The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 176 Chapter 176 I Was a Demon

Chapter 176 Chapter 176 I Was a Demon (27)

As soon as the voice fell, a white light flashed with the stone statue as the center, and at the same time, a strange gust of wind blew up.Shen Mengdie bent down instinctively to resist the strong wind, but was forcibly bounced up the moment she was hit by the white light.

At the moment when she fainted, what she saw was Elder Wenjun's shocked face and the pictures of animals that seemed to come to life on the stone pillars.She wanted to reach out to hold the other person, but she seemed powerless, so she fell into the darkness.

But at the moment when she passed out, a burst of white light flashed, and there was no trace of her in the original place, just like when she came, she disappeared very suddenly.

After a moment of panic, Elder Wen Jun stroked the red rope on his left wrist, calmed down quickly, and began to analyze the current situation.The red string on his wrist and the one tied to Shen Mengdie's neck are taken from the same piece, and he uses this to sense where the other party is and whether it is in danger.

"Ah..." After an exclamation, Shen Mengdie woke up from a coma, opened her eyes suddenly, only to find that she was lying on the ground with the soft grass under her body, and sat down slowly with difficulty. Standing up, what I saw was a piece of low grass, and about 300 meters away from her was a forest.

"Where am I? Didn't I confront the stone statue in the hall just now?" She rubbed her forehead lightly, glanced blankly at her surroundings, and muttered to herself.

"Oops, Wen Jun is still inside." She suddenly remembered the person who was walking with her, but after standing up suddenly, she squatted down her body decadently. "I don't even know where I am now, and I'm still talking about how to find him. In the future, it seems that I can only rely on luck."

The current situation is very bad for her. To be honest, she is not sure that she can stay here safely. There are too many dangers for her to handle.

"Hey, what should I do?" She scratched her hair irritably, then sighed softly. "Forget it, let's take one step at a time, and try to avoid danger as much as possible."

Just two or 300 meters away in the woods, a figure was hiding behind a tree and carefully observing this side. The forked tongue protruding from his mouth from time to time indicated that this was a demon, and it was also a snake demon.

"Since I am allowed to meet you here, it seems that this time the demon pill will definitely succeed." This snake demon is exactly the one that Shen Mengdie met at the back mountain of the Qiongye School, and she mistook it for the snake demon. Is my friend.

"Didn't see that one, could it be that you are alone?" The snake demon was talking about the elder Wenjun who had met once, and when she thought that the unfathomable person had left, she couldn't restrain the coldness on her face. He sneered, and stared at the person over there, or the fox demon, with cold eyes. "This is your own death, no wonder I."

Just as Shen Mengdie was consoling herself, she was keenly aware of the danger and looked towards the direction of the woods.

The snake demon hurriedly dodged and hid behind the tree, clasped its long fingertips tightly on the trunk, and mocked coldly: "It seems that you are quite vigilant, but I will decide on your demon pill."

"I feel wrong?" Shen Mengdie looked at the empty woods, looked away in doubt, and said with some uncertainty.At this moment, the ground actually began to shake slightly, and as time went by, the shaking gradually intensified.

"Is this an earthquake? There is an earthquake in the secret realm?" Just as she was deeply puzzled by this, the sound in the distance made her look away.


"Ah, help..."

"Run away..."

"I don't want to die here..."

A shrill scream came from the roar, and as the smoke filled the air, she gradually saw what was going on.I saw that it was an animal that looked similar to a bison, with sharp horns growing on its head, and those screams were the painful cries of those who were being chased when they were stabbed.It looks like a herbivore on the outside, but it has a mouthful of sharp teeth, and it is actually eating the corpses of those people in its mouth.


Shen Mengdie couldn't stand the bloody scene and retched. This animal that she had never seen before was really challenging her nerves.

"Heh, she's really weak. In vain, Fei is still Liuwei. It seems that killing her is still very easy." The snake demon caressed the corner of his mouth, and his cold vertical pupils shone with a strange light.

Shen Mengdie saw that the danger was about to spread over there, so she patted her chest lightly, looked left and right, and began to look for a way out.

"There's a person there, let's go there quickly." Someone seemed to have spotted her over there, and after scanning her neat clothes, guessed that she should be an expert. "Hurry up and save us."

She couldn't bear it when she heard the cry for help, but seeing the crazy beast or possibly a monster, she had to find a way to escape the danger, so she turned around the moment the other party spoke.

Those people may have seen her intentions, so they ran straight to this side, and shouted for help from time to time. "You save us, I will repay you later."

Seeing the terrified looks on those immature cheeks, she suddenly hesitated, and it was at this moment of her hesitation that the people over there had already rushed over.

"If we cooperate, we can definitely kill it."

Seeing the other party like this, Shen Mengdie was hesitating whether to agree or not, when the person she said just now had already led those people and ran away from her, and rushed towards the area she saw just now without looking back. forest.

Faced with this situation, she felt a little bit stuck for a while, because the monster just now had discovered her and regarded her as its target.

The snake demon hid in the woods, looked at the several humans rushing towards him, licked his lips lightly, and raised a contemptuous smile. "Since you are here to die, I will accept it."

The danger came so suddenly that Shen Mengdie didn't have time to think about why she became what she is now. Seeing the huge body approaching, she sadly found that she had no way to retreat.But at this time, she felt that it was ridiculous and sad that she had no magic power but couldn't use it.

The monster beast gradually slowed down its footsteps. Its head that could barely think made it realize that the person in front of it was different from those just now. It instinctively told it that if it ate the person opposite, it would be even stronger, so it There is now a vaguely contradictory situation.

The few fleeing people were greatly relieved to see that the monster did not come to chase them, but confronted the man just now. "Huh, it's safe for now, let's take a break, I can't run anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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