The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 205 Chapter 205 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 205 Chapter 205
"King of Flowers." Those flower fairies came to her and bowed respectfully, which made Shen Mengdie start to think carefully about what the situation is now.

"Are you flower fairies?" Shen Mengdie asked her doubts.

"Yes, Kao." One of the red-winged flower fairies came out slowly and replied respectfully.

"Then may I know why you call me the Flower King?" Although Shen Mengdie had been called the Flower King by the Flower Elf Xiao Huang for a while, the same is true for the people in front of me or the Flower Fairy just now. Calling her that made her very puzzled.

It can be said that it was a coincidence when she met the flower elf, but because she had been in a state of confusion before, she didn't have time to ask the flower elf Xiao Huang about the specific situation.

She glanced at Xiao Huang, the flower elf, from the corner of her eye, and saw that the other party had a look of embarrassment after receiving the gazes of other flower elves. She shook her head lightly, and thought silently in her heart: "Even if Xiao Huang is a little girl Huang asked about the situation, but seeing her like that, she couldn't tell why."

The red-winged flower fairy was surprised why the Kao in front of her would ask such a question, but after glancing at the other's clothes, she was gradually relieved.Kao looks like he came from human society, and now he has not accepted Kao's inheritance ceremony, so it's normal that he doesn't know many things.

"Koko, please come with us." Huaxian took two steps forward to get out of the way behind her, and said to the person in front of her.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie no longer hesitated, followed the other party's footsteps, and walked slowly towards the ancient castle ahead.

Not long ago, the flower fairies collectively felt the arrival of the king of flowers, so they sent most of the flower fairies out to look for it, so there are only a few flower fairies in this ancient castle.

When she walked into this ancient castle, she discovered something unusual. She saw that the castle was surrounded by thorny vines, closing all the entrances. The flower fairy in front raised her hand and lifted the vines Moved aside, revealing the walled gates of the castle hidden beneath.

Through the gap in the middle, she could already vaguely see the scene inside the castle, and at this moment, the vines seemed to come alive, moving quickly to seal the entrance.

"Since there is no Kao in our flower spirit world, the castle has been surrounded by vines. We wanted to fly in directly, but it seemed that we touched some barrier and blocked us from the outside."

Faced with Huaxian's explanation, Shen Mengdie walked forward in silence, and lightly touched these vines that seemed to be alive, and the moment she touched them, the vines automatically let her move forward, The vines receded faster, and the majestic gate appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Wow, the vine moved away by itself."

"So the gate of the old castle looks like this?"

"Kao is so powerful."

It was a long time ago when the last Kao was here, so during the blank period when the next Kao took over, the castle was sealed by a mysterious magic, and no one could enter, because here It belongs to the residence of Kao. If Kao is not here, it will not open again.

Many newborn flower elves had never seen the original appearance of the castle, so when the gate of the castle was exposed, everyone was amazed.

As the vines receded, the tall castle gate showed its original appearance. On the metal gate and the white facade, countless flowers were outlined in an orderly manner.It is also rare for Shen Mengdie to see such a tall door, even the door of the Ulysses family can't compare with it, she raised her head and looked above her head, at this moment she can only describe it as gorgeous.


With both hands against the door, with a slight push, it opened slowly like this.


The door, which had not been turned for a long time, revealed everything behind the door after a sound.

Shen Mengdie walked in slowly, as if something in her heart was urging her to go in quickly.The flower fairies and flower elves behind them didn't dare to make a sound at the moment, they carefully looked at everything in front of them, and followed closely behind.

"It's a pity." Although the flower fairy on the side had seen the scene in the courtyard in mid-air before, it was the first time for him to walk in and see everything in front of him intuitively.

There is a fountain in the middle, but it is already dry, the surrounding flowers and plants are withered, the grass is also in a withered color, and the dry brown soil is exposed.In the gaps between the stone slabs on the ground, many withered and yellow weeds were growing tenaciously, and a gust of wind blew a desolate atmosphere gradually spread.

"Is this what it looks like here?"

"My God, I can't believe it."

"The flowers and plants seem to be dead."

The little flower elves have never seen the situation inside the fence, and now they are all amazed when they see it for the first time.

Shen Mengdie listened to the twittering voices behind her, looked up at everything in front of her, exhaled softly, raised her feet and walked in slowly.

The moment she stepped on the ground with her bare feet, the lawn began to grow and turn green with her as the center, and spread rapidly to the surroundings.It seems that there is an invisible energy that wakes up everything here.

"Look at Kao's feet." With the exclamation of a flower elf, all the eyes behind Shen Mengdie looked at her feet.I saw that as her steps moved lightly, the surrounding land began to recover, the withered and yellow lawn gradually turned green, and flowers bloomed rapidly under her feet. Flowers every step of the way was talking about her current situation.

Shen Mengdie walked inside step by step, and everything around her recovered quickly, and water gradually flowed out from the fountain in the center again, and the originally dead courtyard suddenly came to life.

"This place feels so familiar." She looked up at the gate of the castle, took a deep breath, raised her hand and pushed the gate open, and with the old creaking sound, everything inside the castle was displayed in front of her.

What came into view was a wide hall, and facing the gate was a tall throne, and several very conspicuous items were placed on the throne.

She felt as if she had been deluded, and she walked over there uncontrollably, and when she came back to her senses, she was already holding a transparent spar in her hand.

"What is this?" She looked at the elves in the audience and asked softly.

"This is an energy crystal, but why is there only half of it?" An elderly flower fairy looked at the crystal stone which was obviously half incomplete, and panicked in his heart.The energy in the energy spar in Kao's hands is the basis for the stability of the flower spirit world, but now half of it is incomplete, which is definitely a disaster for the flower spirit world.

(End of this chapter)

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