The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 218 Chapter 218 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 218 Chapter 218
"That's the maid next to the queen. I've seen her before, but what is she doing with that woman?"

"You don't know him? That woman is Countess Ulysses. I guess the queen is looking for her for something?"

"Do you think this has something to do with His Royal Highness?"

"I think she's in trouble."

At that moment, many people present saw His Royal Highness chatting with Miss Ulysses and getting along very happily, so after seeing Shen Mengdie gradually leaving, everyone was guessing whether there was any follow-up development of.

Shen Mengdie slightly twitched the corner of her mouth when the people behind her said about her, and didn't care much.

She is now following in the footsteps of the people in front of her, gradually moving away from the bustling hall.When the hustle and bustle was far away and she could no longer hear it, she turned her attention to the new environment around her.

The palace castle is brightly lit tonight, and there are guards standing guard at intervals.

"Da da da……"

It was the sound of her stepping on the floor, and it was also the soft sound of the two people beside her.


As the door slowly opened, the light inside the door shone out.

"Queen, Miss Ulysses is here." The middle-aged maid stopped at the door and said to the people inside.

"Let her in." The inside responded quickly.

This is a slightly charming voice, which seems to have infinite magic power, inexplicably attracting people.

"Miss Ulysses, please."

Shen Mengdie watched the middle-aged maid standing by the door and made a gesture of invitation to herself. She nodded slightly and walked in.

Seeing this, Meng Na naturally followed quickly. The middle-aged maid slightly raised her eyes, and then stretched out her hand to stop Meng Na from following.

"You..." Meng Na wanted to follow but was blocked, she frowned slightly and looked at the person who blocked her.

The middle-aged maid turned a blind eye to Mona's expression, and said flatly, "This girl should stay outside, the queen only summoned Miss Ulysses."

When Meng Na heard this, she was about to refute immediately, but Shen Mengdie raised her hand to interrupt her words.

"Mona, wait for me right here."

"Yes." Mengna saw that the Earl had already spoken, so she had to lower her head and responded lightly, and just quietly watched the other person walk in slowly.

After a creak, the middle-aged maid gently closed the door again.

"Your Highness the Queen." After seeing the woman lying on the soft bed, Shen Mengdie bent down to her according to the etiquette she had learned.

The glamorous queen in front of her was far from what she had imagined, she didn't look like a queen at all, but she would not say it outright.

Hearing this, the queen slowly opened her closed eyes, stroked her red lips and smiled softly, "Do you know why I invited you here?"

"Please tell the queen clearly." Shen Mengdie replied in this way, but she was laughing secretly in her heart. The other party's current appearance is playing tricks, and the sense of disobedience became even stronger after seeing her.

"I heard that His Royal Highness had a very happy conversation with you tonight, what do you think?" After speaking, the queen sat up gently and stared straight at her.

Facing the queen's scrutinizing gaze, Shen Mengdie secretly thought about the other party's intentions.

The queen saw that she didn't answer her, so she raised her brows lightly and changed the topic. "If you want to enter the royal family, you must obey my orders in the future, and you must first report to me about everything about the prince."

When Shen Mengdie heard the words, she was a little confused for a while. "Queen, I think you have misunderstood, I have no intention of entering the royal family."

"The prince is interested in you now, so you have to continue."

"I reject."

"You have no right to refuse." The queen suddenly took out her wand from behind her, pointed at Shen Mengdie and ordered.

"Queen, I don't think we have anything to talk about, so I'll take my leave first." Shen Mengdie didn't notice the magic wand in the queen's hand at first, but the exclamation of the flower elf Xiao Huang made her turn her eyes away .

The queen who was sitting quietly at the side was naturally furious when she heard the words, and pointed at her with the magic wand in her hand and said, "If that's the case, don't blame me."

After Shen Mengdie heard these words, her heart skipped a beat, and she saw a black light shooting at her from the magic wand in the opponent's hand.

"It's actually a witch's curse, it's too abominable." The flower elf Xiao Huang saw the problem, and flapped her wings to attack the queen.

In the queen's cold eyes like a poisonous snake, the moment Heimang came into contact with Shen Mengdie, it was directly resolved.

"What's the matter? You are also..."

Shen Mengdie raised her hand to stop the flower elf Xiao Huang from moving, and hugged her lightly in her arms.The gentle gaze instantly turned into a sharp knife looking directly at the queen. Being attacked like this made her very unhappy, and the anger kept jumping in her eyes.

Under the reminder of the flower fairy Xiao Huang, she naturally knew what the Queen's intention was, but she still asked, "Queen, what do you mean?"

"How is it possible..." The queen did not answer her words, but kept murmuring.Then he pointed at her with his wand, and kept chanting the spell in his mouth. "I want you to always obey my orders without any resistance."

Shen Mengdie understood that the Queen had ill intentions towards her, so she raised her hand and shot a green light, knocking down the magic staff in the opponent's hand. Seeing the flustered look of the person in front of her, she looked at him contemptuously, but said in a very calm tone: "May your face be as beautiful as your heart, queen."

There was magic in her words, and it quickly added to the other party's body.

The queen in front of her suddenly screamed, her originally beautiful face quickly lost its color, and her smooth cheeks were quickly covered with wrinkles.

"Ah... I want to curse you!"

The queen covered her cheeks and looked at her sternly.

"Oh, queen, this should be your original appearance, right?" Shen Mengdie chuckled sarcastically, then glanced at the other party, and slowly walked towards the door holding the aggrieved flower elf Xiao Huang.

"Flower King..." Amidst the exclamation of Xiao Huang, the flower fairy, Shen Mengdie raised her hand and knocked off the attacking black light, and a green light on her fingertips followed the original trajectory of the attack.



There was an exclamation from behind, followed by the sound of objects falling to the ground.


Shen Mengdie smiled indifferently at the threat of the person behind her gnashing her teeth, and continued to walk out with her legs raised.


"My lord, is nothing wrong with you?" Meng Na anxiously greeted the person who opened the door slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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