The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 188 Chapter 188 I Was Originally a Demon

Chapter 188 Chapter 188 I Was Originally a Demon (End)

"Brother Yi, you look so good in your wedding dress, so good..."

"Little Fox." Elder Wen Jun spread out his palm, revealing the pair of rings he got from the secret realm. "This is a pair, I'll put it on for you." As he spoke, he lifted the other's left hand and put the ring on the ring finger. After putting on the loose ring, it suddenly began to adjust itself. size.

"Cough..." Shen Mengdie coughed lightly, shaking her pricked finger.

Seeing this, Elder Wenjun quickly stabilized the other party, and softly comforted him: "It's okay, it's going to be bound to you."

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the manjusawa flowers on the silver-white ring just now began to turn blood red, and Shen Mengdie's dizzy brain shook at this moment, feeling that there seemed to be something more in her brain. I want to take a closer look at what is going on, but I have more energy than I want.

"Come on, I'll put it on for you. No matter where you are in the future, I'll be able to find you." Elder Wenjun said, putting the remaining ring into the opponent's hand.

Shen Mengdie stroked the surface of the ring lightly with her fingers, raised her eyes to meet the gentle gaze of the other party, and also helped to bring it to the ring finger of her left hand. She didn't know what the other party's purpose was, and she didn't know whether the other party knew this meaning.

Elder Wen Jun looked at the other party's movements, with a slight smile in his eyes, he didn't know why he did this, he just did it with his intuition.

"Brother Yi..." Shen Mengdie called to the other party softly, and she didn't know if it was because of the backlight, but her words were very smooth, and when the other party locked her eyes on her, she spoke. "I'm so useless, I hurt your heart again and again, I'm sorry."

"Xiaohu, don't say sorry, you are not wrong, it is my problem." Elder Wen Jun stroked Fang Fang's hair.

Shen Mengdie waved to the other party, and when the person in front of her lowered her head, she whispered in the other party's ear: "I haven't told you my name, I will tell you now. My name is Shen, Meng, butterfly."

"Shen Mengdie..." Elder Wen Jun was silently reciting the other party's name when the hand holding his sleeve suddenly slipped down. He grabbed the other party's hand violently and looked nervously at the man who had been exhaling too much. People, increased the output of spiritual power in their hands.

Shen Mengdie has only a sliver of consciousness now, and is suspended by the other party's spiritual power, but the system's notification sounds like swiping the screen in his mind.

'Warning warning...'

'The host's mind is confused...'

'Is about to leave...'

'Start the countdown...'

She didn't care about the notification sound of the system, feeling the heat from the person behind her, she closed her eyes, slightly evoked a bitter smile, and sighed silently in her heart: "I wanted you to forget me, but I still let you remember my name selfishly. If there is an afterlife, I will not regret it."

'Countdown 3, 2, 1... ding...'

With the sound of the system's ding, she felt as if she had separated from her original body, floating in this time, looking down at the common people.

Elder Wenjun saw that the other party had died, and he was unwilling to take out the soul container that he had destroyed in the past, which could contain and nourish the soul. He wanted to keep the other party by his side in the form of a soul, and now he collected the soul first. , and finally plan the following things.

'The host task failed to enter the punishment world, and now the teleportation begins...'

"I was originally a demon, but I am pure and kind. I pursued a person, but my heart was full of scars. I couldn't get it in exchange for several lifetimes. I missed it, loved it, hated it, and will eventually be scattered in time and space." This is Shen Mengdie's last consciousness. She passed out completely when the system prompted to start the teleportation.

But after Elder Wenjun was ready, he couldn't take in the opponent's soul. He could feel that he was beside him, but the magic weapon in his hand didn't move at all. "What's the matter, why not?"

"Shen Mengdie, Shen Mengdie..." He repeated the other party's name over and over again, wisps of black air began to spread from his body, red flashed from time to time in the dark eyes, and he lowered his head, looking very hideous .

'Error error...'

'Error, transfer failed...'

'The system is about to be upgraded...'

'Now enable forced teleportation 3, 2, 1...'

A series of system prompts kept ringing, but Shen Mengdie, who had long been unconscious, didn't feel it at all.Then an invisible space-time rift opened high in the sky, and the soul floating in the air was quickly sucked in.

Elder Wenjun couldn't feel the position of the opponent's soul, his eyes turned completely red, and he was surrounded by wisps of black air, which was a sign of being possessed.

"Hehehe..." He first started to chuckle in a low voice, and then his voice became louder and louder.

"Hahaha... so it is so, so it is so..." He laughed wildly at himself, his body was completely surrounded by black energy, at this moment there was a thunderbolt from the cloudless sky, and he finally entered the Tao with the devil.

The only cloud in the sky is the Thunder Calamity Cloud, and lightning flashes in the cloud from time to time, and it is brewing thunder and lightning as a punishment for thunder.

Elder Wenjun wanted to cross the catastrophe here, but after glancing at Ling Zhi and the man's corpse at his feet, he raised his head, revealing his completely red eyes, rushed towards Lei Jieyun, and took the initiative Start crossing the catastrophe.

After a burst of earth-shattering thunder, he loosened his hair and fell slowly from the air. He didn't suffer any injuries, and even his clothes were intact.

He is now a Demon Lord, and his power is many times stronger than before.

The long jet-black hair slid behind him without wind, his cold eyes drooped, and there was a contemptuous smile on his mouth. After looking at the person he had placed on the lawn, those blood-red eyes gradually became gentler. many.

After scanning the withered Cai Cai aside, he took out the Sanguang Shenshui that he had obtained, and slowly dripped it on the other's roots, and saw that the Cai Cai that was about to wither began to grow rapidly, and the body shape was also rapidly changing. Increase.

Elder Wenjun looked at Caicai, which had begun to swing its leaves, raised his eyebrows lightly, and then turned his attention to the person on the lawn. He hugged him lightly, stroked the other person's hair with gentle eyes and movements, and then looked at him Under the astonished gaze, the person in his arms turned into dots of white light and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

"Mengdie, Mengdie." He couldn't grasp the dissipated white light with his hands, and the black energy on his body surrounded him layer by layer. "I remember you now, and you left again. What's the use of keeping a world without you?"

Just now, he thought of his past, the first encounter on campus and the re-encounter in this world, the other party walked into his heart again and again, but left again and again, he couldn't let go of anyone.

"I don't know why you left over and over again for the last time, but I'll figure it out as I chase you."

He raised his head slowly, wanting to destroy this time, after shaking his hand, he glanced at Cai Cai, who was shaking his leaves, and put it down with a sigh.

After closing his eyes and feeling silently for a while, his eyes suddenly locked on the empty mid-air. He felt the ring on his left ring finger felt the breath of the other party, and there happened to be the space-time gap where Shen Mengdie disappeared.

After confirming it, he no longer missed everything in this world, and resolutely broke through the weak space-time gap and rushed in.

It was as if nothing had been experienced here, and its original calm was restored.


in the real world.

A group of people were discussing something around a huge game cabin. Through the translucent glass, a pale young woman could be seen lying inside.

"Doctor Bai, what's wrong with my daughter?"

"There is a small glitch in the system. I have already contacted the technicians over there, and it will be fine soon."

"Didn't you say that nothing will happen? What should we do now."

"Mr. Shen, don't get excited. Although this instrument is under test, it is a relatively mature generation in my friend's family. There are basically no problems. This time it is just a small accident. Don't worry, I will use the first one Put it in, absolutely no problem."

"Well, I trust you and hope this works out for her."

The middle-aged man sighed softly, looking lovingly at the young woman in the cabin.

PS: There is a turning point in the plot here. I am worried that everyone will not understand, so I specially wrote about the situation in the real world. I hope everyone can understand.Cabbage rolls and looks cute for support, all kinds of balls. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

(End of this chapter)

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