The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 210 Chapter 210 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 210 Chapter 210 The kingdom on the stamen (22)

"As a passer-by, I will not stay in one world. In order to go further, I have to take everything lightly."

Shen Mengdie gently closed her eyes, and sighed leisurely.

The flower fairy Xiao Huang noticed her actions, and gradually calmed down, pulling the corner of her clothes and watching her silently.

After Shen Mengdie calmed down, under the dazed expression of the flower elf Xiao Huang, she smiled lightly and walked towards the castle with her hands in her arms.When she saw the big housekeeper from a distance, she suddenly froze for a moment, and then remembered that after she got better today, it seemed that she hadn't met the old earl, her grandpa in name.

"Is it appropriate to go now?" She knew that the old earl's health was no longer good, and it seemed a little bad to disturb him now, and she didn't know what to say to him when she went.

Just when she stopped and thought to herself, the butler saw her and greeted her, "Miss, I have invited an etiquette teacher to train you. You are required to appear during the succession ceremony."

"Okay, grandpa butler." Shen Mengdie responded repeatedly, then turned her thoughts, and suddenly thought of Mengna who had just arrived in this world to help her, so she asked the butler, "Grandpa butler, I want to bring you Come back alone, okay?"

"Miss wants to bring someone back, of course I can, but may I know who it is?"

"Well, it was a woman who was by my side back then."

After being reminded by her, the butler Ulysses suddenly remembered the woman he had met once. She also had black hair, but she looked very thin.

"I'll send someone to pick her up, little miss, you can study with peace of mind."

Upon hearing this, Shen Mengdie agreed, "Okay, then I'll trouble the butler grandpa."

So, from the next day, Shen Mengdie began to receive emergency training. The reason why nobles are nobles is not only because of their extravagant life, but also because of the many rules and the darkness hidden behind the elegance.

The people sent by the steward Ulysses brought him back on the third day. At that time, Shen Mengdie was studying etiquette in the classroom in the castle.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door of the room, Shen Mengdie raised her hand, interrupted the etiquette teacher's movements, then walked slowly to the door by herself, and opened the door.

"Miss, the person you are looking for has been brought back and is resting in the living room." The person who came to deliver the message was naturally her personal maid, Olive.After receiving the news from there today, she had already told the other party in advance that she must notify herself when the person who picked her up came back. She was worried that Meng Na would feel uncomfortable after coming here.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Shen Mengdie responded softly, then turned her head and explained to the etiquette teacher in the room: "Today's training is cancelled, I have something to deal with now."

"Okay, Miss Ulysses." The etiquette teacher is a middle-aged woman with a slender figure and an elegant temperament, which is very attractive. The other party will temporarily live in the castle in the near future.

"Let's go." Seeing that Shen Mengdie had explained clearly, she walked straight to the living room.

For those who helped her at the beginning, she also has the mentality of helping them, hoping that they can live a happier life.

"Da da da……"

The sound of the high heels stepping on the marble floor made several people in the living room turn their eyes.

Mengna originally worked in a bakery, and when Ulysses's servant went to pick her up, she was a little flattered. She didn't plan to come, but under the persuasion of the shop owner and her own worries about Shen Mengdie, she decided to come. come and see.

When she entered the castle, she tugged at the corner of her clothes, looking at the very expensive sofa, she felt a little cramped for a while, the best clothes on her body looked very tattered compared with the sofa in the castle .This dress was already her best, without any patches, and the corners were a little whitish from her washing.

She sat on the sofa and looked at the people around her motionless. Those servants were all better dressed than her, and the most valuable things in her body were the dozen or so silver coins in her bag and the gemstone brooch Shen Mengdie gave when she left. .

When she saw someone coming, she was very excited. In this place, she only knew that one person.

Shen Mengdie walked over slowly, and the surrounding servants automatically made way.She looked at Meng Na who stood up excitedly, raised her hand, and said softly: "You sit down first, I have something to tell you later."

The words that Meng Na was about to blurt out were swallowed back, and she obediently sat back on the sofa behind her.

Shen Mengdie glanced at the servants around, and then ordered: "Go and serve the afternoon tea, what should the others do, they are all scattered, don't hang around here."

Looking at the dispersed crowd, Meng Na exhaled lightly, pursed the corners of her mouth, looked at the other party nervously and thought to herself: "She seems to be different in some way, she looks more... Even more..." For a while, she didn't know how to describe it, but it was always better and more aura.

Shen Mengdie looked at the other party holding the corner of her clothes, slightly distracted, bent the corners of her eyebrows, and looked at the other party carefully.The person in front of her was the first person she helped her in this world, and her personality was also her favorite, so although she didn't have too many interactions, she still decided to help him as much as she could while she was still in this world.

"How have you been recently?"

Following Shen Mengdie's opening, the two began to have a simple conversation.

"Same as before, okay."

"I troubled you last time, and there was nothing wrong after I left, right?"

"No, no." Meng Na quickly waved her hand.

"I hope you can stay here." Shen Mengdie directly explained her expectations, only by keeping people by her side can she take care of them.

Meng Na was a little surprised when she heard this. "Isn't that appropriate?"

"It's nothing inappropriate, you can just stay at ease."

"But..." Just when Meng Na was about to decline, the maid brought over the drinks and refreshments on a tray and gently placed them on the table.

During this period of time, Shen Mengdie developed the habit of drinking afternoon tea, and now it was the afternoon, so the kitchen had already prepared refreshments.

"Try my drink first." Shen Mengdie lightly placed one of the cups in front of the other party, then gracefully picked up the cup in front of her and took a sip.

She is able to do this now because of the results of the assault training in the past few days, and now it seems that the effect is very significant.

(End of this chapter)

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