The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 222 Chapter 222 End Times Evolution

Chapter 222 Chapter 222 Evolution of the End Times ([-])

When Shen Mengdie woke up rubbing her forehead again, she shook her head dizzily, this time the system sent her directly to this world again, without taking her back to the system space.

"This is..." She sat up slowly, carefully surveying the surrounding environment, her eyes were momentarily blank.

The place she was in now was a small and dark bedroom, and with the faint light, she could see the layout of the room clearly at a glance.The thick curtains blocked the blazing sunlight outside, but they couldn't block the screams coming from the window.

After Shen Mengdie heard the screams coming from outside the house, she frowned slightly. When she was not sure about the current situation, she was not going to act rashly, but quickly started to check the mission and the world in the system. background.

This is a world infected by a virus, a world abandoned by gods.

After a large-scale meteor shower, when everyone was discussing this rare epidemic rain with great interest, a T-virus carried from space began to spread quietly.

All the people in the world fell into a sudden deep sleep that night, and most of them turned into zombies in Resident Evil during that short sleep. is already dead.

This crisis happened suddenly when everyone was unprepared, and everyone was caught off guard. The survivors called that day the end of the day.

It's now two weeks into the end of the world, and the screams that ring out are those who have no food at home and have to venture out.In the first week, all those trapped hoped that the government army would come to save them, but in the face of sudden changes, the army is still cleaning up their interior.

"So it's the zombie apocalypse of Resident Evil?" Shen Mengdie sighed softly after reading the background of the world. Now the death rate in this world is very high, and there are crying humans everywhere.

Although she seemed very surprised by the coming of the end, she still slowly opened her mission interface and began to check her mission.

When she saw her main quest, she couldn't help being taken aback.

It's not how difficult the task is, but the timing is wrong.

Main task: (When the disaster struck, human beings spent more than ten years supporting the past, but the demons evolved from zombies took control of the world, and the surviving human beings struggled at the bottom.) Leading human beings to glory again, No longer oppressed by the demons.Mandatory tasks cannot be abandoned.

Side task: Get the recognition of the human race and become the leader of the new generation of human race.Accept or give up.

Side task: Sign a friendly contract with the Mozu, so that the two tribes can live in peace.Accept or give up.

Shen Mengdie took a look at the new tasks that appeared, and after accepting them all, she began to study them carefully. "Mozu, more than ten years..." She knew what these two words meant when they were read separately, but when combined, it seemed that the time period she was in was not right.

"System, didn't you send me to the wrong time? Now is the beginning of the end of the world, and the demons evolved from zombies don't even have a shadow. How do you want me to complete the task?" Although she felt that this kind of thing was impossible, But he still asked the question playfully.

'Start special mission...'

Special task: save the first generation of human leaders. (undone)
"It seems that the special mission is automatically accepted, but the special mission is suddenly started, is something wrong?" Shen Mengdie looked at the words of the first generation leader, thinking secretly.

Mastermind No. [-], who was disguised as the system, saw that the host's attention was turned there. It was just a set of data. It felt that its data had finally returned to normal. When it was questioned just now, it suddenly appeared in its data. A string of garbled characters confuses it.

It doesn't know that this is a sign that it begins to develop emotions, and it is also an important step in its evolution.

And the time period of its data transmission is indeed wrong, but it is not prepared to tell the host, as a system that has just been upgraded, how can such a low-level error occur, it is number one.

After thinking for a while, Shen Mengdie sighed softly, and slowly came to the window, she stretched out her hand and gently opened a corner of the curtain, and when she was about to look outside, her eyes suddenly went dark, and then There was a mechanical sound from the system.

'Protected mode on...'


Shen Mengdie put her hands on the window sill and let out a doubtful exclamation.But the system didn't explain anything, but went silent again.

She didn't ask any more questions when she couldn't get a proactive response from the system, but looked out.

"So this is a community?" She looked downstairs through the window sill.

At the parking place, several heavily armed people were running ahead, including men and women, and behind them, several giant fruits and vegetables were chasing them.The terrified expressions of those people formed a strong contrast with the vegetables and fruits chasing them, which made her a little confused when she saw all this.

"Huh? Isn't it a zombie? Then what are they doing?"

Shen Mengdie stared at the moving fruits and vegetables, and had a rough guess in her mind. In her mind, those fruits and vegetables should be scary zombies. As for why this happened, it should be something the system did.

"System, why do zombies turn into fruits and vegetables in my eyes?"

While asking the system in her heart, she carefully hid herself behind the curtain.Because she didn't know whether the zombie's sense of hearing and smell were sensitive, she was worried that her rash actions would attract the attention of the zombie and cause unnecessary trouble for herself.

After all, according to her observation, the house she was in was on the third or fourth floor, so it was not sure whether the zombies would notice it at such a close distance, so it was always right to be cautious.

'The system has automatically turned on the protection mode. '

"Protected mode? System, explain to me."

'In order to protect the host in an all-round way, the image of the zombies and the rancid smell will be shielded.And when the host is walking among the zombies, no zombies will actively attack. '

"According to what you said, isn't that pretty good. Well, that's good. I'm here to complete the mission, and I don't want to be chased by zombies." Shen Mengdie nodded in satisfaction, with a faint smile in her eyes .

Hearing this, No. [-] secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Its mission is to protect the host. If the owner knows that it has failed to protect the other party and let the host face the stinky and terrifying zombies, the owner will definitely close its small black room.

Thinking of the master's increasingly terrifying character now, it can't help but shudder because it's just data.No, no, I'm afraid after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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