The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 183 Chapter 183 I Was a Demon

Chapter 183 Chapter 183 I Was a Demon (34)

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The series of three sounds made her numb brain gradually come back to her senses. She stared blankly behind herself, only to see that behind the collapsed trees, Cai Cai was falling in the broken trunks. Pressing her heart feebly, a large amount of blood gushed out from her mouth.

Beside the other party was a broken branch, and the green leaves were already stained with blood, and the bright red blood stung her eyes.

"Cai Cai." She called softly, with a tremor in her voice, which was her expression when she was afraid.And at the moment when she was distracted, a strong killing intent hit her from behind. The demon's instinct made her aware of the danger at the first time, but when she couldn't avoid it, she had no choice but to slap her with her backhand. The other party suffered this blow.


Blood gushed out of her mouth, and her heart was in pain. She clearly felt that her sternum was cracked. Pressing on her aching heart, she looked back, and it turned out that the person who made the sneak attack was exactly what she mistakenly thought was her friend. Nannan's snake demon saw the other party wiping the blood from her mouth and looking at her contemptuously.

Shen Mengdie didn't care about other things now, and staggered towards Cai Cai's direction.

"Who told you to do it?" The Snake King was dissatisfied that his subordinates did not obey the command and acted rashly over him, so he scolded loudly.

"My lord, I made a mistake. Don't be angry." The red-tailed snake demon comforted the snake king next to him, with a smug smile on his lips. It was an excellent opportunity for a sneak attack just now, how could she let it go so easily, After all, she had wanted this opportunity for a long time.

Under the consolation of the other party, the snake king quickly calmed down his anger, and he was not very angry, mainly to maintain his face as a snake king.

Shen Mengdie didn't know the actions of the two snake demons over there. Since the other party didn't continue to attack, she stopped looking over there.

All she could see now was Cai Cai's pale cheek and the blood at the corner of her mouth.

"Cough cough cough..."

Cai Cai coughed lightly, unable to stop the blood gushing out of her mouth, and smiled weakly at her. "Sister Xiaohu...I, cough cough cough..."

"Cai Cai, don't move, it's okay, it's okay..." Shen Mengdie looked at the other person like this, and the experience that was exactly the same as now in her memory caused panic in her heart, and she caressed the other person's cheek with trembling hands cheek. "It's okay, it will be fine."

"Sister Little Fox..."

"Cai Cai, don't talk." Shen Mengdie caressed the other's cheek, wiped the blood from the corner of the other's mouth, put his palm on the wound of the person in front of him, and used the ability he hadn't used for a long time, relying on a kind of intuition Slowly lose into the opponent's body.

She watched Cai Cai's pale cheeks gradually turn rosy, she felt a lot more at ease, she hugged her gently in her arms, and concentrated on treating her.

Naturally, the onlookers would not let the two of them continue the treatment, so the King Snake waved his hand impatiently, and ordered his subordinates: "Why are you still standing there? Go and catch those two for me." "He doesn't have extra time to dawdle here, this is the territory of human beings, and it will be troublesome when he encounters a cultivator coming to disrupt the situation.

Following an order, the snake demons swarmed up. The happiest one was of course the red-tailed snake demon. She wanted to get the fox demon's demon pill first, while the other demons were not paying attention.She didn't want to make a wedding dress for others, as soon as she got the demon pill, she would run away quickly, and she also found a helper to break the back, and the other party was hiding nearby, so she also rushed the fastest.

"Go away!" Shen Mengdie put one hand close to Cai Cai's wound, and with the other hand, swept towards the snake demon who was attacking him.The lingering cold air flew out of her hands, and hit the coming snake demon head-on.

The red-tailed snake demon flashed nimbly, and quickly avoided the attack, ignoring the other snake demons behind him who were attacked, and quickly approached the two people over there.Stretching out his sharp nails, he attacked Shen Mengdie.

Faced with this situation, Shen Mengdie blocked with a backhand, but was forcibly photographed aside by the opponent.


After hearing this voice, her complexion changed drastically, and she quickly turned to Cai Cai's direction, only to see that the other party's cheeks that had just turned rosy turned pale again, and her originally lively eyes became lifeless.

"Cai Cai..." She ignored the attackers around her and rushed over in a hurry. At this moment, her attention was all on Cai Cai, and she had no scruples about the snake demon threatening her safety.

"Cough cough cough..."

"With me here, it will be fine." She felt that her heart was tightly constricted, and tremblingly hugged him into her arms, letting the blood from the other party stain her snow-white clothes with blood.

"Sister away..."

"Cai'll be fine, I'll take you away." Logically speaking, she should be more rational at this time, and escape unexpectedly to save her in vain, but facing the current situation, she I felt like I couldn't move, and my eyes were choked with tears.

"Run away...cough..." Cai Cai gasped for breath, and after finishing these words with difficulty, she closed her eyes reluctantly.

Feeling the body slipping from her hands, she felt a strong sense of guilt welling up in her heart. "I'm the one who's sorry for you, I'm the one who got you involved." Thinking of the meeting between the two and what the other party said to her back then, she couldn't help but burst into tears. "Wake up, I promised you to go find your clansmen together, wake up, I will take you there now."

Shen Mengdie gently shook the opponent's body, expecting the opponent to give her a response, but everything seemed futile.With a flash of green light, only a half-meter-long and nearly withered plant cabbage was left in front of her eyes. She knew that this was Cai Cai, but the appearance of the other party was too different from when they first met.

She lightly touched the original shape of Cai Cai, gritted her teeth tremblingly, glared at the demon over there with reddish eyes.

The snake demon that she mistook at the beginning saw this appearance, smiled contemptuously, and slowly moved to her side. After the initial blow failed, she knew that she had no chance, but it didn't matter, as long as the front If the person does not escape, she will have a way to get the other party's demon pill.

"Just like you, you are actually a descendant of the fairy fox. Look at you, you don't look like a demon. With you like this, it is impossible to survive in this world of the jungle."

Faced with the sarcasm of the snake demon in front of her, Shen Mengdie silently bit her lips, her body trembling with anger, her eyes gradually filled with blood red, her aura began to become unstable, she couldn't help but want to reveal herself The sharp claws severely tore apart this hypocritical face of the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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