The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 178 Chapter 178 I Was a Demon

Chapter 178 Chapter 178 I Was a Demon (29)

"This..." She really didn't know where to go, after looking up at her surroundings, she sighed softly. "I don't know where I'm going, how about we walk around?"

"Yes, it's safer to act together."

"Then let's go." Shen Mengdie glanced at the pile of wreckage next to her, sighed softly and temporarily left here with the person in front of her.She knew that the person in front of her was actually a monster just like herself, but she couldn't see what kind of monster he was for the time being, but this question had no effect on her for the time being, and she could discuss it later.

The two, or should I say the two demons, walked side by side with their own thoughts.Behind him is the corpse of a monster left behind. I believe it will not take long before it will attract carnivorous animals, and then there will only be a few bones left, which will be gradually buried by the soil under the erosion of time.A gust of wind hit, blowing the grass rustling, and there was no trace of other living things in the empty sight.


It has been two days since Shen Mengdie walked with the snake demon. During these two days, she also met other people, but the other party was very defensive, and she didn't inquire about anything. Useful information, just when she was at a loss, she ushered in a turning point, and ran into a disciple of the Qiongye Sect.

"Ninny, let's go ask those people in front again, it's not a solution to keep walking aimlessly like this." Shen Mengdie is now in a forest, and the desolate grass is covered with bushes in twos and threes. The shrubs have become ideal habitats for some weak animals.

And less than a hundred meters away from them, a dozen Qiongye sect disciples who were resting formed a small circle, discussing their own affairs.

The snake demon was looking for opportunities to strike along the way, but the other party's overly vigilant appearance made her suspicious, and she couldn't find the right time.

"Didn't I already agree to accompany you to find someone? Let's go together now."

The snake demon seemed very easy-going along the way. With her current appearance exactly the same as the other party's memory, she easily gained the other party's trust. When she learned that the other party wanted to find someone, although Not very willing, but there is always a warm smile on his face, and he cooperates actively.

"Well, let's go."

Shen Mengdie nodded her head lightly, then quickly walked over there.



The sound of the branch breaking made the person who was chatting and laughing with his companions look behind him vigilantly. After seeing the two women, their tense nerves gradually relaxed a little, but they did not completely relax their vigilance.

Here, it is normal to kill people and steal goods. Although there are only two women here, they still know the reason why they must be on guard against others.

"Sorry to bother you. We don't mean anything malicious, but I just want to ask you something. Is it convenient?" Shen Mengdie saw that the other party was holding her weapon tightly and looked at her defensively. She stopped walking Walking footsteps, keeping a safe distance of about five meters from the people over there.

After hearing her words, the few people here looked at each other in blank dismay, and none of them answered her question rashly. It was not until a leading young man slowly walked out of the crowd that the current deadlock was broken.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The man looked very polite, looked at the other person's face, and began to rummage through his memory.

"Do you know which direction the giant sea of ​​herbs and flowers is in this secret realm?" She knew the man in front of her. On the way together, this man had talked to Elder Wenjun.

"It's to the southwest, not far from us." The man paused for a moment, glanced at the two people on the opposite side, and found that there was nothing suspicious, so he invited: "We have to go there, why don't we go together?" Bar?"

"okay then.

"No need, let's go by ourselves." The snake demon doesn't want to get in touch with too many people, it's too easy to expose her details, and it's not conducive to doing it by herself.

When Shen Mengdie heard that she could go with her, she was about to agree, but the snake demon beside her quickly refused. For this situation, she could only smile apologetically to the man who initiated the invitation. "Thank you for your kindness, but we can go by ourselves and don't bother you."

"You're welcome, see you then."

"See you later." Shen Mengdie nodded her head lightly, showed a gentle smile to the other party, then turned and left neatly.

The man squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the backs of the two people who were leaving, and sighed softly.He always felt that the woman who refused his invitation just now looked very abnormal, but he really couldn't tell what was wrong.

Although there has always been an antagonistic relationship between humans and demons, and it is normal to have any friction, demons are generally very good at disguising, and even though they are elite disciples of the Qiongye Sect, they do not have real knives after all. It's normal for real gunners to fight demons before, and it's normal for them to be unable to see through for a while.

"Why did you invite her to join our team? Didn't we not invite strangers in?" A beautiful woman in red slowly approached him, looking at the backs of the two people who were leaving with some doubts.

Hearing this, the man just shook his head lightly. "Didn't you find that the woman who spoke to me just now looks familiar?"

"Huh?" The woman in red looked at Shen Mengdie's back with some suspicion, and said with some uncertainty: "It looks a little familiar, but I don't quite remember it, do you know her?"

"I saw her when she was with Elder Wenjun, she should be looking for Elder Wenjun." The man recalled the scene at that time, and understood that the woman just now had a very close relationship with Elder Wenjun, so even if he couldn't help , and don't offend the other party.

"Oh, that's it." The woman in red nodded, indicating that she understood.

Shen Mengdie didn't know how the few people here were discussing her after she left.After determining the direction, she led the people around her to the destination.

Seeing that the two of them were on the road alone again, the snake demon was very satisfied. In order to obtain the fox demon's demon pill, she had exhausted all her efforts. How could she let the other party escape her control so easily.

"Mengdie, do you think that person was telling us the truth just now?"

"Ninny, why do you think so?" Shen Mengdie looked at the person beside her with some doubts, and was a little confused for a while.

"We don't know him before, will he lie to us?" The snake demon said it very tactfully, which naturally meant that the man was not trustworthy.

(End of this chapter)

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