The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 221 Chapter 221 The Kingdom on the Flower Stamens

Chapter 221 Chapter 221 The Kingdom on the Flower Stamens (End)

"Oh, well, you have the final say." Shen Mengdie stopped asking after hearing this, but started to study the task interface.

Number One, disguised as a system, felt secretly relieved, although it didn't need to breathe.It is the master brain No. [-] who was arranged to help the host complete the task, and it is a rudimentary intellectual brain.It has been controlling everything in secret before, but now that it has been in close contact with the host, it is a little nervous, worried that it will be unfavorable.

Shen Mengdie didn't know how her system had changed after this upgrade, and now she was looking at the task bar and frowning.

I saw that there was a special task next to the main task and the branch task, and the task was reformed to show the progress. It is no longer a simple reminder to complete the task, and there is no response when it is not completed.

"That's good, at least we can know the progress of the task. However, judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not easy to collect [-] points."

She got acquainted with the updated system later, then sighed softly and said to herself, "Try not to exchange points for items in the future, otherwise when will you be able to go back?"

In short, the hurdle of one thousand points given by the system gave Shen Mengdie a hope, but it was difficult to achieve, but it is also a good thing to have a clear goal, at least knowing the way forward.

After Shen Mengdie figured it out, she slowly stood up and walked out the door.


The flower spirits outside the door turned their attention to her again, while the flower spirit Xiao Huang rushed over worriedly.

She smiled consolingly at the flower spirits present, then walked slowly to the place where the energy crystals were placed, held them lightly in her hands, and walked step by step towards the sea of ​​flowers outside the castle.

After seeing her actions, all the flower spirits spontaneously followed her. For a while, there were only rustling footsteps. At this time, no one opened their mouths to say a word.

Shen Mengdie gently held the incomplete energy crystal, raised her head to look at the boundless sea of ​​flowers, gently hooked the corners of her mouth, and then waved to the flower elf Xiao Huang who surrounded her.

"Little Huang, come here."

"Flower King." The flower elf Xiao Huang flapped her wings and flew over quickly.

Shen Mengdie looked at the little guy who had been with her for the longest time in this world, freed one of her hands, and tapped the other person's forehead lightly.

Under the bewildered gaze of flower elf Xiao Huang, a burst of dazzling green light flew out of Shen Mengdie's hand, surrounding the little flower elf.

As the light became more and more intense, the small figure in the middle could be vaguely seen growing up rapidly.

What Shen Mengdie is doing now is to help the flower elf Xiao Huang transform. All flower elves were born in flowers at the beginning, that is, the original flower elves. After they grow further, they will become higher-level flower fairy.

This process is quite long, and even Kao cannot easily interfere. This is an evolution of natural selection. Therefore, in Hualing, although everyone gets along harmoniously, they are clearly hierarchical.

When the green light faded, a flower fairy in a yellow dress and without wings appeared, which indicated that she would be the successor of Kao, and would have a great chance to become the next Kao.

"Kao." Xiao Huang's immature voice transformed into a girl's crisp voice, and she knelt down in front of the current Kao.

Shen Mengdie looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar figure in front of her, and gently raised her hand to help him up. "Get up, after I leave, everything here will be handed over to you."

After hearing the words, all the flower spirits fell silent, and even their envy for Xiao Huang, the flower spirit, who could transform quickly faded away a lot.

"System, send me away." She scanned the flower spirits around her and sighed silently in her heart.

'I'm about to leave this world, energy restoration begins...'

As the system's notification sounded, her body began to emit a strong light, and all the flower spirits that were illuminated by this light also began to emit the same faint light.

After the withered flower branches came into contact with this burst of light, they began to re-grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a strong vitality came to this world full of flowers again.

Shen Mengdie knew that she was now a huge energy body, and the current situation was the result of the energy in her body overflowing, and then she was slowly lifted into the air by this energy.

She looked at her radiant body and smiled lightly. Just as she gently closed her eyes and waited to leave, suddenly there was a strong throbbing in her heart, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

In the empty sky, the space suddenly distorted, and a black space crack suddenly appeared on the originally blue sky, and none of the flower spirits present noticed the change there, and all of them He closed his eyes lightly, enjoying the feeling of energy wandering around him.

Just when Shen Mengdie noticed something strange and suddenly opened his eyes to look around him, a figure in embarrassment staggered out of the torn space crack.

This is a man dressed in ancient Chinese clothes, with messy hair hanging behind him, and the original brocade clothes and Chinese clothes can no longer be seen at this moment, hanging on his body in tatters , revealing his muscular chest.

"Finally out?" The man murmured, slowly raised his head, and his blood-red eyes gradually revealed.

He is Yi Wenwen who followed Shen Mengdie, but because he was trapped in the turbulence of time and space, he wasted a long time.

The moment Yi Wenwen appeared, Shen Mengdie sensitively sensed the opponent's position and quickly turned his gaze over.

"Who is he?" Shen Mengdie couldn't help asking herself in her heart. After seeing the figure of that person, she felt a slight tingling pain in her heart.She knew that in her missing memory, there must be this person.

Yi Wenwen let his hair hang loose at the moment, and looked around him with blood-red eyes. When he felt a scorching gaze looking at him, he turned his gaze away abruptly.

The four eyes met for an instant, as if passing through layers of time and space, watching each other.

At this time, Shen Mengdie's body became more and more transparent, and she was about to disappear into the world. She raised her hand in that direction, and even she didn't know what she wanted.

When Yi Wenwen found the other party, his blood-red eyes were filled with a little tenderness, but after realizing the strangeness of the other party, he had no time to think too much, and rushed over like lightning.

'Memory clearing, out of this world, 3, 2, 1...'

After Shen Mengdie heard this sentence in a daze, her pupils shrank suddenly, but she didn't have time to do anything, and soon passed out.

When Yi Wenwen approached the opponent, he only had time to catch the scattered light spots, and then quickly slipped away from between his fingers. Everything that seemed familiar shocked him, and the scarlet in his eyes became more vivid. "I'm a step late, but I'll definitely find you again."

Sensing that the other party's breath had left, he had no time to be sad, and followed without hesitation. "This time, I will never lose you."

Everything happened between lightning and flint. When all the flower spirits opened their eyes, there was only one completed energy crystal left in place.

PS: Ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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