The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 185 Chapter 185 I Was a Demon

Chapter 185 Chapter 185 I Was a Demon (36)

"None of you are going to leave today." She was forcibly raising her level at the cost of burning her life, and her momentum skyrocketed in just a moment, making the snake king on the opposite side cautiously back a few times while being astonished. step.

Shen Mengdie showed her characteristics as a fox demon. Her silver-white long hair was windless and automatic, and the fox ears on the top of her head and the fox tail behind her also appeared. It's Nine Tails, she is now the legendary Nine Tails Fairy Fox.

"Nine-tailed fairy fox..." The Snake King looked at her in this form, and murmured hesitantly.

"Crack clap..."

With her as the center, ice and snow gradually spread, and the surrounding plants and trees were quickly frozen after a burst of coolness passed by.She has never noticed why her demon core is snow white, it is because she is of ice attribute, if she checks again now, she will be surprised to find that her demon core is actually ice blue, and in her current situation It is the sequelae caused by forced promotion, because she can't control her overflowing energy at all.

The Nine-Tails swaying behind her has a faint icy blue color, even the tail of her silvery white hair is also a faint icy blue color. The energy overflowing around her freezes everything nearby, and gradually spreads as time goes by. open.

"Death..." She slowly raised her head, revealing her blood-red eyes, and whispered with her vermilion lips parted.Although her mind is clear now, her instincts are clamoring to tear the opponent apart, letting her sharp claws be stained with the enemy's blood.

The Snake King looked at her, not in a hurry, and still stood there calmly. "Hmph, you can't last long in this state. Burning your life is simply stupid."

"Tear you apart." Shen Mengdie locked onto the opponent firmly, her movements seemed very slow, but her forward speed was surprisingly fast, leaving only an afterimage behind her.Everything they passed was frozen, and those snake monsters lying on the ground were caught off guard and were directly frozen into ice sculptures, still retaining their original terrified expressions.

Seeing this, the red-tailed snake demon quickly avoided the fight between the two, and hid far away to avoid being affected.She dragged her injured body, and after a few hundred meters away, she suddenly stopped. If she left now, she was a little unwilling, so she looked back at the situation of the fight over there.

"If they continue to fight like this, they will both lose. Couldn't I catch them all at once?" Thinking of this, she scanned her surroundings and guessed where her helper would be hiding. She didn't want to be caught by others. The oriole is behind, after all, the other party and himself are only joining hands for a short period of benefit, and it is unclear when the contract will be broken.

Shen Mengdie's blood-red eyes locked on the enemy tightly, attacking the opponent brutally, always attacking and attacking, not leaving any retreat for herself.

The King Snake was beaten so helplessly by her that he opened his lips, exposing his sharp fangs, and sprayed venom at the person who was rushing towards him.


The venom that fell on the trunk directly corroded and broke the big tree surrounded by several people, and with a bang, the fallen leaves scattered all over the sky.

The movement here did not affect the two people who were fighting at all. Shen Mengdie just waved her hand at the venom spouted by the snake demon in front of her, and there was an ice wall to isolate it. Stab at the opponent's overwhelming attack.

"Ding ding ding..."

The ice spikes collided with the frozen trees, making a metal-like sound. Although they didn't kill the snake demon, they trapped it.Seeing this, she didn't hesitate any longer, under the other party's disbelieving gaze, she froze it up, and then shattered it with a palm.

Looking at the scattered ice, she was confused for a moment, stopped and stared blankly at her hands, and slowly squatted down.

Seeing this, the red-tailed snake demon knew that her chance had come, and hurriedly rushed over, but just as she was acting, there was another wave of breath from the other side.

Although Shen Mengdie's thoughts began to be a little confused at this moment, and she also had a confused look on her face, but driven by instinct, she easily avoided the red snake's attack and killed him with a single palm.

When Red Snake was hit hard, her face was full of astonishment. When she fell to the ground, she didn't understand why the opponent suddenly became so powerful. She felt that death was so close to her. At this moment, She regretted why she didn't leave just now. "Cough... unexpectedly defeated..." Before she had time to say anything else, she died unwillingly, her eyes opened wide, and she looked towards the direction of the sky.She always wants to plot against the other party, but she doesn't know that she will fall into the hands of a guy who doesn't look like a monster at all.

After Shen Mengdie slapped the red-tailed snake demon that was attacking her, following the faint aura that suddenly appeared, she slapped her palm in mid-air where there was nothing, but at this moment a woman fell out.

"Who?" She squinted her eyes slightly, and locked on the figure in front of her.

"Cough..." The visitor covered his injured area, coughed lightly, and turned around slowly.

"You?" Shen Mengdie's thoughts had already begun to fluctuate at this moment, she only felt that the other party looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it herself.

Fairy Youlian had been hiding in the dark and had been watching this side, not going to show up, but after the snake king was dead, she felt that it was a good time to show up when both sides were wounded in the fight, who knew that she had calculated by herself A mistake, but exposed his whereabouts.

That's right, the person who came was the Fairy Youlian who pestered Elder Wenjun in the Qiongye Sect back then. Kill the fox demon Shen Mengdie.

The current situation is that Fairy Youlian wants to leave, but she can't escape. She is crazily jealous of the fox demon in front of her. The other party has something she has been asking for all along. Elder Wen Jun's love has always been what she has been pursuing. , but she couldn't get it, but the other party got it easily, how could this not make her jealous.

"Ha... You actually killed the Snake King, you actually killed the Snake King." Fairy You Lian was resentful at the moment, she thought that with her seamless plan, the opponent's weak strength would definitely be defeated in the first place Was killed, who would have thought that the plot would take a turn.

Shen Mengdie's blood-red eyes became chaotic, she tilted her head to look at the other party, and then quickly rushed forward, her intuition told her that the other party could not stay, as for why, she didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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