The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 191 Chapter 191 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 191 Chapter 191 The kingdom on the stamen ([-])

"Hey..." Meng Na shook her head and sighed softly, looking a little helpless. "Okay, it's getting late, you can go home with me."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand to hold the other person's palm, seeing the blank look of the person in front of her, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

So, in this silent night, under the hazy moonlight, the two slowly embarked on the journey back.After turning several turns, they stopped in front of a dilapidated house.

There is almost no comparison between this place and the street just now. If the place just now is Hiragana Ward, this is a slum. Most of the people living here are old people and orphans.They were forgotten here for various reasons.

Meng Na gently pushed her room away, and turned on the light in the room with a snap.This house of less than [-] square meters was rented by her with the money she earned from working in a bakery. The white ash on the walls has long since fallen off, and the windows are also broken. Everything looks dilapidated, but this is her The only place to stay.Even so, it is much better than those homeless people.

She is an orphan, and since she can remember, she has lived with an old man in a slum, and the old man said that they have no blood relationship and are not relatives.The old man also passed away a year ago due to illness, so she is living alone now.

She thinks that she should be an abandoned orphan, like many orphans living here, abandoned by her relatives, but this has no effect on her.

She doesn't hate her parents, whom she has never met, because those people are just strangers to her.

"Sit down first, I'll get you something to eat." Meng Na took him to her bed and sat down, then walked into the kitchen that she had partitioned off with wooden boards.She remembered that she put the black bread brought back from the bakery in the cabinet, and it happened that she was also hungry now.

"Squeak..." The old wooden cabinet was slowly opened, making a piercing sound.

She picked up this cabinet from a garbage dump outside the city. When she found it, two legs were missing and one side of the door was broken. She brought it back, removed the other two legs, and found another board It has been supplemented, and it can barely be used.

"I don't know if she will eat this." She squeezed the hard black bread, sighed softly, took out a few fistfuls of black bread and packed them into a bowl, and then walked out slowly.

Shen Mengdie still maintained the sitting posture just now, without moving at all.

"Hungry, I only have this here, and you only have to make do with it." She looked at the other party's gorgeous clothes and fair skin.After placing the bowl on the only small table in the room, he shook his head and greeted him softly.

Shen Mengdie's eyes slowly turned from the ground to the other's cheek, then looked at the bowl on the table, and blinked her eyes.

Seeing this, Meng Na moved the table to the side of the bed. The furniture in this room was pitifully sparse. When she first rented the house, there was only an empty house here, even the door was broken. Everything here was hers. I added it little by little by myself.

Shen Mengdie watched the other party's movements, and also moved her body. The bed she was sitting on made creaking noises following her movements.

This bed was made by Meng Na herself. She picked up the broken bed thrown away by others outside and repaired it bit by bit.

"Take it." Meng Na took a piece of black bread and handed it to the dazed Shen Mengdie.All this is not because of how kind-hearted she is. The children who grew up in the slums have no kindness.She just thinks that the other party looks pleasing to the eye, that's all.So he reminded softly: "Eat, or you will be too hungry to sleep at night."

Shen Mengdie looks very dazed at the moment, her thoughts are very confused, so everything she is doing now is based on intuition.After taking a look at the other person's expression, she brought the bread to her mouth, and then opened her mouth to bite on it. After she bit the bread on her face, she suddenly froze for a moment, raised her head, and looked at the bread with tears in her eyes. People looking at themselves.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Meng Na looked at the other party's teary eyes and asked nervously.

After Shen Mengdie was silent for a long time, she slowly said a word. "hard."

After hearing this, Meng Na was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.Brown bread is the staple food of most poor families because of its cheap price and easy preservation. However, she didn't boil hot water to soak it before eating because it was getting late today.

She was used to the hard look of black bread, and it was a bit strenuous to eat it at most, but the other person seemed very unaccustomed to it. "It seems that you are really an aristocrat." Only the aristocrats don't need to eat this hard black bread, and they are not used to it.

Shen Mengdie didn't respond to the words of the person in front of her, she just handed the black bread to the person in front of her. "toothache."

"Then wait for me, I'll go and boil some hot water." After Meng Na finished speaking, seeing that the other party didn't respond, she sighed softly and turned around to go about her own business.

After Shen Mengdie saw the person leaving, she pinched the black bread in her hand, and tried to pry it away, but got the bread crumbs in her hand.

"Bang bang bang..."

This is the sound of her hitting the bowl with black bread, and it feels as hard as a stone.She looked around boredly and frowned slightly.

After waiting for a while, Meng Na came out carrying a water bottle.

"You soak the bread in water before eating, like this." After pouring two bowls of hot water, Meng Na picked up the black bread she had just bitten into, soaked it in the water, and demonstrated .

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie followed suit. When the soft bread was put into her mouth, her eyes lit up. Although the taste in her mouth was really bad, she just frowned and slowly She swallowed slowly, she was really hungry.

When the two of them were about to rest after simply filling their stomachs, Meng Na felt troubled by looking at each other's skirts. "Are you going to take it off? Your skirt is so big, I'm afraid it won't fit on my bed."

Shen Mengdie is wearing a skirt that was popular among noble girls in the seventeenth century in the West. The style is based on the characters in fairy tales, so what looks very special is that the skirt has a large hem.

The wooden bed assembled by Meng Na herself is only less than 1.5 meters wide. Usually, when sleeping alone, it doesn’t feel too narrow, but with two people and a big skirt, it will be a bit crowded.

After hearing this, Shen Mengdie didn't reply, and started to untie the rope tied behind her, and then the gemstone chain she wore around her neck and wrist.Seeing this, Meng Na hurried forward to help.

(End of this chapter)

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