The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 228 Chapter 228 End Times Evolution

Chapter 228 Chapter 228 Evolution of the End Times ([-])

"I didn't talk to you, I'm going to rest." The man who came in then patted the shoulder of the person who answered his words, and then walked in.

Shen Mengdie caressed the pattern on her scabbard, secretly looked at the person coming from the corner of her eye, and secretly thought about the pros and cons brought to her by the group of people in front of her.

"Looking at the appearance of this group of people, they should be leaving the city."

The man called the boss nodded his head to Shen Mengdie, and then took the people in his team to sit aside and began to rest.

There were about a dozen people in this group, both men and women, and judging from everyone's complexions, the situation was pretty good.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie looked over quietly, and saw that these people were all carrying weapons in their hands, and they were all stained with black and red blood.

"It seems that this group of people can be contacted. I have to find a way to let them give me a ride." She looked at the leading man from the corner of her eye from time to time. Judging from his appearance, he should be a white-collar worker of the company.

Since she wanted to find someone to act with, she naturally had to negotiate with the other party first, so she took out two bottles of water from her backpack, put them lightly on the table in front of the man, and asked with a smile on her face: " Are you going out of the city? Can I go with you on the way out of the city?"

Hearing this, the man looked at her in surprise, but because her face looked too harmless, the man didn't think much about it, but nodded his head lightly and said, "Yes, but we have to Go to the survivor base established in City B, how about you?"

"I'm going out of town to find my friend."

"Okay. Let's get to know each other. My name is Liang Yan. I used to be a white-collar worker in a company."

"Hello, my name is Shen Mengdie, and I was an ordinary college student before." The two shook hands in a friendly manner, which was considered a preliminary acquaintance.And the other party was just as she had guessed, a white-collar worker of the company, and the people who followed him were his original subordinates and friends.

In the following time, everyone rested quietly for a while, and then embarked on the journey to leave together.

When she arrived at the city gate, Shen Mengdie hugged her backpack and sat quietly in the back of the car, watching the city gradually moving away, and sighed softly.

As the vehicle drove to the highway, the surrounding area gradually became empty, and more and more green vegetation was seen.

Since this is a city surrounded by mountains, the surrounding greenery is particularly good, but I don't know if it is her illusion, I always feel that the trees in the distance grow particularly tall.


"Brother Liang Yan, thank you." Shen Mengdie put on her backpack and held the long knife in her hand to thank Liang Yan who was sitting in the driver's seat.

Liang Yan glanced at the woman who was standing outside the car thanking him, hesitantly wanted to say something, but after glancing at the long knife in the other's hand, he softly instructed: "Be careful yourself, come to B if you have the chance Let's go to the city."

"Okay." Shen Mengdie responded softly, then backed away from the car a few steps, and waved goodbye to the other party. "See you soon."

"See you by fate." Liang Yan nodded his head lightly, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove forward quickly.

Shen Mengdie looked at the cars going away, smiled lightly and shook her head.

"Hey, now I'm the only one left." She straightened the hat on her head, looked at the road ahead and said, "Okay, let's set off towards our destination."

She raised her hand, took her bicycle out of the space ring, and then drove down a highway at high speed.

"There are mountain roads around here, it seems that we can only arrive at night." She looked up and looked around her, and had a certain prediction about the current situation. "Forget it, let's go slowly."

In the following time, she began to follow the system's prompts, step by step towards the destination prompted by the system.When she felt that she was getting more and more remote, zombies began to appear in twos and threes around her.

"Is this coming soon? It looks like there should be a village nearby." She parked the car aside, stood on a high slope and looked into the distance, and could vaguely see low farmyards.

"System, how far is it to the destination?" She gently brushed away the strands of hair blocking her eyes, and looked ahead calmly.

'Host, after scanning, there are still about two miles away from where you are now. '

After hearing this, Shen Mengdie nodded her head lightly and said, "It doesn't seem that far away, so I'll take a rest here first."

She looked at the electronic watch on her wrist, and the time was displayed at five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was still very hot at this time.

Slowly walked to sit under the tree, her gaze turned to the trees around her.

Logically speaking, in such a place, it is impossible to have too tall trees, but the facts seen in front of us are just the opposite. A feeling of virgin forest.

After taking a sip of water from her backpack, she took out a bag of dried fish.

When she was in the supermarket on the commercial street this morning, in order to make her backpack look full, she chose some relatively light puffed food. Installed.

"System, estimate when the mission target will arrive here?" She put the torn small dried fish bag beside her, gently held her chin and looked into the distance.

'The mission target is expected to arrive in three days. '

"Three days, time is enough, you can rest here for a few days."

Thinking about her plans for the next few days, she relaxed her body and stretched her arms, picked up the mineral water beside her and put it into her backpack, then picked up the two pieces of dried fish that she hadn't eaten, and prepared to put them back into her backpack.

Suddenly, a huge figure came in front of her.

Shen Mengdie only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and a huge cat-like animal stood in front of her.

"This is... a tiger?" She looked at the animal in front of her and said with some hesitation.

The reason why she didn't draw out her long knife at the first time and take a defensive posture was because she found that the animal was squatting obediently in front of her, wagging its tail behind it, and eagerly looking at the little animal in her hand. Dried fish.

"System, what kind of animal is this?"

While Shen Mengdie was asking the system in her mind, the small dried fish bag in her hand moved left and right, and then the eyes of the animal in front of her also moved back and forth.

'Host, this is a domestic cat. 'The system didn't go through the so-called scanning, but answered her question directly.

(End of this chapter)

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