The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 220 Chapter 220 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 220 Chapter 220 The kingdom on the stamen (32)

When Shen Mengdie woke up again, it was in her Kao's castle, surrounded by flower spirits with concerned faces.

"Hey..." Regarding the current situation, she didn't know what to do.Youyou sighed softly, and when she was about to say something, she was interrupted by a sudden ding-dong sound.

'Ding dong...'

'The system has been upgraded and is now being integrated...'

"System?" Shen Mengdie felt unusually friendly after hearing the long-lost mechanical sound.

'The system has been upgraded and started to operate normally, the host lightly checks the latest upgrade page. '

"System, what's my situation now?" She now needs the help of the system to solve her current predicament.

'Data scanning...'

Hearing the system's mechanical answer, Shen Mengdie suddenly noticed that the surrounding flower spirits were looking at her with even more worried eyes, so after coughing lightly, she waved her hand and said: "You all go down first, I want to be alone for a while .”

"Flower King." The flower elf Xiao Huang looked at her hesitantly.

"Go down."


Under her order, the flower spirits retreated obediently, although they were worried.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, she turned her attention to the returning system again.

"System, what tasks do I have in this world, and what identity do you arrange for me?"

At this moment, the updated system began to answer her questions dutifully.

'Host, due to the system upgrade, there are no missions in this world, and you are now replacing the identity of Yuanmeng Nora Ulysses. '

"Sure enough, it's similar to what I originally thought." Shen Mengdie muttered to herself, unconsciously caressing the ring on the ring finger of her left hand.After being silent for a while, she suddenly came back to her senses and continued to ask: "System, where is Meng Nora Ulysses now?"

Because she suddenly thought that after she left, she should return all this to the other party now, and she was already very sorry for that person to replace someone else's identity.

'Host, after scanning, Meng Nora Ulysses is by your side. '

The system's answer stunned her, and then she asked in surprise, "Ah? By my side? Who is it?"

'Dream Nora Ulysses is your maid, Mona. '

"Meng Na?" Although Shen Mengdie was a little surprised by this answer, it was not surprising, after all, everything is possible. "I want to know why there is such a problem in the flower spirit world, and why am I the king of flowers?"

She wanted to understand why the flower branches withered, and her current identity also had many doubts.

'The flower spirit world relies on energy crystals for stability, and the absence of energy crystals will affect the normal blooming of all flowers.As for the host's Kao status, that's because the host's current body evolved from the missing half of the energy crystallization. '

"Am I the missing half of the energy crystal?" Shen Mengdie suddenly felt a little helpless in response to the answer given to her by the system. Now everything in the flower spirit world is caused by her. "This is really, really, really... hey..."

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

"Is there any way to restore the system?"

'Is the host out of this world?When the host leaves, the body will automatically transform into energy crystals to complement them and stabilize the tranquility of the flower spirit world. '

Shen Mengdie knew that she had no reason to stay, but before she left, she still had some things to deal with, so she shook her head lightly, and said to the system: "I won't leave for the time being, I still have some things to do." Needs to be dealt with."

After she finished speaking, the system stopped responding. In this bedroom, there was only the sound of her shallow breathing.

What Shen Mengdie has to do now is actually to go and see Meng Na, get rid of her traces there before returning here, this time she didn't even bring the flower elf Xiao Huang, so she hurried back side.

Today the prince came to visit again, but still did not see the owner here, but because she has come here many times, she has already met Meng Na who was arranged to receive her.

Shen Mengdie looked at the two chatting happily from a distance, with a faint smile in her eyes.

"Good girl, I hope you will be happy. Please accept my blessings for you." She clenched the scepter tightly in her hand, and a gentle green light wrapped around it, and then disappeared into the opponent's hair.Kao's blessing can benefit ordinary people for a lifetime.

"System, erase my traces in this world."

'Data scanning, start cleaning...'

With the mechanical response of the system, all traces of her began to be quickly erased in this Ulysses castle. Not only that, even everyone who has come into contact with her will no longer have her in their memories.

Seeing the servants around Mengna, the white-haired butler, and the prince of handsome gentlemen, Shen Mengdie smiled and left the place where she had lived for a while.

When she returned to the Flower Spirit World Castle, the surroundings were still the same as when she left. In this quiet environment, she finally began to check the system after it was updated.

Exhale the task panel, only to see that his simple personal information can be said to have changed a lot.

Name: Shen Mengdie (current status: King of Flowers)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Task points earned: 60 (10 points for completing main tasks, 5 points for side tasks, 1-20 points for special tasks, which can be used to exchange items in the mall.)
Number of Worlds Experienced: 6
Her other information is still the same, but the item that originally showed the number of tasks completed has become points.There is also the point exchange ratio for tasks, and after seeing that the points are used for exchange in the mall, she opened the system mall.

The original money exchange column is still the same, but the task exchange column has become point exchange, and the total number of points is displayed next to it, and then all items have become point values.

"System, besides being used for exchange, how many accumulated points can I return to the real world?"

When Shen Mengdie saw the points, she asked casually. She was not sure whether the system would answer her question. After all, many times before that, the system refused to answer because her authority was too low.

' Accumulate [-] points to return to the real world. '

Shen Mengdie, who was studying the task panel, was suddenly taken aback after hearing the system's answer. "System, why are you going to answer my question this time?"

'After the system upgrade, the authority of the host has increased. '

"System, why do I listen to your answer and feel that you are a little guilty? You were not lying to me before, were you?" Shen Mengdie asked with some doubts about the system's straightforward answer.

'The illusion of the host. 'The system continued to answer with its cold mechanical voice.

(End of this chapter)

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