The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 223 Chapter 223 End Times Evolution

Chapter 223 Chapter 223 End Times Evolution ([-])

Shen Mengdie observed the situation below the community clearly, and when she was about to put down the curtains and turn around to leave, she suddenly glanced at someone holding a white sheet by the window of the opposite building, and was waving for help to those who were about to escape outside. .

It was a woman, judging by her current behavior, she was quite smart, at least she didn't attract zombies by screaming.In the opposite rooms covered by curtains, people could be vaguely seen walking around, but there were also people, like her, who were observing the situation outside.

It is still the beginning of the end of the world. Many people are waiting for rescue at home. Only a few people take advantage of the courage to leave first. The roar of cars downstairs just illustrates this problem.

However, the woman's actions seemed to have no effect at all. The fleeing crowd got into the car in a panic, knocked over the zombies blocking the way, and drove out of the community without looking back.

"This is the end of the world. I can't take care of myself. Who would save a stranger?" Shen Mengdie sighed softly, slowly put down the curtains, and slowly walked back to the bed.

"System, what crisis will the first generation of human leaders need me to rescue? Where should I find someone?" She still remembered that she had a special mission, but she had no clue about it.

'Ask the host to arrive at the designated place and wait. '

"Designated location?" Shen Mengdie lightly rubbed the ring she wore on her left ring finger with her fingers, and after a moment of deep thought, she lowered her head and murmured: "It seems that I can't stay here any longer, because I missed the rewards given by the system." This time, I don’t know when I will meet that person.”

She understands that since the system reminds her to wait at the designated place, her task target will definitely pass by there, and maybe stay there.

"Okay, now pack up your things and leave early tomorrow morning." After trying to understand the key, she silently began to look for the items she could use.


As the old wooden wardrobe was slowly opened, the items displayed inside slowly came into her eyes.Apart from the sheets and quilts, there were only a few clothes hanging in the closet, and these clothes were washed white.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie raised her eyebrows lightly, then took out a piece of clothing and compared it to her body, the size was just right.

"System, what identity did you arrange for me this time?" She felt that with the inertia of the system, she must arrange a reasonable identity for herself, otherwise it would be too abrupt to appear out of thin air.

'The identity of the host: an orphan, currently a poor college student. '

"Oh, that's it." Shen Mengdie reached out to caress a pair of washed-white jeans, then changed hands, and picked up a newer pair beside it, which was the only newer piece of clothing in the closet. "It seems that there is no need to take away everything here, but you still need to prepare some food."

While thinking about it, Shen Mengdie took out a mountaineering bag deftly with her hands and feet, and pulled it with her hands. It seemed quite strong.

After packing a few bottles of mineral water, and the remaining compressed biscuits and a few bars of chocolate, she shook the backpack in her hand, nodded her head lightly, and felt that the weight was okay.

"What else do you need?" After placing the backpack on the corner of the bed, she began to look around her. "Well, you need to bring a weapon."

She also has her own considerations for bringing weapons. Although zombies will not attack her now, there is no guarantee that she will encounter humans who are plotting against the law on the road. After all, it is the end of the world. environment, it is difficult to stand the test.

After a flurry of jingling, she took out the kitchen knife that was the only weapon that could be regarded as a weapon, and sighed softly.

"It seems a little inappropriate to go out with this."

'The host can buy weapons in the system mall. '

Shen Mengdie looked at the kitchen knife in her hand, and when she was frowning and thinking, the system's notification tone suddenly sounded.

"I almost forgot that the system still has this function." She patted her head lightly, a little annoyed at her mistake.After quickly opening the system store, she began to look for the weapons she needed in the money purchase column.

"Wow, this one is good, um, this one can also..."

She looked at the dazzling array of products and evaluated them silently in her heart.

She was delighted to see the hot weapons lined up above. Those powerful guns looked good, but after a few glances, she silently closed them.

"I don't know how to use these either."

Just as she was biting the corner of her mouth and thinking about the solution in her heart, the mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

'Does the system need to automatically scan to find the most suitable weapon for the host? '

"Yes, yes, yes." Shen Mengdie was worried about not knowing what to do. Since the system wanted to help, of course she readily agreed. At this time, she also noticed that the system's sense of presence was getting stronger and stronger. After all, It beeps from time to time, and it is difficult for people to ignore its presence.

'System scanning, start matching...'

I saw that on the interface displaying items, it began to refresh continuously as the system prompted, and after a burst of rapid refreshing, it finally stopped.

Looking at the weapons displayed above, she finally chose only two cold weapons.

One is a dagger that cuts iron like mud, and the other is a Tang knife about one meter long. The reason for choosing this is because the weight of the blade is only two or three catties, which is not bad for her who is relatively weak.

The main reason is that it is not only dexterous and convenient to use, but also has an additional ability, which is to allow the ability to flow smoothly, which means that ordinary knives can be equipped with abilities.

When she bought the weapon just now, she had already asked the system about this matter, and the system's answer was that she had the ice ability.And she doesn't have this ability at present, she needs to meet the leader of the first generation of human beings to open it.

In the early days of the end of the world, a small number of supernatural beings have emerged. Although there are not many, they have brought hope to the panicked human beings.

She lightly rubbed the pattern on the scabbard, and continued to scan the system mall.

"System, are there any space accessories for sale?" Just now, she suddenly remembered that in many post-apocalyptic novels, there seemed to be space accessories, and the types of accessories were even more diverse.

And according to the system's previous regulations, as long as there are items in that world, the system mall will sell them, and items that do not exist in that world will not appear in the system mall.

Just like the current world background is the end of the world, but the main premise is modern, so there will be a lot of hot weapons in the system mall.

(End of this chapter)

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