The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 229 Chapter 229 End Times Evolution

Chapter 229 Chapter 229 Evolution of the End Times ([-])

"Huh? House cat?"

After receiving the systematic answer, Shen Mengdie turned her attention to the animal in front of her, and said with a face of sudden realization: "It looks like it does look a little like it."

The feline in front of me is about 1.5 meters tall, squatting in front of her and almost equal to her.This animal, identified by the system as a domestic cat, has yellow fluff and looks like a tiger from a distance, but there is no king character on its head.A round face, even if it has such a huge body, it will not make people feel scared, but it will make people think it is cute.

"Big cat?" Shen Mengdie took out a small dried fish from the bag and threw it to the cat in front of him, only to see the other cat tilted his head and swallowed the small dried fish into his mouth.

After the big cat ate the dried fish, he happily shook his tail.

Shen Mengdie watched the big cat's reaction, raised her hand and gently rubbed the other's fluffy head.

"Why are you here, don't you go home?"

"Meow?" The big cat meowed, and tilted its head to look at her, with a dazed look in its eyes.

Seeing this, she smiled lightly and rubbed him vigorously, then asked the system silently in her mind: "System, how did it become so big?"

'The end of the world is coming, and evolution is not limited to humans, but all creatures on the earth are also evolving, but now many humans do not pay much attention to other abnormalities around them because of zombies. '

After receiving the systematic answer, Shen Mengdie frowned slightly as she looked at the evolved big cat in front of her. "If this is the case, the enemy of human beings is no longer just zombies, but all the evolutionary bodies that compete with themselves for the living space. System, is my guess correct?"

'Host, after reasoning with the data, the result you got is completely correct. So far, everything is developing in that direction. '

"The end of the world is not only a disaster for human beings, but also a disaster for all animals and plants. This is an opportunity, an opportunity for evolution. Success or death is not treated differently because of different identities."

She muttered to herself, and looked at the not far away

On the birch forest.It was supposed to be an artificially planted forest isolation zone to isolate the polluting gases emitted by factories in the suburbs, but at this moment, more than half of those birch trees have completely withered, and compared with it is the abnormally tall tree next to it. Another batch of birch trees.

From the thick trunks and lush branches and leaves, it can be seen that they have passed the test of the last days and have begun to mutate, which is a sign of their evolution.Judging from their irregular evolutionary order, it can be said that God is absolutely fair.


She was slightly distracted by the big cat's cry, and looked at the big cat with its head tilted, with a cute expression on its face, and she fed all the dried fish in her hand to the big cat, and stroked the big cat fur. "Big cat, eat this and leave quickly, I have to continue on my way."

The big cat was eating the small dried fish with a click, and kept shaking its tail behind it.

Shen Mengdie didn't care whether the other party understood her words or not. After touching the big cat's head, Hu touched the big cat's head, then gently patted the dust on her body, and then swiftly threw the backpack onto her shoulder.

"Okay, let's go."

She shook the backpack on her shoulders and walked slowly towards the bicycle parked aside.When her palms were on the car, a big fluffy head suddenly touched her from the back.

"Big cat, what's the matter? Go back quickly." She withdrew her hand on the cushion, and lightly touched the big cat's ear.

The big cat shook its ears, squatted beside it and began to comb its hair.

Seeing that the big cat didn't respond, Shen Mengdie sighed softly, got on the bicycle slowly, and started on the way forward.

After she rode away from here for a while, the big cat stopped combing its hair, shook its ears, looked in the direction she left, and quickly chased after her.

Shen Mengdie looked at more and more zombies around her, and the happy mood just now because of the big cat disappeared completely at this moment.

"Why are there so many zombies here? Could it be that all the villagers have become zombies?"

The system didn't answer her question at this time, and she didn't expect the system to answer herself.

Pushing the bicycle, she walked forward step by step, and then entered a village.

This village seems to have a small number of people, and there is a certain distance between each household, all of which are all small farmyards.But she had been in for so long, but she didn't see a single person, and there were zombies wandering around in twos and threes.

"Where are the survivors in this village?" Shen Mengdie scanned the surrounding houses with a little doubt in her heart.

When she came to a small two-story western-style building, what she saw was an open door, with a lot of sundries scattered inside, which seemed to be items that the owner would not be able to take away in a hurry.

"Excuse me, is anyone at home?" She looked into the house and called softly, but looking at the situation in the courtyard, it didn't look like anyone lived here.

"Nobody?" She frowned suspiciously, parked the bicycle she was pushing in the courtyard, and walked in slowly.

Walking directly into the gate of the small building, there are more debris scattered inside, and the ground has been covered with thick dust. It can be seen that there is so much dust when the owner has been away for a long time and no one has come.

"Da da da……"

The sound of her footsteps sounded in the quiet room, and her footprints were clearly printed on the thick dusty ground. When she was checking the situation in the room, the zombies that were wandering in the courtyard unexpectedly left unsteadily. When they got here, it was as if something was driving them away.

After Shen Mengdie found nothing on the first floor, she slowly came to the master bedroom on the second floor. After scanning the bedroom environment, she pushed open the window on the second floor.

This small building has a hall on the first floor, then a kitchen, and two bedrooms. It looks pretty good, and it belongs to a relatively wealthy family.On the second floor, there is a master bedroom, which is connected to the living room, and next to it is a study room with its own balcony.From the decoration style, it looks like a young couple's room, because when she walked into the master bedroom, she found the wedding photos hanging on the wall.

After looking around, she nodded in satisfaction. "It looks pretty good here, let's live here for the next few days."

Afterwards, she looked at the dusty house, frowned slightly, stroked the ring on her left ring finger habitually, and whispered softly: "It seems that I need to clean it before I can live in it."

(End of this chapter)

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