The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 216 Chapter 216 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 216 Chapter 216 The kingdom on the stamen (28)

Shen Mengdie now urgently needs to find the answer. This is the responsibility of Kao, and now it's time for her to fulfill it.
"Kao, let's go." The flower elf Xiao Huang fluttered her wings and urged the people who were thinking about the problem.

Shen Mengdie came back to her senses, looked at the little guy beside her, and replied softly: "Okay, follow me."

While this side is busy finding out what went wrong, the palace ball over there is about to begin.

Meng Na sat alone in the same place, glanced at the crowd around her from time to time, pinching her fingers nervously.

As the soothing and elegant music sounded, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and even Meng Na, who was distracted by herself, noticed something was wrong.


With the sound of the door opening, the door on the second floor slowly opened, and at the same time, a blond, blue-eyed, handsome man walked down slowly and steadily.

Everyone's eyes turned to that side, with a hint of excitement in their eyes.

"It's the prince."

A small exclamation beside Meng Na made her look away from the shining prince, and she rubbed her fingers a little awkwardly.

"Is this His Royal Highness the Prince?" Just now, Meng Na noticed the prince's appearance hidden under the mask, and the blond hair like the sun god almost dazzled her eyes.

With the appearance of the prince, the ball officially began, and the crowd gradually joined the center of the dance floor in twos and threes, while Meng Na, who had been sitting in the corner, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Perhaps because of hiding in a corner, no one came to invite her to dance, but this happened to be what she was looking forward to.

After the dance was over, the prince waved away the people around him, and began to look at the people present. He also knew what was going on with his family's arrangements.He was not disgusted with choosing a concubine for a while, after all, he was already in the right grade.

When the other women saw the prince's eyes turned to their side, they were overjoyed, and tried their best to raise a lady's smile, hoping to win the favor of the other party.

After seeing the flattering expressions of those women, the prince frowned irritably. When he saw Meng Na who was far away from the crowd, his eyes lit up, and he walked over slowly with a smile.

"The prince came towards us. He must have come to invite me to dance."

"How could it be you, it must be me."

"Don't think about it, it must be me."

"You all shut up, it must be me."

A group of young women gathered here whispered, their bodies moved forward, and they kept pushing the people around them back with their arms, hoping to make themselves look more eye-catching.

Under the expectant eyes of these women, the prince walked straight past the crowd and walked back slowly.

As the protagonist of tonight, it can be said that the eyes of most people present are on the prince, they are eager to know who is the lucky one tonight.

"Beautiful lady, may I ask you to dance?"

Meng Na, who was in a daze, heard the invitation to her, she suddenly raised her head and saw the prince's dazzling blond hair and warm smile.

"I..." Meng Na bit her lip unconsciously to ease her nervousness. "Your Highness, I am a little uncomfortable."

The prince naturally understood that the other party was rejecting his invitation, and he had a slight appreciation for this kind of useless woman. "Then can we chat?"

While hiding her nervousness, Meng Na nodded her head lightly and replied: "Okay."

"Beautiful lady, what family do you come from?"

"I am..." Mengna suddenly paused when she said this, remembering what her lord Earl had told her, so she replied, "I come from the Ulysses family."

"Oh, you are the young Countess Ulysses, aren't you?" The prince said here, with a little smile in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." Meng Na could only answer the other party's question cautiously, lest she would be exposed accidentally.The excellent man beside him is the dream lover in the eyes of all women, so even Meng Na is no exception attracted by him.

The two chatted happily here, at least in the eyes of other people. Seeing this scene, many celebrities gritted their teeth.But those who recognized the woman's clothes showed a meaningful smile, and then continued to be busy with their own affairs.


What is Shen Mengdie busy with now?

She is currently inspecting her territory, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the entire Flower Spirit World is her territory. After all, she has to manage everything here. Although she does not need to deal with many things in person on weekdays, but this This kind of big problem is what she has to solve.

"Xiao Huang, have you noticed anything different?" Shen Mengdie frowned slightly, scanning her surroundings, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Although strictly speaking, these things seem to have nothing to do with her as a passer-by, but under the eyes of all the flower spirits praying, she still wants to deal with everything here before leaving.

"Kao, what should we do now? All the flowers are starting to wither, and it will soon affect the blooming of flowers in the human world."

"What?" Shen Mengdie originally asked casually, but after hearing the worried words of flower elf Xiao Huang, she felt a deep sense of uneasiness in her heart.

"The growth of the flowers in the flower spirit world represents the condition of the flowers in the human world. After the flowers here wither, the flowers there will also be affected." The flower elf Xiao Huang thought that the other party didn't understand the meaning of the words, so she flapped her wings and stayed On the shoulder of the other party, he slowly narrated.

Hearing this, Shen Mengdie quickly searched through the memories she got at the beginning, and found the reason in the corner of the memory.

"Is that so?" She lightly rubbed the scepter in her hand, but she was searching for a solution in her mind.

She learned from her memory that everything that happened in front of her was caused by incomplete energy crystallization. The crystallization of ability not only stabilizes the flower spirit world, but is also the source of the magic power of Kao and all flower spirits, and it is also the essence of all flowers.Without energy crystallization, all flowers will wither and never bloom again, and it will not only be a trouble for the flower spirit world.

Since the crystallization of the ability was incomplete, some flower spirits have noticed something strange, and all of this now is only more obvious.

"Why not?" She lowered her eyes and muttered to herself, feeling a little anxious in her heart.

"Kao, what's there?" The flower elf Xiao Huang has been carrying her on her shoulders, and naturally heard her whisper, so she opened her eyes wide and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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