The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 200 Chapter 200 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 200 200 The Kingdom on the Flower Stamens ([-])
"This..." Meng Na was about to return it to the other party, but when she just said a word, the man turned around and left quickly.

Shen Mengdie left with the old housekeeper calmly this time. In her subconscious mind, she felt that her current decision was the best.

Meng Na looked at the people surrounded by them, she stroked the gemstone brooch in her hand, and smiled softly. "She will be with her relatives in the future, it will be much better than staying with me." Thinking of her current situation, she lowered her head a little disappointed. As an orphan, she envied him very much, and she had hoped that her relatives would come to find her Herself, but after waiting for so many years, it was only her own unattainable wish after all.

Shen Mengdie followed the big housekeeper, and was surrounded by people and boarded a carriage. The moment she stepped into the carriage, she looked behind her, finally shook her head, and walked slowly. went in.

At that moment just now, she suddenly remembered that there seemed to be something unresolved by herself, but after a while, she completely forgot about it.

"Da da da……"

With the rapid progress of the carriage, I don't know how long it took before finally arriving at the destination.

When the carriage stopped steadily, the door was slowly opened.

"Miss, we're home." Ulysses' old butler's voice sounded outside the car, and then someone reached out to help her out of the car.

Using the man's arm, she got out of the carriage, stood still on the ground, straightened her messy hair, and looked up at the building in front of her.

I saw that there was a domed castle in front of me. The white outer wall looked clean and tidy, and it was very beautiful. On the outskirts of the castle, there was a sea of ​​flowers. When the breeze came, the fragrance of flowers came to my face.

"Miss, let's go in quickly, the Earl is still waiting for you." Although the butler Ulysses knew that something was wrong with the other party, but now he was in a hurry and couldn't care about other things.

Shen Mengdie raised her eyes and glanced at the butler, then silently followed behind him, and the two disappeared at the gate of the castle one after the other.

Because there was no advance notice of his return, no one came to meet him except for a few servants who were busy outside the castle.However, regarding the woman who entered the castle, the busy servants had their own guesses.

"She is the little lady that the butler Ulysses is looking for, right? I didn't expect to find it so soon."

"Miss is really pretty."

"Of course, our Earl was quite a handsome man when he was young."

"She will be the master here from now on, we all need to pay more attention."

Regardless of the reaction of the servants outside after seeing Shen Mengdie, but now she is following the butler down the long stairs, through the quiet corridor, and to the door of the master bedroom of the castle.

This is a door made of metal. There are golden patterns intertwined on the pitch-black door, and dots of precious stones are dotted on the door. You can tell that it is expensive at first glance.

"Count, we are back."

Butler Ulysses gave a soft shout to the inside, and after a while, the door slowly opened.A young woman in a maid's outfit appeared in front of Shen Mengdie, and then stood behind the door respectfully for convenience.

After stepping into the room, the most intuitive feeling is the large space and luxurious decoration.There were soft rugs on the floor, and some of the old earl's collection hung on the walls.

There were several waiters standing in the room, and from the direction of the bed, the sound of the old earl coughing could be heard.

"Cough cough cough... you're back."

The butler walked over slowly, not forgetting to bring the person standing behind him with him, and softly responded to the old earl's words. "I'm back, I brought the little lady back."

"Cough... child, come here and let me have a look." After a burst of panting coughs, the old earl's expectant voice came.

Shen Mengdie followed the butler and walked step by step to the side of the bed, stepping on the soft blanket without making a sound.It wasn't until this time that she saw clearly the person on the bed. This was an old man with all white hair, wrinkled face and gentle eyes.After seeing her, the other party waved to her with a faint smile on his tired face.

"Son, come here." When Shen Mengdie slowly sat down on the side of the bed, the old man seemed to be sighing, silently looked at her and said, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

After a brief meeting, the old housekeeper sent someone to arrange for Shen Mengdie to stay temporarily, while he stayed to talk to the old count.

"Count, I see that the young lady seems to have some problems in thinking. Can she keep the Ulysses family in this way?" Staying here, reluctant to leave.

The old earl also noticed the problem when he observed Shen Mengdie just now, but now that the matter has come to this point, there is no way to say more, so he sighed leisurely: "Hey... there is no way now, so let it be."

"Well, then I'll arrange for a family doctor to come over tomorrow and hope she's fine."

"Ahem... I hope. I'm tired. You should go back to rest early. After so many days of running around." The earl knew that he was terminally ill, and now he hoped to pass the title to his granddaughter as soon as possible, so as not to let the family It's gone.

While the two of them were talking here, Shen Mengdie, who was still ignorant, had already been sitting in her current room for a while.The flower elf who followed was even more excited because of the change of environment. He kept wandering around the room, looking at everything around him curiously.

"Human houses are so beautiful."

"Wow, what is this?"

"Looks fun."

Only Shen Mengdie could hear the flower elf's exclamation, but the other party was covering his head at the moment and looking around blankly.

A maid standing by the side silently observed the person she was taking care of. The other person did not move or ask her anything, which made her very confused.

Before that, she had been serving by the earl's side, but just now, she was arranged to take care of the little lady in front of her.

The maid's name is Olive. She is only in her early twenties this year. She has blue eyes and long golden hair. She is dressed in a maid's attire that looks alluring in uniform. Her fair skin and bumpy figure make the castle guards Every time the man saw it, his heart was full of fire.

"Where am I?" Shen Mengdie looked at her surroundings blankly. At that moment, she forgot the reason why she came here. Although the surrounding environment did not make her feel panic, it did make her She is very unwell.

(End of this chapter)

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