The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 213 Chapter 213 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 213 Chapter 213 The kingdom on the stamen (25)

People who were close around were all surprised when they noticed the movement here. Seeing this, the woman ignored her companion and ran quickly into the house clutching her skirt.

Shen Mengdie naturally also heard the situation over there, no, before she got up, the person maintaining order had already settled the matter easily.

After half of the dance, Shen Mengdie sighed softly, rubbed her forehead and told the people behind her: "There is no point in staying here anymore, let's go back now."


The two people behind her didn't ask why, but after a light reply, they slowly followed behind her.

When the three of them disappeared into the hall, they didn't attract much attention, but the butler noticed the actions of the three of them because of his glances from time to time.

"It's fine to go back, I'm the one who made things difficult for her." Ulysses the chief steward actually understood that Shen Mengdie didn't like this kind of occasion, but this is something every noble must go through.

Shen Mengdie naturally didn't know what the big housekeeper was thinking. The other party didn't give any special instructions before, so she did it according to her own ideas.

After removing the heavy dress, she waved away the waiter, wearing a thin nightgown, sitting on the head of the bed and dreaming alone.After a long time, she sighed softly and slowly fell down on her own bed.

After the second day's sunlight shone through the window sill into this quiet bedroom, she slowly opened her eyes. A new day had come, but for her, it was no different.

Standing by the window sill, she could see people leaving in carriages in twos and threes. Looking at the smiles on their faces, she just watched silently, not knowing what she was thinking.

She doesn't want to comment on the extravagant life style of the nobles, nor is she interested.As for the magic power she had obtained, she wanted to study it a little bit, but with servants guarding her every day, her actions were obviously restricted.

"Xiao Huang, how about we go back to the Flower Spirit Realm again?" She stretched out her fingers and gently rubbed the flower elf Xiao Huang's head, looking a little bit uninterested.

"Okay, it's so boring here, let's go back."

Shen Mengdie looked at the excited appearance of the flower elf Xiao Huang, and gave a low chuckle. "Okay, I'll take you back."

For some reason, since she regained consciousness, she has always felt empty in her heart, unable to arouse joy, so recently, except for a few occasions of chuckling, she has not shown any happy expression on her face.

It seems that even if she forgot the memory of the previous world, it still had a great influence on her.

The steward Ulysses has always been aware of Shidu's performance, but he understands that the other party is worried about the current situation of the Ulysses family.

"Xiao Huang, hold on to me, let's go now." As soon as she finished speaking, she pulled out the hairpin of the scepter inserted in her hair, and the magic power in her hand quickly climbed up. After a burst of light, not only did the scepter in her hand become Back to the original appearance, even the clothes on his body have changed a lot.

"It's amazing." Although she had had such an experience before, when she faced it again, she still felt quite amazing.

Lifting the scepter and tapping the floor, a familiar vortex entrance appeared in front of her. Seeing this, she stepped in without hesitation.

And just when Shen Mengdie brought the flower fairy Xiao Huang back to the Flower Spirit Realm, the rumors about her in the aristocratic circle changed drastically.

It has been rumored before that because the Ulysses family found a delirious heir, it might be over soon, but now it is said that the heir of the Ulysses family is a normal person, but he has a bad temper. Even so, the Ulysses family was saved.


There was a sound of a glass breaking, and then a person's roar came from a room with a closed door.

"What's going on? There is no problem, so my plan is going to fail?"

"Count, don't be angry."

"Can I not be angry, I finally saw that the Ulysses family is about to fall, but..."

"Count, calm down. Didn't you say that the heir didn't touch any nobles at the ball? I think she is timid. Dealing with such a woman is really not difficult."

"Hmph, the rumors may not be credible. But the prince's birthday is coming. This time the king revealed in advance that he will take this opportunity to choose a concubine for the prince. You find all the marriageable women in the family. This time I will definitely To climb up to the prince."

"Yes, everything is subject to the earl's arrangement."

Shen Mengdie didn't know what other people said about her, and she didn't care. In the following days, everything would be as usual.While familiarizing myself with my new abilities, I occasionally go to the Flower Spirit Realm to get some fresh air.

When I had just changed my clothes this morning, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the door, followed by a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

Shen Mengdie looked up at the door, then said softly, "Come in."

As soon as her words fell, Meng Na hurried forward and opened the door.

"Miss, it's not good, the Earl has gone."

"What!" Shen Mengdie was also taken aback when she heard the news, and Olive, who was helping her comb her hair, even dropped the comb in her hand to the ground.

"The butler asked me to tell you to come over as soon as possible." The person who came was a maid, but she was serving the old earl, so when something happened, the butler directly sent her over.

After a moment of stupefaction, Shen Mengdie nodded her head and replied, "I see, I'll be there right away."

"Yes." Seeing that her notice had been delivered, the maid responded quickly and walked out quickly. In the next time, she still had a lot of things to do.

"Miss, let me help you fix your hair." Olive quickly picked up the comb while the other party was talking, and said softly to the person in front of her.

After thinking for a while, Shen Mengdie waved her hand and said, "Don't bother, we'll go directly."

Her hair has been tidied now, but she didn't bring any accessories. She didn't care much about these, and she inserted the scepter bun on the dressing table into her hair, and slowly stood up.

"Let's go."

"Yes." Olive and Mona in the room answered quickly.

After they opened the door, they hurried to the old count's bedroom. When she saw the open door, she breathed a sigh of relief and walked in.

"Little Miss."

"Little Miss."

As soon as she walked into the bedroom, a servant came forward to salute, she snorted softly, waved her hand and said, "Well, you guys go out first."

(End of this chapter)

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