formed a single light spot that was originally weak, illuminating the surrounding environment.

"Crack, click, click..."

Like the sound of rusty mechanical gears turning, it suddenly sounded in this quiet space, startling the insects on the mountain wall, causing them to gather in the air and hovering non-stop, like a little bit of starlight.

For the insect's movement, she only glanced at it at the beginning, and then set her sights on the door that was slowly opening.As the clicking sound gradually accelerated, the situation behind the door was gradually revealed.

"Should we go in now?" She was not sure whether everything in front of her was in danger, so she looked at the calm person beside her with some hesitation.

Elder Wenjun looked at the gate ahead, and the light leaking from inside shone faintly on his cheeks, making it difficult for people to see through his thoughts. After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "Let's go in, let's go in." have a look."

When being led forward by the other party, she followed the pace without too much hesitation. Everything in front of her eyes seemed so incredible, maybe there was a hidden crisis, but with the existence of the people beside her, she could not be afraid. Any danger, the warmth of the opponent's palm came from their clasped hands, calming down all her panic.

The moment she stepped into the gate, she obviously felt as if she had been blocked by something, and this familiar yet unfamiliar feeling was the same as when she strayed into the enchantment in the forest.


Just when she penetrated that barrier, she felt her body change uncontrollably. After staggering a bit, she found that she had changed back to her original shape.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the person who could meet her gaze, she raised her paw, and looked back at the six tails wagging behind her, suddenly feeling very depressed.

Although Elder Wenjun was surprised, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong. After pinching her drooping ears, he stroked her hairy head and asked, "Why did you change back to the original shape?"

"I don't know, it's like this as soon as I come in."

"That's fine, let's see if there is a way to leave."

"Okay." Now that it's the way it is now, she doesn't worry about it anymore, let's talk about everything when she leaves.

At this time, the two of them began to carefully look at where they were.The surroundings looked like a large hall, with large stone pillars on the top beam standing in the hall, on which were inlaid fist-sized luminous pearls, and there were quite a few of them, illuminating the entire hall brightly.There are vivid animals engraved on the stone pillars. They don't look like ordinary animals, but monsters.

And in the main hall, the most eye-catching thing is the golden mountain that is piled up on the side, shining brightly enough to dazzle the eyes. Perhaps it has been piled up for too long, and it has all turned into golden sand.

There are other items piled up in other corners, including spirit stones and weapons.There are still a few small doors in the distance, and there seems to be something inside.

But neither of them paid attention to that side, because their eyes had already been attracted by a statue in the center of the hall. Although it was only a stone statue, in terms of momentum, it almost crushed Shen Mengdie in the form of a fox hair.

This is a young man, he is wearing a wide-sleeved Chinese robe, from his posture, he seems to be silently watching the direction of the door, the strangest thing is that he actually closed his eyes tightly.

"Could this be the owner of this hall? Then why did he leave a stone statue with his eyes closed? I see him..."

The words behind Shen Mengdie were stuck in her throat, because she found that the stone statue slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes were on the two of them.

"Crack, bang..."

The moment the stone statue opened its eyes, the door through which they came in was slammed shut.Shen Mengdie glanced back in surprise, then looked at the stone statue in front of her vigilantly, and made a defensive move.

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time, someone with predestined relationship." The stone statue's mouth did not move, but a voice came out, and its eyes locked on the indifferent Elder Wenjun.

Shen Mengdie also noticed the gaze of the stone statue, but at this moment she was a little overwhelmed, and she was a little out of breath under the pressure of the turbulent momentum. She didn't know how to resist, and could only act by instinct.Seeing her uncomfortable appearance, Elder Wen Jun took the initiative to stand in front of her and protect her.

"Click, click..." The stone statue actually raised its hand at this moment, with the momentum of pointing the country. "The test begins."

(End of this chapter)

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