The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 190 Chapter 190 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 190 Chapter 190 The kingdom on the stamen ([-])

One of them shook his head, patted the person beside him, and said with a big smile, "Carl, I just said that the girl in the tavern is good, what do you think?"

"Spicy enough, I like it."

"It's useless if you like it, the little money in our hands is not enough to buy the other party a drink."

"Who... who said it, I have plenty of methods..."

"Oh, just like you? You look too..."

"What's wrong with me, it's much better than you don't know."

Just as the people here staggered over, Shen Mengdie naturally noticed the people over there. She looked around her, and then slowly avoided.

"Aristocrat?" The drunk glanced at the woman standing by the side of the road, clearly seeing her dress.

Seeing that the visitor not only did not leave, but also slowly approached her, Shen Mengdie subconsciously took a few steps back and shook her head.

"I heard in the tavern today that a nobleman came to the street in the civilian area, and something is wrong here." One of them pointed to his head while talking to his companion. "I think it must be her."

"Oh, I think so, otherwise, why would I be standing here alone at such a late hour."

"Then we can make a small fortune." After speaking, those people set their eyes on the gemstone brooch worn by Shen Mengdie, showing greedy eyes.

"Hand over the valuables by yourself, or we will do it."

"Don't." Shen Mengdie shook her head and kept stepping back.

"Huh..." One of them snorted softly, glanced at the valuables on the other person, and after appraising the value, he asked his companion, "Who is going to get it?"

"Heh, let's go together."

"I think she looks even better than that girl in the tavern, why don't we..." He said, raising his eyebrows at his companion, hinting.

"Okay, anyway, she's out of her mind, so she can be sold for a big price." Just do what she said, and a few people surrounded her with drunken smiles on their faces.

Shen Mengdie watched the group of people mumbling in front of her for a while, frowned, and turned her gaze aside.

"Yo, how dare she look down on us, brothers, come on."

Just when a few people were about to make a move, a person suddenly jumped out from behind, holding a big wooden stick in his hand, he slammed on the body of a drunk man, and then kicked the other one next to him.

Faced with the sudden change, those people were stunned for a moment, with fierce faces, they turned angrily to check who it was.

"Who is it? You dare to sabotage my good deeds, you are courting death."

At this moment, the visitor has rushed forward quickly, took Shen Mengdie's hand and ran forward.

Shen Mengdie followed the other party's pace, tilting her head to look at the woman beside her.That's right, the person who heroically rescued her just now was a petite but very strong woman. It's not right to say that she is a woman. Judging from the appearance of the other party, she should be only fifteen or sixteen years old. She looks like a girl, because of her petite stature. , looks more like a child.

Judging from the strength with which the other party held her palm, the other party's strength was not small.

After the two turned into the street ahead, they turned a few more turns, throwing away the pursuers behind them.


After the two stopped, they leaned against the wall of the alley and panted lightly.

Shen Mengdie looked up at the other party, and under the hazy moonlight, she could clearly see the other party's appearance.It was a girl with the same black hair and black eyes as herself, wearing a patched cloth, with her head lowered, leaning against the wall, and exhaling while pressing her chest.

Shen Mengdie just looked straight at the other party, neither speaking nor stepping forward.

After the girl recovered her breath, she looked up at the person she had rescued, and saw that the other person was looking at her in confusion, she stood up straight, and slowly said, "It's so late, why are you here alone? "

"Ah?" Shen Mengdie looked even more confused now, not knowing what the other party was talking about.

"My name is Mengna, how do I call you?" The girl named Mengna glanced at the other party's gorgeous clothes and asked suspiciously.


Seeing the other party's expression, Meng Na shook her head in confusion. "Are you a nobleman? Why are you outside alone? What are you looking for?"

After Mengna finished speaking, she quietly waited for the other party's answer, but after a long while, the person in front of her continued to look at her with confused eyes. Just when she thought the other party would not answer her question and was about to give up, she fell silent. Mengdie spoke. "I'm waiting for someone."

"It's so late, who are you waiting for?"

"Wait for him."

"Who?" When Meng Na heard this, she looked at the other party curiously, who was worthy of the other party's waiting, and she was still reluctant to leave when the sky was completely dark.If she hadn't worked too late in the bakery today, wouldn't the other party be in danger.When she thought of what happened just now, she felt a moment of fear for the other party.

"He is him." Shen Mengdie frowned impatiently when she heard the other party's successive inquiries.

"Eh..." Meng Na was speechless for a moment when she heard this sentence, and rubbed her forehead lightly. "Okay, I won't ask anymore, it's getting late now, you should go home quickly."

Shen Mengdie shook her head after hearing this.

"What? Can't find the way back?" Meng Na asked with concern. She guessed from the clothes of the other party that the person in front of her should be a nobleman, but she always felt that something was wrong.

After hearing this, Shen Mengdie nodded, then shook her head, finally bit her lips, and lowered her head.

Looking at the other party's actions, Meng Na felt that she seemed to understand something, so she leaned forward and asked softly, "What's your name, why are you here?"

"I..." Shen Mengdie was obviously taken aback when he heard the other party's slow question word by word. Answered: "My name is, my name is... Meng, Meng..."

Seeing the other party's painful expression, Meng Na hurriedly stepped forward to hold the other party's hand, persuading: "If you can't remember it, don't think about it."

"Hoo hoo hoo..." Shen Mengdie took a few deep breaths, and then gradually slowed down, rubbing her forehead lightly.

Until now, Meng Na finally noticed that the other party was obviously confused when she spoke, and answered irrelevant questions, so she had to examine the other party again, and then sighed softly. "Since you have nowhere to go now, come home with me."

Shen Mengdie looked at the other party, but just stared at the other party blankly, without any reaction.

"I guess you are the nobleman they mentioned today, and I don't know if it's good or bad to take you back." After seeing the other party for the first time, Meng Na fell in love with him, so she took the risk to go forward. to save people.

(End of this chapter)

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