The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 204 Chapter 204 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 204 Chapter 204
The reason why the butler Ulysses is so anxious is not only because of the worries after the disappearance of the heir, but also other external factors.

The application for the succession ceremony to the empire, the written notice has been submitted, and the Holy See has also responded, and will come in the near future. Now that time is running out, there is no room for any mistakes.

Everyone in the castle mobilized to search for people, even the old count who was recuperating in the room was alarmed.When he heard that the sole heir was missing, the old earl fainted on the spot, and there was another wave of chaos.

What about Shen Mengdie at this time?
She is now standing in the sea of ​​flowers looking for the direction to go out. Although everything is fine here, she is still thinking about things in the outside world.She can now say with certainty that she has changed to a different world, or to a different dimension, or in short, she is not in the original place.

And just as she found a direction and turned around to leave, the shout from behind made her stop.

"Kao, I'm here."

As soon as Shen Mengdie heard this voice, she knew it was the flower elf who had been by her side some time ago.Some time ago, she felt as if she had changed into a different person. She could only feel the movements around her, but she couldn't respond accurately.In her memory, there is naturally the figure of that cute little guy.

The moment she turned around, a shadow quickly came in front of her. Just when she thought that the other person would fall into her arms, the flower elf suddenly braked suddenly and stopped in front of her.

"Kao..." The little guy looked very conflicted, lowered his head, kept rubbing his fingers, and secretly looked at her.

Shen Mengdie lowered her eyes, looked at the other party with gentle eyes, then gently held the little guy in her hands, and asked softly: "Little guy, what's your name?"

Hearing the words, the flower elf suddenly raised her head, and looked at Shen Mengdie with surprise. In the past days, she had always felt that there was something wrong with Kao, but her little head couldn't figure out what was wrong. one thing.But now the other party's actions made her very excited, she opened her eyes wide, rubbed the fingers of the person in front of her, and said softly: "Kao, you can just call him Xiaohuang."

Shen Mengdie looked at the little guy who suddenly became shy, and then heard the other person's words, she couldn't help laughing, shook her head and sighed in her heart: "Isn't the name Xiao Huang a dog? But the little guy looks like a dog now. Really cute."

When she put her eyes on the little guy's clothes, she finally understood why the other person was named Xiao Huang, it was only because the other person was wearing a goose-yellow dress, small and delicate.

"Okay, Xiao Huang, do you know where we are now?" Shen Mengdie is still in a hurry to leave here, so she doesn't ask any more questions about other things, and she will know what she should know sooner or later.

The flower elf Xiao Huang reluctantly let go of the opponent's fingers, and rubbed her hands hard before she let go, then pulled her own clothes and said softly: "Kao, this is our hometown, and we have always lived here."

"Hometown?" Shen Mengdie asked back after hearing the words.

"Yeah, it's my hometown, and it's also your hometown, Kao." The flower elf Xiao Huang explained softly. Seeing that the other party was lost in thought, she pulled the other party's fingers, raised her head and said, "Kao, and I'll go back, they're all waiting for you to go back."

Sensing the movement in her hand, Shen Mengdie slowly looked at the little guy in her palm, and then sighed softly.

"It seems that everything is developing according to a certain trajectory, and she is one of them. Since you don't know where to go, then follow your own heart." Thinking of this, she put away her own thoughts He rubbed the little guy's head with a calm expression, and said calmly: "Little Huang, you lead the way, let's go."

"Ah... yes." The flower elf Xiao Huang quickly responded after being stunned for a moment, then flapped her hands and flew high into the sky, and shouted into the distance: "You all come out, Kao agrees to go back together gone."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding flowers swayed for a while, and then small flower elves poked their heads out from behind the flowers and leaves. After seeing nothing unusual, they flew out cautiously.The bright eyes looked at Kao in front of him excitedly, but he didn't dare to approach him rashly.

Shen Mengdie looked at the scene in front of her, only shook her head with a light smile, tapped her toes, and flew over slowly.

"Okay, don't be dazed, let's go back together."

When Shen Mengdie spoke, these flower elves opened their big eyes and their faces were full of admiration.After she finished speaking, the other flower elves surrounded her in a huff.She no longer knew what to say to these cute little guys, so she could only greet the flower elf Xiao Huang: "Xiao Huang, lead the way."

"Kao, come with me." The flower elf Xiao Huang raised her head, glanced at those around who wanted to get close to Kao but didn't dare to act, and felt very proud that she was Kao's closest flower elf.

Shen Mengdie didn't know the mental activities of the flower elf Xiao Huang. When she saw the other party flapping her wings and leading the way in front of her, she didn't hesitate to follow her, and those flower elves who admired her very much danced around her. with.

After flying for a while, a fairytale-like castle appeared in front of my eyes, with white exterior walls and a large yard, which looked very dreamy in this sea of ​​flowers.

The sun poured warm light on the castle, under the blue sky, everything was so beautiful.

And when they approached the castle, there were obviously more flower elves around, and some women in the same dress were standing among the flowers, because those women were of the same height as her, so she could spot each other at a glance .

"Xiao Huang, who are they?" Shen Mengdie stopped abruptly when she saw someone, and the flower elf Xiao Huang also stopped quickly when she noticed the movement behind her, flying up and down around her.

"It's the Huaxian sisters."

"Flower fairy?" Shen Mengdie squinted her eyes slightly, looking at the women not far away.

"Yes, sister Huaxian."

And when the flower fairy Xiao Huang explained to Shen Mengdie, those flower fairies in the distance naturally found her.

I saw those flower fairies looking at this side and hesitating for a moment, then they flew over collectively flapping their wings.When the other party approached, Shen Mengdie could clearly see the wings behind them. Unlike the butterfly-like transparent wings of the flower elves, the wings of the flower fairies in front of them not only had colors, but they were all in different colors.

(End of this chapter)

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