The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 208 Chapter 208 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 208 Chapter 208
Someone once said that when you don't know how to face the development of things, you just need to smile, so she is doing it now, smiling quietly.

"By the way, Dr. Dick Berent is still in the living room. I asked him to come up and show you." Ulysses butler suddenly remembered that Dr. Dick Berent had just arrived at the castle. At that moment, everyone was busy looking for the missing little lady, wishing to dig the whole castle three feet into the ground, so after Dr. Dick Berent was arranged to rest in the living room, no one cared about him anymore , he thought that the man must be a little impatient.

Shen Mengdie knew that the butler was still a little worried about herself, but in order to make the other party feel at ease, she still decided to cooperate with the other party, so she agreed softly. "Okay, I will follow your arrangement."

Seeing this, the butler Ulysses showed a kind smile on his wrinkled face, then turned his head and said to the people beside him: "Go and ask Dr. Berent to come up, just ask him to come up." Miss, check your body."

"Yes." After the servant answered, he left in a hurry.

Shen Mengdie silently watched the big butler's actions, and smiled quietly.

The flower fairy Xiao Huang sat silently on Shen Mengdie's shoulders the whole time. Surrounded by so many people, she felt very uncomfortable. Although those people couldn't see her, the human breath made her feel very irritated.

Shen Mengdie stretched out her hand and patted the flower spirit Xiao Huang's head. She could clearly feel the other party's irritability. After receiving the magic power from the scepter, she could feel the mood swings of all the flower spirits. The flower elf Xiao Huang next to her was even more clear about her mood swings.In the eyes of others, her action was like patting the clothes on her shoulders.

"Hey... the system has been upgraded, and there are no tasks now. I don't know when I will be able to leave this world. Do I have to continue?" She sighed silently in her heart. She knew what to do, but she could feel that she had never paid so much attention to the task before. "Then how did I do it at that time? Forget it, thinking too much is just asking for trouble, so let's be ourselves now."

While she was silently rubbing the flower fairy Xiao Huang, Dr. Dick Berent was already the same as the previous few times, dressed in white, carrying a medicine box, with a gentle smile on his face slowly walked in.

After receiving the notification from Ulysses Castle this morning, Dick Berent rushed over quickly after finishing his work. He thought it was a routine inspection, but after arriving here, the face-to-face That's right.After waiting in the castle for a while, it was almost noon and when he was about to go back, someone came to tell him to come up.

Because of the previous treatment, this is not the first time he stepped into this room, but his heart still throbs.

"Why does she look a little bit wrong?" Dick Berent was the attending doctor of Shen Mengdie before, and it can be said that he often stayed by the other side, so he could understand some of the other's expressions, although The man looked the same now, but he was keenly aware of the difference.

"Dr. Berent, come quickly and see how our young lady is doing now. Is she well now?"

Just as Dick Berent was thinking, the eager butler had already walked over quickly, grabbed his hand and walked towards Shen Mengdie.

At this time, after experiencing the disappearance of the heir, the butler Ulysses could no longer be as calm and composed as before, and now he was eager to get a positive answer.

Shen Mengdie maintained a gentle smile from the beginning to the end. She really didn't know how to answer the conversation. She couldn't put herself into the current role, so she could only use a smile to cover up her indifferent attitude.

"Dr. Berent, thank you for your care a while ago." She looked at the man who came to her, and slightly bent the corners of her eyes.

"Miss Ulysses, you are welcome, can you start the inspection now?" Dick Berent responded to the other party with the same smile, and said hello in a gentle yet gentlemanly manner.

Shen Mengdie stared at the smile on the face of the person in front of her, feeling a little lost for a moment, her eyes dazed for a moment.

Dick Berent looked at the other person's appearance, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then his smile became brighter and brighter.He thought that the other party's appearance was admiring him, and he was very excited.

After a moment of trance, Shen Mengdie quickly came back to her senses, and thought silently in her heart: "I feel a familiar and strange feeling in him, it's no wonder that he is still willing to let the other party know when he is in a daze. Closer, but thinking about it now, it doesn't seem like that." She sighed softly, feeling empty in her heart.

Dick Berent didn't see the downcast eyes of the other party. He was taking out the equipment from his medicine box at the moment.

As the person present, Ulysses, the most experienced butler, naturally saw the interaction between the two, but he didn't say anything, but thought to himself: "Does the little lady like Dick Burroughs?" Lent? But it doesn't look like it, it seems that I have to help the little lady to check in the future, only if the little lady finds a good husband, the Ulysses family will last forever."

Shen Mengdie lightly closed her eyes to cover up the emotions in her heart, so that the eyes that should represent the windows of the soul could not show what she was thinking, and smiled while waiting for Dr. Dick Berent's examination and confirmation.

In the following time, regarding Shen Mengdie's sudden improvement, Dick Berent carefully confirmed for a long time before confirming: "Miss Ulysses is fine now, although I don't know What is the reason, but it has indeed improved, as for whether there are sequelae, it will take a period of observation."

When the butler Ulysses heard the word sequelae, he frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie smiled and stepped forward to take Dr. Dick Berent's words. "Thank you, I think it's almost noon, so let's stay and have lunch together."

"Since Miss Ulysses invited me, I will interrupt."

"You're welcome, you should." After Shen Mengdie finished speaking, she turned to the frowning butler and continued, "Grandpa butler, what are you thinking?"

"Oh..." Ulysses raised his head suddenly, relieved his brows and smiled, "I don't have anything to think about, the kitchen should be ready, let's go down."

"Well, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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