The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 212 Chapter 212 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 212 Chapter 212 The kingdom on the stamen (24)

Shen Mengdie's appearance was amazing, and she became the focus of attention in an instant.

After entering the crowd, all kinds of eyes kept turning around her, estimating her value and whether there was any benefit for her.The crowd naturally moved out of the way, no one rushed forward, they all stood where they were, smiling and looking at her.

Shen Mengdie didn't pay attention to the gazes of these people. After a brief self-introduction, she took her personal maid to find a secluded place and sat down.

"Miss, don't you want to get to know them?" Meng Na stood behind her, looked at the indifferent person in front of her, and asked softly.

"Hmm..." Shen Mengdie snorted softly, then turned her eyes to those who glanced at her with concealed eyes, and replied with a light smile: "No need, the big butler grandpa is taking care of it."

She was not very willing to interact with the nobles, and she didn't want to cause trouble for herself, so she stayed quietly in Ulysses Castle, and then took herself to the next journey after the system upgrade was completed.

In her heart, there were no system tasks and no crisis this time, so it could just be regarded as a rare vacation.

"Oh." Meng Na nodded her head lightly, responded lightly, and then continued to stand silently.

Olive also stood aside, she was actually a little envious of Mona. "Miss attaches so much importance to each other, she not only treats people as her own servants, but also like..." Thinking of this, she could only sigh silently. You can ask the little lady, but she can't.

Shen Mengdie didn't know what the two behind them were thinking, of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't care.Now she is unconsciously rubbing the ring on her left ring finger, while the flower fairy Xiao Huang is lying on her lap, looking at the ring on her hand intently.

Xiao Huang, the flower elf, vaguely felt that the ring in Kao's hand looked a bit complicated, but she could only feel it vaguely, but couldn't tell why.

"Miss Ulysses."

When Shen Mengdie was distracted silently by herself, a palm was stretched out in front of her, which caught her attention.After hearing the person in front of him calling softly to him, he slowly raised his head, and then looked at the person with a smile on his face.

"Dr. Dick Berent, what's the matter?"

Dick Berent was still dressed in white, with a smile of ten thousand years on his face, looking at her elegantly and affectionately. "Today's opening dance, can I be your partner?"

Shen Mengdie lowered her eyes, bent her eyebrows, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I already have a partner."

"Then..." Dick Berent wanted to ask who her dancing partner was, but after hesitating for a while, he suddenly changed his words: "Then can I sit here for a while?"

"You can do whatever you want." Shen Mengdie didn't have anything to say to the person in front of her, she didn't want to have any contact with the person in front of her.

For a while, the scene was a little silent.

If it wasn't for the old earl, Shen Mengdie would not have wanted to stay here at all. The surrounding candles were staggered, and the crowd was talking softly, but all of this didn't seem to have much to do with her.

Olive looked at Dick Berent, a little distracted. The man in front of her was the type that many women admired, and she naturally admired him too.

"Why didn't I know that she already had a dance partner?" Meng Na looked at Shen Mengdie, and then at the man next to him. From her point of view, the man was very good, but judging from the current situation, But he couldn't get Shen Mengdie's heart.

And Shen Mengdie didn't reject the other party rashly, she really already had a dance partner, and that person was the big butler grandpa.She had talked about this with the butler some time ago, but the other party did not readily agree to this decision, and she didn't know what the butler thought at the time.

Suddenly, the music changed and the dance began.

Dick Berent was still a little unwilling, and he had to wait to see who got ahead of him.

Butler Ulysses was dressed in a neat suit, and his gray hair did not conceal his demeanor at all.He came in front of Shen Mengdie, and made a gentlemanly gesture to invite the dancer. "Miss, please."

"Well, grandpa housekeeper, let's go." Shen Mengdie nodded, and slowly passed her hand into the other's.

Following the rhythm of the music, the two slowly slid onto the dance floor.

Seeing this, Dick Berent choked what he wanted to say in his throat.

In the center of the dance floor, Shen Mengdie and the butler danced lightly. Amid the applause of everyone, the dance ended quickly.

At this time, more and more people slipped onto the dance floor, and everyone enjoyed the carnival night to the fullest.

After Shen Mengdie separated from the butler, she took the two maids to rest aside. If the master didn't leave the scene directly, she would have gone back to her room to rest.

Everything in front of her made her a little dazed, and a sense of sorting out suddenly emerged from the bottom of her heart.

"Is she that dream Nora Ulysses? Is it different from the rumors?"

"She looks so cold and aloof. She didn't even come to get to know us. At first glance, she is from a small place, and she is petty."

"Then you say, shall we go over and chat with her?"

"If you want to go, I won't go."

In the distance, a group of girls with lupines were chattering about Shen Mengdie who was sitting alone. Logically speaking, judging by her current status, there must be many people who are fawning on her. As a countess, she has Many advantages.

Shen Mengdie silently listened to what the people over there said about her, and when she heard that someone wanted to come over to strike up a conversation, she lightly closed her eyes, as if she closed her eyes and rested her mind, refusing to talk.

Although the group of people was a certain distance away from her, and the voices of the conversation were also very soft, but she was sitting here and could still hear the discussion about herself.

She doesn't care much about other people's theories, but the flower elf Xiao Huang who is playing on the side can't bear it. "How can the supreme Kao let these humans talk freely? It's too much."

Shen Mengdie naturally heard the flower fairy Xiao Huang talking to herself, but she didn't say anything, but gently held it in her arms.

The flower elf Xiao Huang lay obediently in Shen Mengdie's hands, but her eyes kept on watching the movement here and there. When she heard more ugly words, she rushed over. "These people are so annoying, I'm going to teach them a lesson."

Shen Mengdie raised her hand, but she still didn't keep Xiao Huang, the flower fairy. Noticing the other party's angry look, she smiled and didn't say anything.


"what happened?"


With a cry of surprise, a woman in pink suddenly swayed and fell backwards. At the same time, she reached out and grabbed the skirt of a woman beside her. With the sound of fabric being torn, the standing woman The white thighs were exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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