The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 189 Chapter 189 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 189 Chapter 189 The kingdom on the stamen ([-])

This is a densely populated city, and passers-by come and go in a hurry. Judging from their clothes and surrounding buildings, this is the seventeenth century in the West.It was the time when the sun was setting, and everyone was rushing to go home before dark, so the streets were quite deserted.

In the crowd, a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous white dress is walking aimlessly in the crowd. In this not-so-rich Hiragana district, her gorgeous dress has attracted everyone's attention. From time to time, someone He stopped his hurried steps and looked at her secretly.

Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed a pedestrian beside her and asked anxiously, "Do you know where he is?"

"Girl, who are you looking for?" A kind-hearted passer-by looked at her anxious look and asked enthusiastically.

She shook her head, and then, as if caught in a memory, she smiled softly. Seeing this, the people around them also paid more attention to her face.

"He's the one I'm looking for." She murmured, with endless tenderness in her eyes.

"Girl, what's the name and what does the person you're looking for look like? We can help you find it."

"He..." She smiled and said, but at this moment, she suddenly raised her head and her expression changed, she looked at the person opposite her in panic. "What to do, I don't know who he is, do you know who he is?"

The kind-hearted passer-by was taken aback by her words, then set his eyes on her, and began to look at her carefully. "You don't know who you're looking for?"

"I...I don't know." She shook her head, tears gradually filled her eyes, and her black pearl-like eyes were soaked in tears, looking very pitiful.

"Hey..." The passer-by sighed softly, looked at her and shook his head, and continued to ask, "Then do you remember other information about that person?"

"He is very good to me, I like him very much." She blinked her eyes, some tears were still hanging on her eyelashes, but she smiled with her lips pursed.

Passers-by also noticed something was wrong at this time. The woman in front of her seemed to have some thinking problems, and the answers to her own questions were all wrong, so she tentatively asked, "What should I call you?"

"My name is Meng..." At this point, she suddenly got stuck, pulled her skirt, looked very innocent, and asked passers-by with blushing cheeks, "Do you know my name?"

Passers-by were stunned by her question, and even the other people around who stopped to watch the conversation between the two were dumbfounded.

The kind passer-by originally thought that the other party was saying that his name was Meng, but now it obviously doesn't look like it.Although in Hiragana District, there are many one-character names, everyone has at least one surname, and the woman in front of him is gorgeously dressed and has an extraordinary demeanor. She looks like a lady from a noble family. He can't offend her, so he politely said Said: "Let me take you to the guards, they can help you find someone."

The guard is a team that protects the peace of one side and mainly serves the nobles.

"No." She answered firmly, subconsciously, she didn't want to follow others casually, as if someone had told her not to trust strangers.

This beautiful woman is Shen Mengdie who was hastily teleported by the system, and for some unknown reason, her thinking is still chaotic, and she has not recovered in another world.

She can't remember anything now, even her own name. The only thing she remembers is to find someone. As for who it is, she can't tell at all in this state.

Seeing her like this, kind-hearted passers-by couldn't say anything more. As an ordinary citizen struggling under the royal power, he didn't dare to offend the so-called nobles, and he couldn't afford to offend them, so after glancing at the passers-by around him, he felt helpless. with a sigh. "Girl, go home by yourself, it's getting late now."

"Go home?" She blinked her eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

"Yeah, it's getting dark. It's not safe for you to be outside alone." The kind passer-by looked up at the sunset in the sky, and then at the jewelry worn by the other party.In Hiraina District, although there are no robbers, there are quite a lot of rogue thieves.

"I'm going to wait for him." She shook her head, rejecting the other party's offer.

Seeing this, passers-by took a deep breath, and said slowly, regardless of whether the other party could understand or not, "Then I'm going home, please be careful."

"Goodbye." Shen Mengdie looked at the back of the other party who was slowly leaving, and waved her hand as farewell.

The other passers-by watching saw the situation develop into what it is now, looked at each other for a while, shook their heads helplessly, and then dispersed in twos and threes.Their mentality is the same as that passer-by, and they don't want to offend the nobles. Although the rewards of the nobles always make them very tempted, few hiragana like to be associated with the nobles.

As the sun slanted to the west, patches of colorful clouds appeared in the sky, and the warm radiance sprinkled on this street where not many people walked, stretching her shadow long.

Shen Mengdie silently watched the fewer and fewer people around, watched the shops on the street close one after another, and stood there for a while, a little helpless, when a gust of wind blew, blowing the leaves on the street far, far away .

When the brilliance from the sky completely fell, the hazy moonlight shone on Shen Mengdie's body, making her look like a princess from a fairy tale, peaceful and beautiful.

"What should I do..." She pinched her fingers and looked at the deserted street with some helplessness. Although the moonlight was still bright, she felt more and more uneasy.

She didn't know who she was, where she came from, and why she appeared here. In her limited memory, she has been wandering in this street.No one came to stop her, and no one came to take her home. After someone saw her, they would voluntarily make way for her.Everything around her seemed so strange, which made her feel insecure.


The leaves not far away were rustling under the blowing of the wind.

She looked up at the round moon and silently counted the stars in the sky.

"Huh... what is that?" She was surprised to find that there was a carriage flying in the air near the moon. Although it seemed to appear and disappear, it was real.For some reason, she could clearly see the pattern on the carriage, which felt very strange.

And just when she looked up at the stars in the sky, a few drunks came staggeringly from the distance of the street, and they were discussing today's interesting things.

PS: This short story is considered excessive, and it may not be too long.Well, I said maybe, I'm not sure either.

(End of this chapter)

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