The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 217 Chapter 217 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 217 Chapter 217 The kingdom on the stamen (29)

Shen Mengdie hooked the corners of her lips slightly, rubbed the flower elf Xiao Huang's head lightly, and did not answer the other party's question.Now she is looking for a solution from the memories she obtained at the beginning, but in the past years, there has never been a problem of missing energy crystals, so she has not found a good solution from the memories.

"According to the current situation, the best way is to find the missing half of the energy crystal. As long as it is completed, everything should return to normal. But where can I find it?"

Shen Mengdie secretly thought about the solution in her heart, frowning for a while.

"Hey..." She sighed lightly, and glanced at the flowers and branches around her, her heart felt unprecedentedly heavy.

After returning to the castle, she summoned all the flower spirits and ordered to find the missing half of the energy crystals as a top priority.Mobilize all the flower spirits to act together, in short, we must find a way to find some clues.

She looked at the flower spirit who had accepted her order to leave slowly, and set her eyes on the sky. In this flower spirit world, the passage of time was always difficult for her to notice, but in her previous habits, she could still probably see time to come.

"It's been so long now, I have to hurry back to the ballroom, or it will take time to go back tonight."

She clenched the scepter in her hand and murmured.Since it's impossible to make any progress here, she'd better go back there first.

Xiao Huang, the flower elf, saw her movements and knew that she was going back now, so she held onto her dress tightly.

In the corner of the bustling hall, no one noticed that a figure slowly walked out of the black vortex.

When Shen Mengdie opened the passage, she had already blocked everything around her. No one except herself would notice the abnormality here. Even Meng Na and Her Royal Highness, who were close at hand, didn't notice it, and they were still happy. chatting.

"Depends on the situation, it's not bad." Shen Mengdie looked at Meng Na who was talking with the prince, and nodded with satisfaction. The other party was able to talk freely with the prince naturally without being seen through, and she behaved quite well.

The current situation is not suitable for her to show up. Seeing this situation, she continued to hide here, waiting for His Royal Highness to leave.

"Based on the current situation, the prince doesn't have a crush on Mengna, does he?" Shen Mengdie said with some uncertainty. It's not uncommon for nobles to marry commoners, but it's not clear what the prince thinks about this matter.

And she is not afraid of things being revealed, at most it will bring a little trouble to herself.

Just as she was staring at the two of them and thinking to herself, an attendant hurried over and whispered something in the prince's ear.Then the prince looked at the woman he had been talking with for a long time, and said apologetically, "Miss Ulysses, I'm really sorry, I have something urgent to deal with right now, can we talk later?"

When Meng Na heard this, there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes, but she still tried her best to raise a smile and replied: "Your Highness, this is my honor."

"Okay, then I'll come to you later." The prince felt that the woman in front of him was very nice, so he agreed to meet again in a while.

Meng Na looked at the prince who left in a hurry with his attendants, lowered her eyes, and secretly calmed down the loss in her heart.She understands that after today, she and the other party will no longer have any intersections. She is not the young lady of the Ulysses family, and as a commoner, she is not qualified to expect too much.

"Hey..." Meng Na held her skirt and sighed deeply.

Although Shen Mengdie was separated from the two of them by a certain distance just now, she still heard the servant's message clearly. From the message, it can be known that it is His Royal Highness's mother, that is, His Royal Highness, the Queen is looking for the other party in a hurry.

"Queen?" She rummaged through some information about the queen that she had obtained at the beginning. She always felt that from the rumors, the whole body of the queen was full of disobedience.

Thinking of the information given to her by the big housekeeper, she shook her head lightly. "I still don't want to get involved in the royal affairs. There is still a big trouble in the flower spirit world waiting for me to deal with."

After thinking through all this, she grabbed Xiao Huang, the flower elf who kept flying around her, and put it lightly on her shoulder, then put away the scepter, inserted it into her hair, and then slowly walked towards Meng Na past.

"What's the matter?" Shen Mengdie asked with a light smile as she sat lightly beside the other party, smoothing the hair on her ears and temples.

"No..." Meng Na was contemplating, and when she heard the question, she answered naturally, but after hearing the other party's voice clearly, she suddenly came to her senses, and raised her head happily. "Lord Earl."

After a cry of surprise, Meng Na quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, and looked around her in a panic.

"It's okay, they can't hear you." Just as she was approaching the other party, she had already used her magic power to shield the surrounding area.

Seeing that the people around her did not turn their gazes away because of her exclamation, Meng Na secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that she had lost her composure, and looked at the calm and calm person beside her, with a little envy in her heart .

"Let's go back in a while, it's meaningless to stay any longer." Shen Mengdie said while dispelling the magic on the other party.

Meng Na watched her dress slowly recede into its original shape, and she didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed, she just replied quickly: "Everything is subject to the arrangements of the Earl."

"Well, if that's the case, let's go." Shen Mengdie stood up slowly, and casually removed the magic barrier she had set up.

Seeing the normal expressions of the people around her, she nodded in satisfaction. She felt that she was getting more and more comfortable with the use of magic.

Just when they were about to go out, a middle-aged woman suddenly stopped them.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Shen Mengdie looked at the other party's clothes and face without a hoopoe mask, and she could probably guess the identity of the person, but she couldn't be sure who sent the person. After all, she was really good at this palace. Not very familiar.

The visitor put on a straight face, as if someone owed her, and said in a hoarse voice: "Countess Ulysses, the Queen is here to invite you."

"Queen?" Shen Mengdie hesitated for a moment when she heard this.

"The queen is welcome, and I hope you will come with me."

Shen Mengdie looked at the other party's expression now, and understood that this time he had to go, so he nodded in agreement and said, "Then please lead the way."

"Please follow me."

Hearing this, Shen Mengdie followed slowly. She was also a little confused as to why the queen, who didn't know each other, suddenly summoned her. She could only adapt to the situation for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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