The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 187 Chapter 187 I Was a Demon

Chapter 187 Chapter 187 I Was a Demon (38)

The way her hands were covered in blood just now made her a little broken. She had never encountered such a thing before, and even the last moment of the last world was well protected by that person without a trace of blood on it. , and now everything is turned upside down.

"Hehe..." Thinking of her past, she couldn't help laughing out loud, and she shed tears. "Ahem..." After coughing twice, she closed her eyes helplessly.

The space in mid-air suddenly twisted, and the belated Elder Wen Jun finally rushed over at the last time.

"Little Fox..." After scanning the surrounding environment, Elder Wenjun found Shen Mengdie lying motionless on the ground at a glance, and he shouted out of composure.He hurriedly approached the other party, holding him in his arms with trembling hands, he didn't understand why he felt flustered at this moment, but seeing the other party's current appearance, he couldn't control his mood. "Little fox, what are you doing?"

Shen Mengdie felt someone calling her softly, and opened her eyes with difficulty. "You're back." At this moment, she suddenly wanted to smile, but after ticking the corners of her mouth, she couldn't.

"Yes, I'm back, but I'm late, can you forgive me?" Elder Wenjun said while taking out the life-saving medicine he had used to save his life, and fed it into the other party's mouth.

Feeling the smell of medicine from the tip of her tongue, Shen Mengdie felt a little helpless in her heart, but she had no extra strength to speak at the moment, she tried her best to open her eyes to look at the other party, she really couldn't get enough of it.

Elder Wenjun watched the other party's face gradually turn red after taking his own medicine. He let out a big breath and felt a little relieved, but after a while, the cheeks of the person in his arms turned red again. pale.

"How could it be?" Elder Wenjun put his hand on the vest of the person in his arms, feeling the scurrying energy and broken meridians in the other person's body, and was shocked. This is obviously a sign of the body being overloaded and collapsing.

"Ahem... It's good to see you again now." Shen Mengdie held on to the other party's sleeve tightly, and looked straight at the other party with her dim eyes.

"How could this happen? It shouldn't be..." Elder Wen Jun was very shocked. When he saw the other person's appearance which was different from before, he felt more doubts in his heart. Si, he found that the other party was actually in the Nine-Tails state. "Nine-tailed fairy fox, you..."

Shen Mengdie understands her current situation, the main task has failed, she has little time left, she turned her head to look at Cai Cai who was planted back by herself, she pulled the other party's sleeve with weak hands and said: " You... help me... save Ji Cai Cai, I... I'm sorry for her, I've hurt her."

Elder Wenjun was rummaging through his Qiankun bag for a moment, then looked at the unremarkable Lingzhi beside him, then looked back at the expectant eyes of the person in his arms, and tapped his forehead lightly, He agreed: "Okay."

Shen Mengdie spent a lot of effort when she said that sentence just now, now she is panting quickly, and her consciousness has gradually become confused.

"Look at me." Elder Wen Jun looked at the other party's slightly dimmed eyes, feeling very flustered in his heart, and could no longer maintain his usual calmness. in the mouth. "Take all the medicine and you'll be fine soon."

Shen Mengdie opened her mouth dumbly, although she really wanted to say in her heart: "No more, it's useless." But she couldn't do it, and could only obey the other party's movements.

The pupils of all animals will dilate before death, and she is no exception now, those ice blue pupils have no light at the moment, like the bottomless deep blue ocean, dead silent and cold, her actions now It's just an instinctive reaction of the body.

"How could this happen? It's impossible. There must be a mistake somewhere." Elder Wenjun couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. In his opinion, the appearance of the other party was already helpless. He stroked the other party The hair, just like before, spoke softly, but there was a slight tremor in the voice. "You are not good, I have not been away for a long time, and you have made yourself like this." He suddenly felt stuffy in his chest, which made him a little out of breath.

Shen Mengdie can't answer the other party now, her thoughts have begun to be confused, the world she has experienced before has begun to be confused by her, all memories pass through her mind like a horse, and it is said that when a person dies, he will think of himself In the past of her life, she is no exception at this moment.

"Why are these medicines useless?" Elder Wenjun took out these medicines that are worth thousands of gold, but after being fed into the mouth of the person in his arms, they were like nothing, nothing happened Movement, the breath of the other party's hanging all the time proves that these are still useful, and the trauma on the other party's body has also been repaired at this time, and the original injury can't be seen at all, and his spiritual power is in the other party's meridians. After walking around, I found that even the broken meridian had healed, but the other party didn't seem to be getting better.

Just when he was puzzled, Shen Mengdie, who had stopped moving, suddenly opened his half-squinted eyes wide, and his dull eyes were fixed on the person who was hugging him. "Brother Yi..."

Elder Wenjun looked at her sudden movement with surprise in his eyes, but after meeting her eyes, he felt even more sad. The current appearance of the other party seemed to be the last flashback. He gritted his teeth and held her tightly. The palm of his hand, he gritted his teeth to keep his voice from trembling. "I'm here, I'm here."

"I was wrong, I'm sorry..." She just looked straight at the other party, with blood and tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

Elder Wenjun wiped away the blood and tears from the corners of the eyes of the person in his arms, and gently stroked the other person's hair just like before. "You're not wrong, it's my fault, I didn't protect you well."

"I shouldn't trust others, I...cough cough cough..." At this point, she began to cough violently.

"Don't trust anyone in the future. You just need to trust me alone. I will protect you. I swear that no one will hurt you again, even if that person is me." The body conveyed his own spiritual power, but the continuous spiritual power still seemed to sink into the sea, without any reaction.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled to why I always miss you, you died for me, but I can do nothing for you." At this moment, her memory has begun to become chaotic.

Elder Wen Jun listened to the other party's words, although he didn't understand, he still followed the other party's words and kissed the other party's forehead lightly. "I won't miss it again. I marry you as my wife. We will be together forever."

(End of this chapter)

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