The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 177 Chapter 177 I Was a Demon

Chapter 177 Chapter 177 I Was a Demon (28)

"Hoo hoo hoo..." A girl bent over, panting heavily, trying to calm her beating heart and said: "That person is really stupid, you can just tell her and she will believe it."

"She's stupid, we don't care about her, just get out of here quickly."

This is the young man who shouted at Shen Mengdie just now, he was vaguely the leader of this group of people, and he glanced at Shen Mengdie who was confronting the monster, with a look of sarcasm in his eyes.

"It's also thanks to her being stupid enough that we can leave safely. Let's go now, it's not safe here, I...what?"

Another boy picked up his saber and was talking with his companions when he suddenly felt something flashing past his head, and he looked around vigilantly.

"You are too nervous, there is no danger here."

The girl in the middle straightened her messy hair and said indifferently.

"Ah... what is it?"

And just as she finished speaking, a person standing behind her suddenly clutched her neck, and fell down with a dark face.


The unknown crisis caused several people to panic suddenly, back to back and looked around vigilantly, but this was of no avail. When the few remaining people fell down one after another, a bright red snake tail slowly slipped out from behind the tree .

Shen Mengdie didn't know what was going on here, and she didn't know that those who were saved by her actually looked at her like this. It can only be said that sometimes kindness is not always a good thing, and it may be the opposite. a bad thing.

She looked nervously at the monster in front of her. The mist from the other's nose almost reached her. The bloody smell mixed with the putrid smell made her take a few steps back uncomfortably.

As soon as the monster saw her appearance, it knew that the strange human in front of it was actually very weak, so it no longer hesitated, kicked the ground with its hind hooves, turned the weeds off the ground, and then rushed over quickly .

Staring at the monster that was attacking her quickly, despair gradually appeared in her eyes, which could not be avoided. The huge body of the other party gradually occupied her entire field of vision, and when the monster was less than five meters away from her, , her pair of eyes that were dim due to despair were gradually surrounded by blood, and a violent momentum swept away from her, forming a whirlwind.

The surrounding grass formed a circle with her as the center, and it was gradually expanding, and her very ordinary transparent nails grew rapidly, turning into sharp claws of beasts.

When the monster sensed the danger, it paused for a moment, hesitating whether to leave, but at this moment, she suddenly moved.


Shen Mengdie rushed over like lightning, a few shadows of claws flashed by, and the monster that couldn't catch up stopped.

"Tick tock..."

A few drops of blood fell onto the mud, which seemed very abrupt at this moment, and then with a bang, the monster that was showing off its power just now exploded directly, and there was no life in a moment.

Shen Mengdie knelt on the grass, lowered her head, her messy hair covered her cheeks, making it difficult to see what she was thinking at the moment.

A bloody bead rolled to her feet, and she picked it up and pinched it in her palm.

After pausing for a long time, she raised her head, revealing her smooth forehead. Under the curved willow-leaf eyebrows were a pair of bright red eyes. At this moment, the blood-like red was fading little by little, returning to the original black camouflage.

After the snake demon took care of the people in the woods, she kept observing the movement over there. After seeing the other party violently killing the monster, she felt a little bit in her heart.

"It seems that it can only be outsmarted."

The snake demon knew that she basically had no chance of winning against the six-tailed fox demon in a runaway state, but she knew where her advantage was, so she chuckled lightly, and used the illusion technique, transforming herself into the woman in Shen Mengdie's impression. My best friend, Wu Nan.

Shen Mengdie blinked her eyes, and after the last trace of bright red faded away, her fingernails also returned to normal, but a trace of confusion appeared in her dark eyes. At this moment, the monster beast has turned into a pile of meat.

"What's wrong with me?"

Her every move just now has almost no self-awareness, and she is acting on her own instinct. This is the situation that all monsters basically have, and they are in a state of rampage triggered by feeling danger.

The state at that time was basically out of her control, and the body was acting entirely on instinct.

Recalling the feeling of her fingers just now, she shook her hand. A hard object in the palm brought her back to her senses. She slowly opened her palm and found that it was a red bead with silk stains on it. traces of blood.

"Demon Pill? Or... Beast Pill?"

Feeling the power fluctuations from above, she said with some uncertainty, for some reason, she could feel that the little bead in front of her was attracting herself.After rubbing it lightly with her fingers, this hard bright red demon pill gradually faded, weathered into dust and slipped from her fingertips, and a warm current entered her body from the palm of her hand. The tired body is full of strength at this moment.


She was twiddling her fingers, and when she heard the sound behind her, she quickly turned her head to look over there, and a face from memory came into her eyes.

"Why are you here?"

Reason told her that the other party could not be her friend, but emotionally it made her have a good impression of the person in front of her.

The snake demon caressed her hair, and slowly walked over enchantingly.

"You can be here, why can't I be here?"

Shen Mengdie slowly stood up and looked at the person in front of her.

"How may I call you?"

"You still called me Nannan last time, why did you ask me this time?"

"This..." She hesitated for a moment when she heard the other party's words, and there was a faint doubt in her eyes. "I was the one who admitted the wrong person last time."

"It's nothing, you can still call me like before."

The snake demon seemed very calm, and the person in front of him looked so easy to deceive.Her previous plan was to gain the other party's trust first, and then catch him by surprise and take him down easily.


Shen Mengdie tentatively called softly, wanting to see the other party's reaction.

"Well, Mengdie. Where are we going now?"

Impatientness flashed across the snake demon's eyes, but his face was very enthusiastic, making it almost impossible to see any flaws, but he could still detect something strange when he looked closely, but Shen Mengdie was already shocked by the familiar face of the other party at this moment I was a little speechless, so I missed the opportunity to find out that the other party had ulterior motives.

(End of this chapter)

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