The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 232 Chapter 232 End Times Evolution

Chapter 232 Chapter 232 Evolution of the End Times ([-])

This is an ordinary yellow domestic cat with tabby stripes. It looks a little round and chubby, and it looks cute and silly.

When Shen Mengdie gently stroked its chin and back, it made a grunting sound, then closed its eyes lightly, looking lazy.

Shen Mengdie saw that the big cat seemed to have started to sleep, so she put it aside, raised her hand and turned off the lights in the house.In this strange environment, only the big cat who was purring beside her was by her side. She put her hands on the other's heaving stomach, and gradually closed her eyes.


Today is the third day that Shen Mengdie has been here, and it is also the day when the mission target appears.In the previous two days, she basically stayed in the house and didn't go anywhere.

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was still hot outside, but there was no shadow of the mission target yet.

"System, are you sure the mission target is here today? Why is there no sign yet?"

Shen Mengdie stroked the shrunken big cat with one hand, stared at the TV, and asked the system in her mind.

The TV she turned on naturally had no signal, but she found some CDs from the TV cabinet and played them. Even if she didn't watch them, the sound was good.

Although she was accompanied by a big cat here, it was boring to stay here alone.

'Host, within today, the mission target will definitely appear here. '

The system answered her question very firmly, and then fell silent again.

"I hope, come earlier, complete the task and leave earlier." Shen Mengdie looked in the direction of the door and sighed softly.

After another half hour of tedious waiting, she put the big cat on the sofa and started preparing her own dinner.Because she wasn't sure when the mission target would come, she prepared dinner a lot more quickly.

She didn't want to negotiate with the group of people on an empty stomach after a while.According to her prediction, the visitor should bring some people along to go forward together.

After a hasty dinner, the sky outside the house gradually darkened. Just as she was watching TV boredly with the big cat in her arms, the system's notification sound shocked her.

'The mission target has appeared and is rapidly approaching here. '

"Here we come." Shen Mengdie straightened her body, and began to concentrate on listening to the movement outside the house, so as to make an accurate response at the first time.

At this moment, two cars are rapidly approaching the village. The one running in front is a modified Hummer, and the one behind is an extended off-road vehicle. The roar of the car attracts the wandering zombies. come over.

"Pay attention to the vehicles behind, let's rush over directly." The man sitting in the car in front said in a deep voice with the walkie-talkie in his hand.After listening to the other people in the same car with him, they all clenched their weapons and looked forward vigilantly.

The man pursed his thin lips lightly, squinted his eyes slightly, quickly scanned the environment he was in, and then quickly pointed out the direction to the driver. "Go over there."

"Yes." The driver quickly turned the steering wheel, then stepped on the accelerator, and rushed over quickly.When encountering zombies blocking the way, just knock them away.

The man who spoke just now was named Huo Bin. His father hoped that he could be both civil and military, so he gave him such a hopeful name.As a veteran, he opened a security company with his brothers, and it was a success. However, the sudden arrival of the end of the world disrupted all his plans, and he had to take the security company with him. His brother fled the city together.

They came from another city and met some people on the way. Because they had a common goal, they walked together.

Those people were sitting in the car immediately behind him, and the brothers who escaped with him were all sitting in this car, including him, there were four people in total.

Passing here this time, it happened to be dark, and everyone hadn't had a good rest for a long time, so he decided to take people to the village to rest.

According to his estimate, there would not be many zombies in the village, and everything he saw now was just as he expected.

"Boss, there is a light in a small building in front of us, should we go over and have a look?" The man who asked happened to be one of his brothers, named Chen Jun.This is a big man from the Northeast, at least 1.9 meters tall, with dark skin and sharp eyes. People who don't know think they are thugs from somewhere.

Huo Bin heard the words, and quickly swept towards the strange small building. In his sight, there was no zombie around the small building, which seemed very unusual in this strange night.

"I think this small building is weird." Huo Bin thought about it quickly, and then explained to Chen Jun who was driving the car: "Let's go and have a look."

"Okay, boss." After Chen Jun finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed over.

Shen Mengdie, who was stroking the big cat in the house, knew that someone was coming after hearing a screeching brake.However, she didn't feel flustered by this, but slightly raised the corners of her lips, and glanced in the direction of the door with a smile in her eyes.

After Huo Bin and the others stopped the car, they quickly got out of the car and looked around carefully.

It's not that they want to do this on purpose, but that in such a big environment, everything in front of them seems too abnormal.

"Boss, something doesn't look right here, it's too quiet." The person who was speaking was Chen Jun's younger brother, Chen Bing.He and his brother are almost as if carved out of the same mold, but he is not as calm as his brother, and there is still a youthful vigor in his character.

"What problem do you see?" Huo Bin naturally noticed the abnormality, but he didn't feel any danger here.

"Boss, there is no danger, let's go in first."

"Xiao Lin, go drive, let's open the door first."

The young man who was called Xiao Lin by Huo Bin nodded his head lightly, and quickly returned to the car.

Huo Bin walked to the gate outside the courtyard, and when he was about to forcibly remove the lock, he found that the big iron gate in front of him was only gently buckled by the owner of the house, and it was not locked.Seeing this, he quickly opened it, and then quickly pushed the door open with the two Chen Jun brothers beside him.

When Huo Bin and the others stopped the car to check the situation, the car following behind also stopped, but none of them got out of the car, and they were all waiting for the follow-up development of the matter.

Except for the driver's seat and the co-driver's seat, the rear of this car was packed full of people, but no one in the rear dared to complain.

(End of this chapter)

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