The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 224 Chapter 224 End Times Evolution

Chapter 224 Chapter 224 Evolution of the End Times ([-])

Just when Shen Mengdie thought that the system would not answer her own question, the system gave the answer directly after being silent for a while.

'Please check the Points Mall. '

"Huh? It's actually in the point exchange column?" Shen Mengdie was a little surprised by this, but she didn't think there was any surprise. For such a rare item, it's normal to use points to exchange.

Quickly opening the point mall bar, she quickly searched for the space accessories she needed, but after looking at the points needed for redemption at the bottom, she frowned and sighed softly.

"Why is it so expensive, I can't exchange it at all." Looking at her lone two-digit points, she rubbed her forehead helplessly.

'Do you want to filter? '

"It must be." Seeing that the system was going to screen for herself, she quickly agreed.

"There is?"

Looking at the only option in the middle hanging alone, she couldn't help being a little happy.Although the value of [-] points made her feel a little bit reluctant, but the items exchanged for the points have only a small limit in the future world, but they can all be used. This calculation seems to be quite good.

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This is a space stud earring, and the style is also good. When it is worn on the ear, few people will notice it.But when she happily opened the item description, she frowned again.

"It can't be upgraded, and it's only one cubic meter." After thinking about how many worlds she had experienced, the points she got could only be exchanged for such a space accessory, and she suddenly felt that it didn't make much sense to exchange it or not.

Shaking her head and closing the system mall, she let out a leisurely sigh, then sat on the bed and checked her newly exchanged cold weapon.


Shen Mengdie was using her rags to test the movements of the blade for a while, and then she continued to do her own business naturally, but when the system took the initiative to greet her, she still asked softly: "System, what's the matter?"

'After systematic scanning, the ring on the host's hand is a space ornament, and the space has a thousand cubic meters. '

"Oh?" Shen Mengdie raised her eyes when she heard the words. "So?"

'So the host does not need to exchange space accessories again. '

"System, after you upgrade, you seem to be more flexible?" Shen Mengdie now roughly understands the difference in the system, that is, to start answering every question, and no longer refuse to answer questions because of her low authority.

Mastermind No. [-] was obviously stuck when he heard the words, so he didn't answer the host's question in time.

Mastermind No. [-] couldn't figure it out. He clearly reminded the host about the accessories in the space, so how could he be involved, but he felt that it was better not to explain it.The task given to me by the higher ups is to quietly protect, so I can be exposed, but not now, because the time is not yet.

'Please the host leave this community as soon as possible, go to the designated place and wait for the mission target to appear. '

Shen Mengdie always had the feeling that the system was changing the subject, but based on the understanding that the system was just a program, she didn't delve into it.

"I know, we will leave tomorrow morning." She replied aloud, the long knife in her hand had been put down, and instead she touched the ring that appeared suddenly, because in her memory, there was no memory about the ring.

Rubbing the pattern on the ring face, she frowned slightly and murmured: "I don't seem to be wearing this myself, right? But who is it? Could it be that it was in the mission of the previous world, a little strange?"

Regarding Shen Mengdie's murmurs, Master Brain No. [-] did not open his mouth to answer this time, but it still remembered the scene when it was in that world and fled in embarrassment with its host.According to the original regulations of the system, if the host task is not completed, he will enter the world of punishment.Even if the memory of the host is cleared, as a system, it has not forgotten it.But with the order from above, it can't and dare not open the punishment world now.

Shen Mengdie didn't know what kind of entanglement the mastermind No. [-] who pretended to be the system had. At the moment, she was concentrating on observing the ring, and gently rubbed the surface of the ring with her right index finger a few times. At this moment, in her sea of ​​consciousness, suddenly An empty space appeared.

"Is this the so-called space? It's really interesting." She began to try to put the long knife beside her into it, and then took it out again. "It's really useful, so I don't have to bring too many items, and I will put them in the space when the time comes."

She stretched her arms, relaxed her body, and looked towards the direction of the window sill, only to see that the little rays of the sun had disappeared at this moment, replaced by a thick night.

Lifting the curtains gently, she looked at the opposite building.

I saw that most of the houses over there were pitch-black, and only one or two houses had a faint light. Judging from the size of the light, it should be candlelight.

It was also because of her good eyes that she was able to see the slight difference in the opposite house.

Now, two weeks after the end of the world, the city system has basically been paralyzed.Running water, electricity, gas, these indispensable things in the city were all stopped. The gas and electricity were stopped in the first week, and the running water was stopped just now, because when she went to the kitchen to find weapons, she still had Turn on the faucet to check.

It is foreseeable that in the next few days, due to the lack of water, many people will have to leave their safe houses and go out to find water sources.But even if there was water, no one dared to drink it anymore. Before that, there were people who were infected by drinking tap water.


At this time, the roar of the zombies became louder, and the night fell, this was their carnival.

For those who are still outside at this moment, the risk factor has increased by at least half compared with that during the day, and it is precisely for this reason that she chooses to go out during the day.Even if the zombies don't attack her, it's scary to think about going out to dance with the zombies alone at night.

Touching her stomach that hadn't eaten food since waking up, she finally bought some food with the money she already had in the system mall. After a delicious meal, she put the rest into the space , ready to test whether the space can keep fresh.

At the moment when she closed her eyes and rested, listening to the roar of zombies coming from the window, she faintly felt that she seemed to have forgotten something. Just when she was about to think about it, a strong drowsiness made her fall asleep all of a sudden.

The next day, when she woke up from a deep sleep, the first thing she felt was the roar of the zombies.

A beam of sunlight shone in from the unshaded curtains last night, breaking the darkness of the room and starting a day when human beings struggled for survival.

(End of this chapter)

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