The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 203 Chapter 203 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 203 Chapter 203
The little guy who rushed over was the flower elf who had been following Shen Mengdie all the time. She felt the familiar space fluctuations and saw that Kao had already entered, so she seemed very anxious, flapping her wings and rushing forward. past.


After the little guy rushed in, the vortex closed quickly, and the room returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.



Before Shen Mengdie raised her head and looked into the distance, she heard the sound of the wind blowing the flowers and branches trembling slightly. The surrounding air carried a strong fragrance of flowers, and it seemed that even the temperature was much cooler than the early summer outside. .

"Hee hee hee……"

"I'm finally back." The flower elf flapped her transparent wings, excitedly rushed into the flowers and flew up and down, gradually flying to the distance.

Shen Mengdie slowly straightened her body, raised her eyes and looked around her. She was wearing a sleeping silk nightgown and stepped barefoot on the soft lawn. Her slightly messy hair was naturally scattered behind her, letting her see It looks like a passerby who wandered here by mistake.

Here is a vast land full of various flowers, which should bloom in different seasons, but the issue of seasons is ignored here.

At this time, she suddenly realized that she was much more sensitive to the surrounding senses.

So he slowly closed his eyes, feeling the sea of ​​flowers.A butterfly gracefully came to the flower, and the blowing breeze shook the flower a bit.A dewdrop slowly gathers on the leaf. When the leaf can no longer bear its weight, it drips onto the lower leaf with a bang. Along the slender veins, it slides down slowly, and gradually reaches the root of the plant, dipping into the soft soil, moistening the land.

And the little ant shook its head and stood up, using its tentacles to clean up the water stains stuck to its jaw.

Empty her mind, let it fly into the air, look down at the vast sea of ​​flowers, the self suppressed in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness broke through the barrier of chaos, and dominated her own thinking, and at this moment, she was completely awake come over.

The moment he opened his eyes, his ignorant and dazed expression suddenly retracted, and the kind-hearted Shen Mengdie finally came back with a little stubbornness.

She glanced at her surroundings, feeling at a loss for a moment about where she was, sighed and rubbed her forehead, and began to sort out her messy memories.

"Why am I here? I failed the mission in the last world... No, why can't I remember what the mission was in the last world?" She stopped rubbing her forehead suddenly, and her heart missed a beat. "I have clearly completed several tasks, how can I not remember?"

At this moment, she suddenly discovered a problem. In her memory, she should have completed several tasks and experienced several worlds, but now she only remembers this one thing, and doesn't remember the specific details.


She was a little confused about her current situation, so she naturally started calling the system, hoping to get an answer, but after a while, there was no reply.

"System?" She called out again, but still didn't get a reply. "It's really strange. What's going on?"

She opened the task panel while talking to herself, but the display on it surprised her, and she saw several large characters clearly marked on it.

'System upgrade...'

The few ellipses at the back are still flashing, as if they are being upgraded.

Seeing that she couldn't enter the system page, Shen Mengdie had no choice but to give up, and she was also a little confused about where she was at this time.

"I remember being sucked in by the vortex, so what is this place?" Everything around her made her feel familiar and familiar at the same time with a little bit of strangeness, as if she should have been here in the first place.

Stepping on the soft grass, she had the illusion that she would fly if she tapped her toes lightly, so she raised her foot and tapped the grass, and her body really flew into the air, showing that all this is not Her delusion, but fact.

"Hey..." When her body was flying into the air, she was unbalanced for a moment, but she quickly recovered, and then, relying on that familiar feeling, she tapped the flower branches and quickly flew towards the middle.

And just as Shen Mengdie was carefully exploring where she was, Ulysses Castle was now in a state of chaos.

Olive found the housekeeper in the hall, and after notifying the little lady of the abnormality, she quickly returned to the bedroom, but the moment she opened the door, she was stunned, because there was no one in the room.

"Miss, where are you?" At first, she thought he was in the cloakroom, but after searching the room, she found that he was indeed gone, so she ran to the door quickly and asked the maid who guarded the door: "Did you see the little lady come out?"

The two maids shook their heads upon hearing this. "The two of us have been staying here inseparable, and we haven't seen the little lady leave."

"How come?" Olive was in a panic at the moment. The heir of the Ulysses family disappeared, which was a big deal.

"Miss is not in the room, you go and inform the housekeeper."

"Okay." After the two maids agreed, they ran out in a hurry. When Olive left just now, she told them to guard the door carefully. Now that the young lady is gone, the two of them have a good time today. It's a big deal.

Olive looked at the back who was leaving quickly, sighed softly, held a glimmer of hope, and began to search carefully in the room, rummaging through the closet, under the bed, and behind the curtains one by one.

"Da da da……"

But after a while, hurried footsteps sounded outside the door, and the butler hurriedly ran ahead, followed by the two maids just now.

Butler Ulysses directly pushed open the half-open door, glanced at the situation in the room, and asked Olive a little eagerly. "Where is the little lady?"

"Butler, when I went out to look for you, I didn't see the little lady when I came back." Olive couldn't help becoming more anxious when she saw the butler was panting for breath and looking flustered.

"You all look for me carefully, and you must find the little lady."

Butler Ulysses had already sent someone to invite the doctor over just now, and the doctor would probably arrive after noon, but the disappearance of Shen Mengdie made the old man, who was already in his sixties, frown.

(End of this chapter)

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