The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 231 Chapter 231 Evolution of the End Times

Chapter 231 Chapter 231 Evolution of the End Times ([-])

Although the big cat's thick fur should be able to resist the cold well in winter, but it's summer now, and she doesn't want to be next to such a stove.

"Big cat, be obedient, get out quickly." Shen Mengdie stretched out her hand and pushed the hairy head on her shoulder, turned around and pushed the big cat's body and walked out.

Following her strength, the big cat looked at her innocently after being pushed out the door.

"Okay, you just wait here for me." Shen Mengdie rubbed the big cat's ears, then quickly closed the kitchen door, and continued to prepare dinner for herself and the big cat.

The big cat looked at the tightly closed door, raised a paw and scratched its ear, then slowly turned around and walked to the sofa in the living room and lay down, its soft belly completely touching the smooth tiles .

It also feels hot in this weather, and the ground is cool, which makes it feel more comfortable.

When Shen Mengdie came out with the food, what he saw was the whole big cat spread out on the ground.

"Big cat, come over for dinner."

Just as she came out, the big cat had already heard the sound, and lazily opened its eyes. When it heard her call, it shook its ears a few times, and walked towards her slowly.

Shen Mengdie arranged the food, stretched out her hand to caress the big cat's neck, and felt the heat from the big cat's body. She frowned slightly, and then turned her gaze to the air conditioner placed in the corner.

"It's better to turn on the air conditioner, anyway, the power of the generator is enough."

She thought so, then quickly connected the air conditioner to the power supply, and pressed the remote control.

With a beep, a cool wind began to blow from the air conditioner.She put down the remote control and sighed slightly: "The recent weather seems a bit abnormal. The temperature at noon today probably reached forty degrees."

For this city located in the south, such a high temperature seems very abnormal. "Even I have noticed this problem, I wonder if other people have noticed it?"

For those who are fleeing, being exposed to such hot weather will be a disaster for them, no less than a disaster for zombies.

"Hey..." Shen Mengdie let out a breath, shook her head and sat back at the dining table.She can't interfere with the running of this world. The task hasn't started yet, and it's useless to do more. Besides, she doesn't plan to be a savior. Just complete the task like this and leave silently. This is her best. choose.

She ate dinner in silence, cleaned up the dishes, wiped the water stains from her hands, and was about to go back to the master bedroom to rest.

She is a little tired from running around all day today, and now she just wants to have a good sleep.

Raising her hand, she turned off the air conditioner on the first floor. Looking at the big cat sleeping in front of the air conditioner, she smiled and pressed the switch to turn off the lights on the first floor.


She slowly opened the door, turned on the light in the room, then closed the door gently, and lay down on the bed.

Because she was not used to using the owner's quilt, she took out a new set of quilt from the interspatial ring, caressing the patterns on the quilt, she closed her eyes tightly but couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

"Now all I have to do is take one step at a time, but in order to return to the real world, I have to complete the task as soon as possible." She was thinking silently in her heart, her body was exhausted, but her spirit was very excited, thinking a lot, But very little is currently possible.

Just when she was thinking about things in a mess, there was suddenly the sound of Zilazila scratching the door outside the door.

"Is there a zombie coming in?" She sat up abruptly and looked towards the door vigilantly.

Just when Shen Mengdie was wondering how the zombies came in, there was a slight cat meowing.


"Big cat?" After hearing this, she quickly got up and opened the door.

What I saw was indeed the huge body of the big cat, who was looking at her intently with his innocent eyes.

"Okay, okay, come in." Shen Mengdie saw the big cat looking at him with this look again, sighed and patted the other person's head, and then slowly stepped aside to open the door.

After watching the big cat slowly enter the room, Shen Mengdie smiled lightly and shook her head, and quickly closed the door.On the door that she didn't notice, there were already a few deep scratches left on it.

When the owner decorated the master bedroom, he used a steel anti-theft door, so the big cat was able to leave deep scratches on it without being hurt at all, which shows how sharp its claws are.

It can be seen that the big cat is not as harmless as it looks, and only Shen Mengdie, who can sensitively feel that it is not hostile, can still treat it as an ordinary cat after seeing its mutated appearance.

"Big cat, why don't you sleep?" Shen Mengdie looked at the big cat with its head lying on the edge of her bed, and gently asked the other's ear in a low voice.

"Meow..." The big cat let out a low cry, pulling its forelegs towards the bed.

Shen Mengdie also saw the big cat's intentions at this moment, so she said with a tiger face: "You can't come up, you can sleep there."

Beside the bed, she specially placed a cushion for the big cat to sleep on.

The big cat looked back at the cushions on the floor, with slight disgust in its eyes, and then stretched its head towards the bed vigorously.

"Hey, don't squeeze." Shen Mengdie reached out and pushed the big cat's face, but it was of no use. The big cat seemed determined to come up.

"Big cat, you are so big, this bed can't fit you."

The big cat was at least [-] meters long, and although this bed was a two-meter bed for two people, it couldn't fit the other party's huge body.Besides, even if the big cat squeezed up, its thick fur would make Shen Mengdie unbearably hot.

After hearing Shen Mengdie's words, the big cat gave the big head that was crowded on the bed a hard bite, as if it understood the other party's words.

Seeing that the big cat didn't squeeze any more, Shen Mengdie let out a soft breath. "Stay here obediently, you can't sleep here, you..."

Before she finished her instructions, the big cat's originally huge body shrank rapidly, and then returned to the size of an ordinary house cat.

"Huh?" Seeing such a sudden turn of events, Shen Mengdie suddenly froze for a moment, and then watched the big cat, which had become much smaller, lightly leapt onto the bed.

"You can actually become smaller?" She expressed surprise at this, and stretched out her hand to hug him with some joy, stroking the other's hair one after another.

I don't know why, after the size of the big cat becomes smaller, even the weight becomes lighter.Only at this time did she have the opportunity to look at the big cat's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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