The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 219 Chapter 219 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 219 Chapter 219 The kingdom on the stamen (31)

Shen Mengdie shook her head lightly, then said slowly after a moment of silence: "It's nothing, let's go back now."

When the two of them walked out slowly, they could still vaguely hear shouts from behind.

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

"Get out, whoever let you in, get out. Get out!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Along with the flattering voice of the middle-aged maid, there was also the sound of glass breaking.


Listening to the movement over there, Shen Mengdie sighed and shook her head, then stopped paying attention to the movement over there, and quickly took Mengna into the carriage back.

The queen's actions today reminded her that there is a witch here, and the witch has deep malice towards her. Under the seemingly calm surface, there are various unknown dark sides hidden.

What she said just now is not a curse, and if it is used on ordinary people, it will not be effective so quickly. It can only be said that the queen is really duplicity and has a vicious heart.But as to why this happened, she didn't want to ask too much to prove it. She didn't need to come forward to solve the royal affairs. In short, everything will be revealed slowly.

Just as Shen Mengdie and Meng Na were walking on the empty road in a carriage, heading home, the prince who had just finished his work hurried to the hall where the ball was located.After searching for a while, he naturally didn't find the person he was looking for, so he left the hall feeling a bit disappointed.However, he knew the family the other party belonged to, so he was not in a hurry, and secretly decided to visit again tomorrow.

The next afternoon, when Shen Mengdie was resting alone in the bedroom, Meng Na hurriedly knocked on her door.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in……"

Meng Na naturally came in according to the time, and she also knew that the other party was awake during this time.At this moment, she could not hide the panic on her face, and walked over quickly.

Shen Mengdie didn't pay much attention to Meng Na's expression at first, but after hearing the hurried footsteps, she looked at her in surprise. "What's the matter, is something wrong?"

"My lord, just got the news that something happened to the palace in the morning, and the news that the queen is an evil witch has spread everywhere."

"Evil witch?" Shen Mengdie paused when she heard this, straightening her hair, and looked at Meng Na suspiciously.

"Yes, it is said that the prince went to pay his respects this morning, and then noticed something strange, and finally confirmed the matter with the identification of the royal wizard." Meng Na didn't see the queen in person last night, so thinking about it now, she still feels a little scared.In everyone's understanding, evil wizards are terrifying existences, and because of the rarity of wizards, they have become existences that ordinary people cannot see in their lifetime.

"That's it..." Shen Mengdie sighed and replied softly, she was not very interested in what the queen was like, but what Meng Na said next surprised her.

"My lord, it is said that the queen's sudden change of appearance caught the prince's attention, and then he discovered that the queen was secretly brewing a secret medicine in the secret room. Because the queen did not behave like a witch at all before, when it was later checked, the royal wizard was in the secret room The original queen was discovered in the middle of the night. That evil witch actually imprisoned the queen and used the queen's blood to brew a beauty potion, it is really abominable."

"So it's not me?" Shen Mengdie thought for a while about the feeling of disobedience when she saw the queen, and gradually understood in her heart.

She is also aware of the existence of wizards, not only that, but there are other heterogeneous existences in this world.As for the fact that there are wizards in the royal family, this is not incomprehensible. After all, the royal family must ensure absolute royal power, and these assistances are indispensable.

In fact, the big steward had explained to her about the queen before.The queen herself is a very gentle and caring woman, and it is for this reason that the king, who was still the prince, fell in love at first sight.However, in the past two years, the queen's temperament suddenly changed drastically, she would get angry at every turn, punish the servants, and shut herself in the room every night when the moon was full.

Perhaps at that time, the queen had already changed, but it was a very scheming person to be able to stay in the royal family for such a long time.

After Mengna said such a long series of words, seeing the faint reaction of the person in front of her, the anxiety in her heart gradually calmed down. When she thought of the prince, she lowered her eyes and turned her face There is a faint color of loss on it.

The disturbance of the fake queen was quickly exposed in the Ulysses family, but at the same time, many different versions had already begun to spread wildly outside.

At this time, the palace was heavily guarded, and the king sent a royal wizard to guard the fake queen. Because of his anger at the witch and his pity for his queen, the king set a date for the witch to be hanged.

The prince is now by his mother's side, and the plan to go to Ulysses Castle to find someone had to be postponed helplessly.

In the following days, Shen Mengdie didn't have the energy to pay attention to the dynamics of the palace. Since that day, she found that her body began to have problems and became weaker and weaker.The housekeeper noticed her abnormality and called a doctor for treatment, but still couldn't find any problems.

When the prince dealt with the affairs of the palace and came to visit, she also asked others to receive him on the grounds of illness.

Watching the prince's every move, Meng Na was very happy in her heart, but after thinking about her identity again, she withdrew her gaze in frustration.

When Shen Mengdie noticed that there was a faint smell of blood in her mouth at any time, she knew that something happened to her now.

She has always felt that her current situation should be related to the lack of energy crystals in the flower spirit world, so she has been staying in the flower spirit world to find the reason.

She is surrounded by gradually withered flower branches, and the petals that can be seen everywhere make this place lose its aura, and the magic power of all flower spirits is also weakened or even lost to varying degrees.

She walked step by step in the ruined sea of ​​flowers, and with a gust of wind blowing, countless petals were rolled up. Faced with such a situation, all the flower spirits fell silent.


Shen Mengdie, who was walking slowly, suddenly fell into the sea of ​​flowers, and the surrounding flower branches followed her movements, and petals fell to the ground in a rustle, which shocked the flower elf Xiao Huang who had been following her all the time. fly.

"Kao, Kao..."

Following the flower fairy Xiao Huang's exclamation, countless flower spirits rushed to this side quickly, and Kao's fall cast a thick shadow in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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