The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 201 Chapter 201 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 201 Chapter 201
Shen Mengdie's panicked and dazed expression caught Olive's attention, who hurried to her side and asked softly, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"I..." She rubbed her forehead and looked around her blankly. "Where am I?"

"This is the castle of the Ulysses family, you..."

Shen Mengdie didn't care what the expression of the person beside her was, she raised her hand to stop the other person's next words.

"Why did I come here?" She looked around, stood up slowly, and said to herself, "No, I want to leave here."

Olive saw her flustered steps, and hurriedly chased after her, while the flower elf who was visiting the room saw Kao leave, and hurriedly chased after her, flapping her wings.

"Miss." Olive called softly to the person in front, wanting to reach out to grab him, but in the end she withdrew her hand hesitantly. behind.

Shen Mengdie acted as if she didn't hear the people behind her, and walked out in a panic, muttering incessantly: "Get out of here, out of here..."

When they came to the lobby on the first floor, there were more and more servants around, and everyone was a little confused about Shen Mengdie's state. After a burst of noise, the butler Ulysses appeared.

"What's the matter?" Ulysses the Chief Steward slowly walked out from the crowd, and all the servants on the side bowed their heads respectfully, making way for one of them.

When Olive saw the butler, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After looking at Shen Mengdie in embarrassment, she said to the butler, "Butler, the young lady said she wants to leave."

Upon hearing this, Ulysses looked at the anxious Shen Mengdie who was blocked by the crowd, closed his eyes lightly, and sighed leisurely. "You take the little lady back to rest first."

"Yes." Seeing this, Olive could only nod in agreement, and came to Shen Mengdie's side. "Miss, it's getting late now, go back to your room and rest."

Shen Mengdie rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes tightly. When she opened her eyes again, she blinked her eyes blankly and asked, "Why did I get here?"

"Miss, please go back to your room and rest." Olive didn't answer the other party's words, but went forward to lead the way.

When Shen Mengdie left with a dazed face, the butler Ulysses waved his hand to let the servants around him leave, and then sighed wearily. For this precarious family, he could only helplessly and let it go. development continues.

"Hey, it seems that tomorrow the doctor should take a good look at what's wrong with her, and hope it can be cured."

After the chief steward left with a sigh, the night gradually descended on this place. Logically speaking, there should have been a reception banquet today, but due to special circumstances, it had to be canceled.

The only two owners of this family, one is terminally ill, lying on the bed with difficulty, and the other is stupid and does not respond to the people around him. It is hard to say whether the current situation is good or bad.

After spending the night quietly, early the next morning, a man in white came to Ulysses Castle with a medicine box on his back.

This is a western man with blond hair and blue eyes. His handsome and upright figure has attracted the admiration of countless young women. The faint sunshine on his body makes him look like an angel who came out of a hesitant fairy tale.The man slowly got down from the carriage, stopped in place for a moment, looked up in the direction of the castle, then smiled gently and walked in slowly.

At this time, Shen Mengdie was enjoying breakfast in the dining room, and Olive was standing aside quietly serving her.When everything seemed calm, the butler Ulysses walked in, followed by a man in white with a medicine box on his back.

"The butler." Olive slowly bent down and bowed respectfully to the butler.

Butler Ulysses nodded his head lightly, waved the person in front of him to leave, and then set his eyes on Shen Mengdie in front of the long table.

Shen Mengdie had already finished her breakfast at this time, and was wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin, watching the servant quickly remove the dishes in front of her.

"Da da da……"

As the butler walked forward, the man in white behind him naturally followed.

He is a family doctor hired by the Ulysses family, and he came here today to treat the young lady who was just found by the Ulysses family.

The young doctor's name is Dick Bertram, and his family has been a doctor for generations, so he naturally inherited the family business. The young and handsome doctor has many suitors, but the moment he saw Shen Mengdie, his The heart suddenly missed a beat.

"What a mysterious black, what a deep forehead and eyes." Dick Berent sighed silently in his heart, with a touch of appreciation in his eyes.

Although in this country, everyone's aesthetics has always been based on the image of an angel created by God as the most beautiful in their hearts. They don't appreciate people with black hair and black eyes very much, but after seeing his blond hair and blue eyes, he appreciates them even more. Shuanghei with black eyes, but among the people he came into contact with, pure Shuanghei is really rare.

When the old Earl Ulysses was young, his hair was not pure black. Although everyone did not think that black was the color of the devil, double black was still quite rare among the nobles.

Shen Mengdie put down the napkin in her hand, raised her eyes to look at the two people who came to her, the light in her deep eyes was flickering, as if something was about to break free from it, and finally returned to calm.

"Miss, I brought a family doctor here to show you." The butler Ulysses was just explaining the matter routinely, and didn't expect the other party to respond to him, so under the slightly ignorant gaze of the other party , and continued: "Let's go to the living room now and let the doctor show you."

Olive on the side heard the butler's words, and hurried forward to help Shen Mengdie.

Dick Berent was at the end. Just now, he had already seen a general idea, but the specifics still needed to be known after his diagnosis.

Shen Mengdie was helped to sit on the sofa in the living room. Originally, she didn't need anyone to help her, but the housekeeper seemed to be worried about her.

Leaning lightly on the sofa behind her, she stared blankly at everything in front of her, occasionally raised her arm, and lightly touched the flower elf on her shoulder, making him laugh out loud.

The butler Ulysses stood aside and watched Shen Mengdie for a long time, finally he could only sigh helplessly, the woman in front of him was the future of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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