The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 233 Chapter 233 End Times Evolution

Chapter 233 Chapter 233 Evolution of the End Times ([-])
The vast majority of this group of people are ordinary people. Except for a few of them who have the courage to face the zombies, the rest of them can't wait to hide themselves.This is also because they were lucky and did not encounter the tide of corpses, otherwise no one would survive.

A man sitting in the co-pilot frowned, flicked the cigarette butt in his hand irritably and said, "What is the person in front of them doing? Just open the door and go in. What are you trying to do? Don't they know it's dangerous outside?"

"Boss, I don't know the situation, let's wait for a while." A thin black man hurriedly replied obsequiously.

"Hmph, if it weren't for seeing that they had guns in their hands, I wouldn't want to go with them."

He was just an ordinary office worker before, running around for his livelihood every day. Now that the end of the world has come, he has also awakened his supernatural powers. He knows that he is different, and he looks down on ordinary people very much.The reason why he wanted to go with Huo Bin was not only that the other party had a gun in his hand, but also because he was a lightning-type supernatural being, much stronger than his awakened fire-type.

"Yes, yes, the boss is wise and mighty, and we can look up to them when we walk together." The thin black man hurriedly responded, and in a corner where the other party could not see, he evoked a sneering smile, mocking silently in his heart He said: "If it weren't for them not to let people join, I wouldn't look at your face. The guy who sees zombies and his legs are weak, is he worthy of being the boss?"

While thinking, the thin black man looked at the seat behind him. There was a beautiful woman in a white dress sitting there. She smiled and exchanged something with the person beside her, but look It looks like we had a nice chat.

"Bah, bastard, it's best not to fall into my hands, or you will suffer." The thin black man can only think secretly in his heart, and dare not speak out, because not long ago, He was beaten up by other people just because of that woman, which still hurts him.

No matter what kind of small thoughts the people in this car have, Huo Bin has already brought his brother into the courtyard at this moment.

He was standing in front of the door on the first floor at the moment, and beside him were three good brothers who vigilantly observed the surroundings and protected him at any time.

After hearing the sound of a car coming from behind him, he just glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and then quickly looked away.

He slowly raised his hand and touched the door lightly, only to see that with a creak, the door opened automatically.

"What's going on?" Although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't say it out, but nodded to the people beside him, signaling to rush in together.

Shen Mengdie saw that the door was pushed open a gap, but never saw anyone coming in. After thinking for a while, she softly shouted: "Since you're here, why don't you come in and have a seat?"

The few people who were about to rush in paused collectively when they heard a woman's voice coming from inside, and then walked in slowly under Huo Bin's leadership.

"Da da da……"

The leather boots made a crisp sound when they stepped on the tiled floor.

'I found Huo Bin, the target of the mission, and the character information is being scanned...'

Huo Bin, male, 27 years old, native of J City, veteran, former captain of the Spike Team of the Special Forces, a rational commander, and now a second-level peak lightning-type superpower. '

'It is recommended that the host make friends with it so that it can better complete the task. '

Before Shen Mengdie had time to observe what the mission target looked like, she was attracted by the system's continuous beeps.

'Successfully contacted with the task target and opened the ice ability. '

"System, what level is my ability?" She just heard that Huo Bin is now at the peak of the second level, so she is quite curious about what level the system will open for herself.

'The host's ability level cannot be directly defined. '


'The ability of the host is equivalent to that of the future leader of the demon clan. '

"Is that so?" Shen Mengdie understood the meaning of the system, probably for the convenience of her future tasks, in short, her ability level is very high.

Huo Bin originally thought that the woman in the house was definitely not an ordinary person, but when he saw the woman suddenly ignoring his distracted appearance, he didn't know if the woman was too confident or something.

"Cough, are you the owner here?" He coughed lightly, trying to attract the other party's attention.

"Ah?" Shen Mengdie suddenly came back to her senses, and she was also a little speechless for the fact that every time she talked with the system, she would become distracted in the eyes of outsiders.After hearing the question from the visitor, she finally set her sights on the other person.

I saw that Huo Bin, the target of the mission, was about 1.8 meters tall, but his pair of peach blossom eyes were very sharp, giving the impression that he was like a sword hidden in a scabbard, with a restrained edge.

"Based on what you've seen so far, I'm indeed the owner of this place." Having said this, Shen Mengdie paused for a moment, then glanced at the other three people, and continued, "I think we need to sit down and talk about it." .”

"Indeed." Huo Bin nodded lightly to the three people beside him, then walked slowly to the sofa where Shen Mengdie was and sat down.

Shen Mengdie looked at the other person sitting upright, didn't care about the expression of the person in front of her, changed herself to a comfortable sitting position, hugged the big cat to her body and continued to smooth its fur.

"What do you call it?"

"My name is Huo Bin. These three are my good brothers, Lin Che, Chen Jun, and Chen Bing."

Shen Mengdie looked at the other party pointing to the three people beside her one by one to introduce her one by one, smiled and nodded, and then introduced herself: "Hello, my name is Shen Mengdie, I want to go with you, I don't know if Can?"

"I don't know where you are going, Miss Shen?" Huo Bin looked at the woman in front of him, and he felt that the other party was not as simple as it seemed.

"I think you are going to the survivor's base in city B. I want to go with you." Shen Mengdie bluntly stated her purpose, but she did not say that she still had a mission.The system is her biggest trump card, and she must never let anyone know about it.

"Yes." Huo Bin ignored Lin Che's hesitant expression, and nodded in agreement.

Lin Che sat on the side, listening to Huo Bin's words, he was also a little anxious. He understood what the other party meant, agreeing that the woman in front of him would join their team of four, instead of being like those who were still outside. follow behind.

The three of them turned out to be members of the Spike team. The boss was injured and retired, so they also retired and followed.Later, when the end of the world came, the boss awakened the power of the thunder system, and the hidden injuries from the beginning were healed. They were naturally very happy with this result.

It was for this reason that the few of them escaped from City J, but they didn't let anyone join in. However, the woman in front of him made the boss an exception, all of which seemed unbelievable to him.

(End of this chapter)

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