The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 195 Chapter 195 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 195 Chapter 195

Because there has been no war for a long time, the guards have not been patrolling the city.

They will only come out to patrol at specific times, so if you miss the other party's patrol time, you need good luck to find these people.

"Chief Guard, we need your help." Meng Na rushed over in a hurry, blocking the opponent's way.Because the guards only care about security issues, they ignore ordinary hiraganas when they encounter them.It is precisely this problem that Meng Na is worried about. If the other party ignores her, she has nothing to do.

The captain of the leading guard cast a glance at the woman who called him, saw that the other was wearing a cloth full of patches, and figured out that the person who came out was a poor ghost, and when he was about to ignore her, he suddenly saw the woman beside her, wearing a beautiful dress. A woman wearing precious gems.So he raised his hand and made the brother behind him stop.

"What's the matter? We're on patrol now."

Seeing the other party asking her, Meng Na had a clue in her heart, so after standing still, she bowed respectfully. "Chief Guard, she should be a lost nobleman, can you help her find her relatives?"

Hearing this, the chief guard narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Shen Mengdie's clothes, and then set his gaze on the other's cheek. "You guys come with me."

The reason why the chief guard said this was because he saw that the cloth used for the other party's dress was not common in the market. He didn't want to offend a nobleman unintentionally, so he decided to take the other party back to go through the process first. Let's talk about it later.

"Oh, okay." Meng Na was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then she quickly reacted and led her people to follow.

Shen Mengdie kept her gaze blank the whole time, with a dazed look on her face, she quietly looked at the flower elf who was sitting on her shoulder kicking her legs.


"Why did you come back so soon?"

"I'm back to deal with some things." The captain of the guard glanced behind him and explained to his colleagues who asked him.

"Then you're busy, I'll go out first."

The captain of the guard looked at his colleagues who had left, sighed softly, then turned his head and said to the two people behind him: "Come in and register first."

"Oh, okay." After entering here, Meng Na looked around curiously. She had never been here before.

After a brief exchange, some information about the two of them was left here, and then they were asked to leave first.

It was also the first time for the captain of the guard to encounter this kind of thing. He was just the captain of a small team and didn't know much about the affairs among the nobles, so he decided to ask people to leave first, and then report to the captain who was in charge of them when he came back.

"Hey, let's go back, it seems that we have to wait." Meng Na is not clear about the efficiency of the work here, she only knows that there will be no news in the past few days.

The two were walking on the street, the strange combination attracted the attention of other people, and Meng Na, who was not afraid of anything, was defeated by those people's comments and weird eyes.She was going to buy some daily necessities for the other party, and buy a change of clothes casually, but after touching her pocket, she sighed helplessly.

It seems that the little money she has is not enough to buy clothes, and she will never sell the other party's valuable accessories.

"Forget it, let's go to the clothing store first." Meng Na gritted her teeth, and decided to go and have a look first. She was a little uncomfortable being surrounded by people on the street.


Meng Na looked at the clerk at the door, hooked the corner of her mouth, nodded to the clerk, and walked in quickly.

This is a relatively ordinary ready-made clothing store, and the customers it targets are ordinary hiramen, so after seeing the person in patched clothes come in, the clerk did not show contempt, but he was not very enthusiastic, but after scanning the person Behind another woman behind her, the clerk's expression changed, and he greeted her with a warm smile.

"Dear guests, please, our shop has recently brought in a batch of ready-made clothes, do you want to have a look?"

Meng Na was taken aback by the other party's actions, but she still nodded.

"Dear guest, please come this way." The clerk's eyes were always on Shen Mengdie behind him, to be precise, on those accessories. She is also very satisfied with the appearance of being rich, which means that she will have more bonuses.

At this time, a middle-aged woman standing behind the counter also noticed the situation here. She is the owner of this clothing store.

After whispering a few words to the person standing beside him, he quickly walked out of the counter and came to Shen Mengdie.

"Your guest is here to buy ready-made clothes, right?" The boss chuckled, and without waiting for the other party to reply, he quickly said: "It's a coincidence, I happened to buy some good ready-made clothes a few days ago, so I'll send someone to bring them out to you Take a look." After she finished speaking, she turned to the clerk just now and said, "Why don't you hurry up and get the ones in the room? You should know which ones I'm talking about, right?"

"Boss, I'll go right away." The clerk quickly responded, and ran to the inside quickly. She knew that the boss asked her to get the most expensive ones out.

Meng Na was stunned by the boss's attitude, she didn't know what to say for a while, so she called softly: "Boss, we..."

"I know, you are the servant of this distinguished guest. Don't worry, the ready-made clothes here are definitely the best in the nearby streets." In fact, the boss is right, because the neighborhood is Hiragana District, as a family The scale of the ready-made clothing store is indeed much larger than others, otherwise it would not have bought some expensive clothes.

"We're here to buy clothes, but..."

"Don't be disappointed, as long as you are here to buy clothes, let's take a look at our ready-made clothes first."

The boss interrupted Mengna's words. She originally wanted to talk to Shen Mengdie, but the other party's attitude had always seemed cold, and she couldn't speak, so she could only communicate with the other party's servant.

For Mengna's embarrassing situation, Shen Mengdie has not noticed it at all. She is now looking at the flower elf on her shoulder, lowering her eyes, and gently rubbing the other's little girl with her fingers. The small head caused the other party to shout with joy.

It is also because of Shen Mengdie's current appearance that people mistakenly think that he is very cold and does not talk to other people.

"Kawang, I like it." After rubbing Shen Mengdie's finger, the flower elf hugged Shen Mengdie's finger with his arms, and held on to it, then blinked his eyes, and softly shouted: "Kawang, why don't you talk to me? Do you dislike him, but he really likes you, Kao?"

(End of this chapter)

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