The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 196 Chapter 196 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 196 Chapter 196 The kingdom on the stamen ([-])

All flower elves have one thing in common, that is, they are pure and kind, and they like to be close to their king. Although they are a little mischievous in their temper, it is undeniable that they are very cute.

Shen Mengdie looked at the little guy who was tearing up as the flower elf was talking, stretched out his fingers and wiped the teardrops of the other party, and then gently held it up with his hands.

"Kao." The flower elf sat in the palm of her favorite Kao, rubbing her eyes sobbingly, and looked at him pitifully.

Meng Na was thinking about how to reject the boss's kindness, but after mentioning Shen Mengdie's action, her heart suddenly thumped.The current appearance of the other party is the same as that time when she was on the side of the road. She couldn't help asking herself in her heart: "Could it be that ghost followed here? Otherwise, how could she be like this?"

Shen Mengdie didn't care about other people's thoughts, she held the little guy in her arms, and gently stroked the other's cheek, with a faint smile in her originally calm eyes.

At this time, the clerk who went to get the ready-made clothes came out quickly. After putting the ready-made clothes on the hanger beside her, she turned to look at her boss. "Boss, the ready-to-wear is out."

"Guest, are you satisfied?" The boss put aside Meng Na who was hesitant to speak, and came to Shen Mengdie's side and said respectfully.

Shen Mengdie raised her eyes slightly when she heard the words of the people around her, but didn't say a word.But the boss gave the clerk a wink, and enthusiastically handed the clothes to her.

"Look at this style, this color, do you like it?"

Shen Mengdie glanced at the boss, then raised her hand to caress the smooth fabric of the clothes, her lowered eyebrows in deep thought made you unable to see what she was thinking.

Although the boss didn't understand the guest's thoughts, he still enthusiastically introduced: "Look at this fabric, it's made of silk, and it's cool to wear in summer. Look at these lace laces, which are purely handmade by masters. With such a perfect figure, you must look good in clothes."

The boss tried his best to sell his dress. Although there were no gems inlaid on it, it was lined with gold thread. For their shop, the cost was already high.

"Boss..." Meng Na looked at the two people in front of her, hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

The boss glanced at the other party, then turned his head and continued to introduce his ready-made clothes to Shen Mengdie.

Seeing this, Meng Na lowered her eyes and squeezed the money in her pocket. "I'm afraid these are not enough, what should I do?"

"Guest, why don't you try it first?" The boss winked at the clerk next to him, who nodded, and then walked over quickly, surrounded by people, and was about to go to the fitting room.

At this time, Meng Na knew that she might not be able to buy clothes today, and she would not be able to pay for it in a while.So he rushed forward, took Shen Mengdie's hand and ran out, and said to the boss: "Boss, we still have some things to deal with, so let's go first."

The boss took two steps in the direction the two left, and hurriedly greeted them. "Hey, don't worry, take a look before you go."

At this time, Meng Na had already walked out of the shop with someone, she patted her heart, and let out a big sigh of relief. "Fortunately, I came out first. My little money is definitely not enough to pay the bill." She took out a few silver coins from her pocket, and lowered her head in frustration.

She works in a bakery and only has two silver coins a month, so she has saved these few silver coins for a long time before accumulating them, but in these shops, she can't buy much.

When she goes to work, she always wears work clothes given to her by her boss, so she hasn't bought new clothes for herself yet.Looking at those beautiful clothes just now, she was also very tempted, but unfortunately she has no money.

After looking up at the sun above her head, she sighed softly: "Hey, it's already noon, it's time to go back to have lunch." After looking back at Shen Mengdie beside her, she rubbed her face , seemed a little helpless. "Come on, I'll take you to lunch."

Meng Na decided to take the other party to find a cheap shop to fill her stomach, and she had to bring her with her when she went to work in the afternoon. With the other party's current state, there would definitely be people with malicious intentions. "Hey, why did I become a housekeeper all of a sudden. Forget it, let's go have lunch first." She patted her head lightly, and led Shen Mengdie, who had no reaction, to leave here gradually.

After a simple lunch, she brought people to her work place.

This is a small but well-decorated bakery. The owner changed the front of his house into such a small shop, and the back is the house he lives in.

At this time, a middle-aged woman was standing by the window, she was the hostess of the bakery, and in the kitchen, a middle-aged man was baking sweet bread.

"Aunt Dai'er, here we come." Meng Na greeted the hostess standing at the exit, and walked slowly over with a smile.

This family-owned bakery only employs her as a shop assistant, and she has been working here for several years. When she was most sad, it was the couple in front of her who helped her, so the relationship has always been good.

After the hostess heard the call, there was a warm smile in her green eyes. After seeing who was coming, she greeted happily: "Why are you here so early today? It's not time for work yet."

"I don't have anything to do today, so I'll come here first to see if I need help."

"There is no one on the street at this time, and there is nothing to be busy." The hostess walked towards the other party slowly. When she saw Shen Mengdie following behind her, she was obviously stunned, and then asked: "Who is this?"

Meng Na looked at the people behind her, and introduced with a smile: "She is my guest now, you can call her Meng." In fact, when she asked last night, she only got such an answer, but It's enough to have a name.

"Meng girl, hello." After hearing this, the hostess hurriedly went up to greet him. After all, she knew that the person must be of extraordinary origin when she saw the other person's appearance.

For the person who came to her, Shen Mengdie just raised her eyes, and then put her eyes aside.

The hostess felt inexplicably embarrassed by her actions, so Shanshan smiled and took two steps back slowly.

Seeing this, Meng Na immediately understood what was going on, so she went to the other party and explained in a low voice: "Aunt Dai'er, she seems to have some brain problems, don't mind."

After hearing this, the hostess suddenly realized, and then waved her hand. "It's nothing, it's just a pity that a good girl has become like this." After she finished speaking, she turned her gaze to the other side, sighed softly, and couldn't hide the pity in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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