The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 209 Chapter 209 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 209 Chapter 209 The kingdom on the stamen (21)

Afterwards, a group of people walked slowly to the lobby where the first floor was located. After having lunch together, Dick Berent left and Shen Mengdie returned to her room. She had many things to do. I didn't think it through, I need to figure it out.

Shen Mengdie left Olive, who was taking care of herself, outside the door with the others. Now she needs a quiet environment to think about the future by herself.

Her room was in a better location on the second floor of the castle, so when she leaned against the window sill, she could just see the large areas of flowers outside the castle swaying gently with the breeze.

"Kao, I want to go out." The flower fairy Xiao Huang held back for a long time in the room, and after seeing the scenery outside the window, she couldn't help saying this to her.

"Hmm..." Shen Mengdie was contemplating, and when she heard the voice in her ear, she responded lightly, then turned her gaze, reached out and stroked the other person's head and said, "Go, but don't run too far .”

The flower elf Xiao Huang flapped her wings, flew in front of her, looked at everything outside the window eagerly, waved her hand and promised: "Kao, I know, then I'll go out first."

Shen Mengdie nodded her head lightly, and answered with a smile. "Go."

She watched the small figure move away from her sight, and there was a smile in her eyes.

"I remember that although I didn't stay in the Flower Spirit Realm for too long, it definitely didn't last for only one morning. So where is the problem?"

Just now, she had clearly noticed something was wrong, but because of the successive incidents, she didn't think much about it at that time, but now that she calmed down, she began to think secretly.

She has too many questions now, too many puzzles that urgently need answers, but the only system that can answer her questions is upgraded at this time.

"Hey, what's the matter now?" She sighed softly, and rubbed her fingers unconsciously. When she touched a ring, she gave a slight snort and turned her eyes to herself. on the finger.

"Why don't I have any impression of this ring, when did you wear it?"

This ring was worn on her left ring finger, as if it should have always existed. It was precisely because of this feeling that she didn't notice it at the first time.

"However, where did this come from?" She lightly rubbed the pattern on the ring with her fingers, and the bright red flower branches made her heart tremble.

"Why can't you take it off?" She wanted to take it off to have a look, but after a while, she still didn't take it off. "Strange."

"System, what is the origin of my ring? Why can't I remember?" She asked the system based on the principle that she didn't know how to ask the system.

However, the result was as she expected, the system being upgraded did not respond to her question. "I don't want to, it should be mine anyway."

"Hey..." She sighed softly, rubbed the ring for a while, then turned and walked towards the door.

Olive, who was guarding the door, seemed a little anxious. In the morning, because she left for a short while, the little lady disappeared, and now she hasn't seen her for a while.People were not under her nose, and she always felt a little frightened, worrying about what might go wrong.

When Shen Mengdie opened the door, she saw Olive's eyes of surprise. Seeing this, she raised her eyebrows lightly, and walked straight out without saying anything.

Seeing this, Olive quickly followed. She also thought about asking the other party directly, but for some reason, after seeing the other party's current appearance, she suddenly became a little scared. Maybe this is a kind of awe that the servant has for the master. .

"Da da da……"

In the quiet corridor, the sound of two people's footsteps one behind the other sounded. Shen Mengdie was wearing a pair of pure white calfskin boots, stepping on the marble floor, making a crisp sound.



When they came to the lobby on the first floor, there were more and more servants. When they saw Shen Mengdie, they quickly bowed to say hello.

"En." Shen Mengdie responded softly, walking leisurely like walking outside the door.

Facing the warm sunshine, she waved away the servant who wanted to come, and slowly came to a secluded flower field.The flower field in front of me is mostly roses, because these flowers are not only for beauty, but also have other uses.

Slowly coming to a remote flower field, avoiding everyone's sight, she couldn't help reaching out to caress the unbloomed flower buds in front of her eyes.

"This is……"

Just when her fingers touched the flower bone, the flower bone in front of her eyes opened at a speed visible to the naked eye.Faced with this situation, she subconsciously looked around herself, seeing that no one noticed her here, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't do anything just now, did I?" She was a little uncertain, so she lightly touched the flower branch with her finger. "Why is there no response?"

"I'll try again." She muttered to herself, touching the flower branch beside her with her fingers, and saw that the flower branch with only one flower bud started to sprout and branch crazily, and the flowers bloomed one after another quickly. "Is this caused by my magic power?"

Although she has absorbed the magic power in the scepter, she is not too used to the existence of this magic power.

Just as she watched everything in front of her in a silent trance, Xiao Huang, the flower elf who had been playing wildly for a long time, happily rushed over from a distance.


Shen Mengdie heard the other party's call, slowly spread her palm, gently caught the other party, and nodded Xiao Huang's head. "Where did you go crazy? Didn't I tell you not to run too far?"

"Flower King, I didn't run far, I just slipped around for a while." The flower elf Xiao Huang hugged one of her fingers and rubbed it lightly. After turning her head to look at the flower branches beside her, she exclaimed. "Kao, you did all this, right?"

"En, yes." Shen Mengdie nodded her head lightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Kao's magical power is so powerful, I can also make flowers bloom quickly, but it takes a lot of effort, and I can only make one flower like this, and I have to rest for a long time after that."

"Little Huang, do all flower spirits have this ability?"

"Yes, but everyone's magic power is getting weaker and weaker, so now there are very few flower spirits coming to human society. Last time I couldn't open the passage back because of lack of magic power, so I had to stay."

"That's it..." Shen Mengdie murmured, feeling lost for a moment.

She was a little confused about her future, but she didn't feel panic. She would treat those who were kind to her with the same kindness, and she would not care about those who looked down on her.

(End of this chapter)

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