The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 184 Chapter 184 I Was a Demon

Chapter 184 Chapter 184 I Was a Demon (35)

The snake demon looked at the other party's embarrassed appearance, but still felt that it was not enough. He walked up, grabbed Shen Mengdie's jaw, and smiled mockingly. "You look really embarrassed now, you don't know, when I saw you for the first time, I wanted to snatch your demon pill with my own hands, but you actually gave me a surprise. Do you know? When I heard you I was so excited when it was Fairy Fox."

"I'm going to kill you." The blood in Shen Mengdie's eyes became more intense, and there was only one thought in his mind, to kill these annoying monsters in front of him, and not let them block his way again.

"Hehe..." The snake demon smiled, and seemed very indifferent to her words, looking at her contemptuously. "Only by you?"

After Shen Mengdie heard this sentence, the blood in her eyes completely covered her whole eyes, she suddenly violently slapped the snake demon who was pinching her jaw down on the opposite tree trunk, watching the other party spitting blood from slowly As if slipping from the tree trunk, she took a deep breath, and the blood red in her eyes faded a lot.

Her sudden action made the other snake monsters startled and looked at her in surprise.

"Interesting." The Snake King narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the people who were walking towards this side step by step, and still maintained his original appearance and chuckled lightly, then she waved her hand to give orders to the little demon with.

"Why are you standing still, why don't you go and take her down, she's seriously injured like that, if you still can't take it down..." He didn't say the words behind him, but his tone gradually became threatening It meant that the other little demons saw that their king was going to get angry, so naturally they didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and rushed forward to subdue him.

"Crack clap..."

As the sound of bones breaking continued to sound, there were bursts of screams one after another.


"She went berserk."

"Kill, kill, kill..." Shen Mengdie is in a dazed state at the moment, and the pain from the trauma on her body doesn't seem to be so sharp at this moment. She is acting on instinct, trying to block the The enemies are all eliminated.

"What a bunch of trash." The Snake King looked at the men he had brought, snorted softly, and kicked away a flower snake that fell in front of him.

"Bang..." The Flower Snake, who was originally seriously injured, was kicked by the King Snake, hit a tree trunk beside him, and completely lost consciousness.

At this time, Shen Mengdie also took care of the last snake demon standing in front of her. She slowly turned her gaze to the only standing snake king. Hovering between the two.

Shen Mengdie was acting on instinct, and her own subconscious told her that the monster standing in front of her could not stay.

But the Snake King is now a little bit annoyed, he actually fell a big somersault because of a monster today, and the other little monsters he brought basically scrapped more than half, how could he swallow this breath.

The battle was about to break out, and the two afterimages quickly entangled in the air. The surrounding trees suffered disaster, the branches and leaves fell down, and the sound of cracking could be heard endlessly.

The red-tailed snake demon carefully avoided the fight between the two monsters over there, clutching her wound and moving away step by step. Logically speaking, it is the best time for her to leave now, no one will notice her, but she is not reconciled , she wanted to wait for the two monsters over there to fight and lose both, so that she could directly reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Kill kill kill... kill you..." Shen Mengdie murmured, but the movements of her hands were not slow at all, the blood on her body was dripping to the ground, but she didn't seem to feel anything, He attacked the opponent with a dazed expression.The red rope that Elder Wenjun tied around her neck shone red from time to time, and the temperature was gradually rising.

"Damn it." The Snake King was a little irritated by being entangled, thinking that he, a big monster in the demon world, would actually be entangled by a cub.

Shen Mengdie is indeed a cub in the demon world. If it weren't for the blessings given to her by the system, it would be impossible for her to grow up to six tails in such a short period of time.

When the Snake King's arm was scratched by the opponent, he was completely angry, and the snake's tail hit the opponent's body with a bang, only an afterimage could be seen, and then the person in front of him slammed into the tree trunk heavily.

After being attacked, Shen Mengdie regained consciousness for a moment, and hurriedly raised her slightly weak arm to resist.

"Ka..." She seemed to hear the sound of her hand bones breaking. After falling to the ground, her hands were twisted in different directions, and it was broken at first glance.

"Cough..." She lay on the ground, coughing up a mouthful of blood, the wound on her body was numb from the pain.She lowered her head weakly, and her long hair covered her cheeks, making it impossible to see her expression now.

The Snake King held his scratched arm and looked at her coldly. "Stop struggling to die, I will make your death easier."

Shen Mengdie heard the words, and continued to hang her head motionless.

"You have to know that you can't escape now, so it's best to be honest." Looking at the other person's appearance, the snake king guessed that the person in front of him must be injured too badly, and he was gritting his teeth to endure the pain.

"Hehe...hehe..." Shen Mengdie lowered her head and let out a low laugh. She was laughing at herself, feeling that all her past actions were simply ironic.

"You..." The Snake King looked at her in astonishment, feeling hesitant for a moment.

"Haha..." Shen Mengdie's laughter gradually changed from a low chuckle to a wild laugh, and then she stood up slowly.

"Impossible." The Snake King clearly knew how much strength he had used in the blow just now. The opponent was definitely seriously injured, and now it doesn't look right.

"I did something wrong, I shouldn't have fallen into these false worlds, put myself in such a passive situation, shouldn't have hurt those who cared about me, shouldn't have made excuses to excuse myself, after all I'm just a passerby... "

At this moment, Shen Mengdie deeply realized that she was so out of tune with these worlds, she leaned against the tree trunk behind her and stood up, with her head lowered, looking a little crazy.

"I've never been so clear-headed and rational like I am now." Her chaotic brain was gradually cleared up at this moment, and she only smiled mockingly at her current situation.

"Repay everything you owe me!" As soon as her words fell, gusts of cold wind blew up around her, and her long black and beautiful hair began to turn silvery white from the root of the hair. Automatically flying behind her, the wound began to heal quickly, and a violent aura swept away from her slightly thin body.

(End of this chapter)

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