The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 215 Chapter 215 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 215 Chapter 215 The kingdom on the stamen (27)

After Mengna saw everything in the hall, she felt awkward for a moment, but she still kept up with the pace of the person in front of her, and quickly chased after her.

After Shen Mengdie brought the people behind her to a secluded place with few people, she began to look around boredly. Now there are still people entering the arena one after another, so the dance has not officially started yet.

While they were waiting for the prince to appear, Shen Mengdie suddenly felt the call from the flower spirit world, and it became more and more intense as time went by.

"Why did this happen all of a sudden? Could something have happened?" Shen Mengdie was a little undecided for a while, not sure if he should rush over now.

"Kao, Kao, let's go back quickly." The flower elf Xiao Huang also felt a sense of anxiety that she had never felt before, and began to urge the people around her.

Shen Mengdie hesitated for a moment, and looked hesitantly at the crowd around her.

Meng Na stood beside her, keeping an eye on the other person's expression, and when she sensed something was wrong, she couldn't help asking: "Master Earl, is something wrong?"

When Shen Mengdie heard the question from the person beside her, she put her eyes on the other person. After feeling the more urgent call, she had to clenched her fingers tightly, secretly deciding whether to stay or not. question.

"Mona, please do me a favor."

"Eh?" Mona was surprised for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses, and then replied: "Master Earl, just give orders."

"I'm going to leave for a while, so you stay here to replace me. If someone comes, just try not to talk."

"No, people will definitely recognize me like this." Meng Na said anxiously, waving her hands repeatedly.

"You have to be confident, there are so many people here, no one will recognize you." Shen Mengdie tried to persuade the other party, because she really needed the other party to deceive people.

"But..." Mengna couldn't find the words to refuse for a while, she turned her eyes, and when she saw the other party's dress, she had an idea, and continued: "My lord, when we came in just now, the others had already I recognized your clothes, I'm afraid it's not good for us to be like this now?"

Shen Mengdie originally thought that the other party would say something, but it turned out to be such a small problem, so she said: "This is a small problem, just watch it"

Under Meng Na's suspicious eyes, she pulled out the scepter bun from her hair, and as she meditated in her heart, the scepter began to grow rapidly.

The doubt in Meng Na's eyes gradually turned into surprise, but the surrounding crowd seemed to have not noticed what the two of them were doing, and they were doing their own things.

In fact, while the two were talking, Shen Mengdie quietly used her magic power to shield the senses of other people around her, so that those people would not be able to notice the movements on her side.

"It's amazing." Meng Na was already amazed just looking at everything in front of her, and she was even more surprised when the other party lightly lifted the scepter in her hand.

I saw that after the other party's scepter lightly touched her dress, the dress on her body quickly changed into the appearance of the opposite person, no matter in terms of style or color, even the mask on her face became exactly the same up.Although she didn't know what her bun looked like, she guessed it should be the same.

"You are exactly the same as me now, there will be absolutely no problem." Shen Mengdie looked at the current appearance of the person in front of her, and nodded with satisfaction.


"No but, that's it." Shen Mengdie quickly interrupted the other party's words, and decided the matter like a dictatorship.

Meng Na knew that she had to follow suit this time, she only hoped that no one would come to talk to her before the person in front of her came back, so she complied softly. "Yes, my lord."

"Well, just stay here." After Shen Mengdie briefly explained a word, he quickly brought the flower fairy Xiao Huang into the familiar vortex.

As she stayed for a while, the call to her from there became more urgent, so she didn't have time to explain anything to Meng Na. As for her magical power, she had to wait until the other side resolved it.

Seeing the person who disappeared out of thin air before her eyes, Meng Na was flustered for a moment, and then quickly calmed herself down.After seeing the surprised gazes of those around her, she slowly withdrew her gaze, and then quietly sat back in her original position.

"Pray that tonight can pass safely. Don't let anyone come over." She pinched the hem of her skirt a little nervously, praying silently in her heart.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, the people looking at this side withdrew their gazes and continued with their own business. No one noticed that in this slightly secluded corner, a person just disappeared out of thin air.

When Shen Mengdie's figure appeared in front of the castle, the surrounding flower spirits quickly surrounded them, with anxious expressions on their faces. The moment they saw her, they seemed to have found their backbone.

"What's the matter?" Shen Mengdie looked at the abnormal expressions of the surrounding flower spirits, and secretly guessed if something happened.

"Reporting to Kao, I don't know why recently, the energy of the flower spirit world is rapidly draining, and all the flowers are gradually beginning to look decadent."

Listening to the report of the flower fairy in front of her, she frowned subconsciously.

"There is such a thing, you can't find out the reason at all?"

Hearing this, Huaxian shook her head lightly.

"It looks like something big is going to happen." Shen Mengdie said with a sigh, and slowly turned her gaze to the sea of ​​flowers beside her. Those originally delicate and beautiful flowers were already showing signs of withering at this moment.Looking around, it's really shocking.

"Go ahead, I will find out the problem as soon as possible." She turned her head and glanced at the worried-looking flower spirits beside her, and explained softly.

"Yes, everything is up to Kao to decide."

After the flower spirits responded, they gradually dispersed.

Shen Mengdie bent down to caress the flower branches in front of her, but the flowers gave her a feeling that they were a little weak, as if they would wither at any moment.

In this world of flower spirits, such a large-scale collective withering seems very abnormal. Just like what those flower spirits said, there is indeed a problem, and it is still a big problem.If it is not dealt with in time and allowed to develop like this, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Xiao Huang, let's go and see elsewhere."

In fact, the moment she came in just now, as Kao with the highest magic power, she felt the loss of energy immediately, although it was very slow, but in the long run, it should not be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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