Chapter 290 Chapter 290

"Mengdie, what are you doing there? Come and meet Yi'er, don't you have something to tell him?"

Shen Mengdie, who was meditating, was interrupted by Mrs. Xiao's call, and turned her gaze away with a smile.

Before she could speak, Xiao Yi suddenly shouted softly after seeing her for the first time: "Why are you here?"

"I..." Shen Mengdie walked in front of the two of them, and was about to answer Xiao Yi's question when she was interrupted by the eager Mrs. Xiao.

"Yi'er, look at what you're talking about. Mengdie came here because of you." Mrs. Xiao enthusiastically pulled Shen Mengdie to her side, seeing that the two really knew each other, with a happy face flowers.

After listening to Mrs. Xiao's words, Xiao Yi turned his gaze to Shen Mengdie's cheek. "Did you find me for something?"

His calm expression did not make Shen Mengdie feel that there was something wrong, on the contrary, he felt that the other party's attitude was normal.But when Mrs. Xiao saw this, she immediately lowered her face, appearing very dissatisfied.

"Yi'er, what nonsense are you talking about. It's human nature for Mengdie to come to you. We Xiao family members can't be dishonest people."

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Xiao Yi suddenly felt a little baffled, he had only been away from home for a few days, how could things have become so weird.

"It's all up to now, and you still want to hide it from mother?" Mrs. Xiao stepped forward and patted her son's arm, and continued: "Isn't Mengdie your wife?"

"Mother?" Xiao Yi yelled softly, frowned, and looked at the woman with a smile on the corner of her mouth unkindly.In his heart, it must be what this person said to his mother that made her so strange.

"I know everything about you, so don't hide it from me anymore. Meng Die told me all about it." Madam Xiao looked at the two people in front of her, she really looked like a good match, and she wished they could get married immediately.

Shen Mengdie saw that Xiao Yi's eyes looking at him became sharp after Mrs. Xiao finished saying that, and Cheng Xianyu's gentle eyes that had been hovering beside him also became resentful.

If facing these two gazes, she could still keep calm, but when the man who came back with Xiao Yi looked at her with a half-smile, for some reason, she suddenly felt a little guilty, and dodged the man's gaze .

After realizing the strange atmosphere of the two people beside her, Mrs. Xiao quickly said: "Don't stand here anymore, let's go back and talk about it. Yi'er, you have been away for a few days, and many things have happened in the mansion that you don't know about." Let's talk about it when we get back."

Xiao Yi kept looking at Shen Mengdie with downcast eyes. After hearing Mrs. Xiao's words, he nodded his head lightly, and said softly, "Well, I also have something to tell my mother."

"Then go in quickly."

Following Mrs. Xiao's opening, the crowd around the door quickly moved towards Xiao's residence.

Yi Wenwen, who was standing aside, was completely ignored by the group of people, but he didn't care, but walked slowly behind the group of people.When he came, he knew the general history of some things from the mouths of the ghost generals sent, but he couldn't figure out what motive Shen Mengdie had for doing this.

When the group moved to the living room, Mrs. Xiao asked everyone to sit down first, and then said with a smile: "Yi'er, when do you think it is appropriate to marry Mengdie?"

Although Mrs. Xiao said she was asking the other party, she actually already had some calculations in her mind.She had already told other members of the Xiao family about this a few days ago, and she was waiting for Xiao Yi to come back.

Shen Mengdie was dragged to sit on the lower head of Mrs. Xiao, not knowing that the other party moved so quickly, but was hesitating how to explain this matter clearly.

"Should I just open Xiao Yi's eyes and let him recover his memory first?" She thought about the feasibility of the matter in her heart, and after a while, she had to admit in frustration that she couldn't beat Xiao Yi, what to force? It's too difficult.

"Mom, I don't want to get married yet! She must have said something to you, right?"

Xiao Yi directly rejected Mrs. Xiao's proposal. Up to now, he has already determined that it was this woman who appeared out of nowhere to confuse his mother.

"Look at what you said." Mrs. Xiao looked at Shen Mengdie apologetically, and then scolded softly: "People of your age, children can use soy sauce. Since you and Mengdie are both interested, it is natural It's better to get married early, but I'm still waiting to hug my grandson."

"Mother!" Listening to his mother's words, Xiao Yi frowned a little irritably.

In the past few years, there have been countless women who want to become the future young wife of the Xiao family, and no matter where they are, they can meet women they meet by chance.

I don't want to make such a move just this time, which actually brought me such trouble.

He raised his eyes to look at the woman who was sitting beside him, she didn't look bad, on the contrary she was very good, just like what his mother said, she was very suitable for him.But if he allowed himself to marry the other party like this, he would be very unwilling, and the anxiety in his eyes was obvious.

"Okay, don't talk about it, as long as you agree, I will arrange it." Mrs. Xiao directly settled the matter, with joy that could not be concealed in her eyes.

Shen Mengdie knew that it was time for her to speak.Her original purpose was just to complete the mission, but she didn't want to marry the mission target.She still remembered that she had a special mission. The existence of the ghost king was already difficult to deal with. Now that the mission goal was involved, how could Cheng Xianyu be willing to reincarnate at that time.

"Mrs. Xiao, I've said it many times before. I don't have that kind of relationship with Young Master Xiao. Why don't you believe me?"

"Mengdie, don't worry, I will never let him bully you." Mrs. Xiao said, glaring fiercely at Xiao Yi who was silent.

Seeing the other party's actions, Shen Mengdie had to explain again: "Mrs. Xiao, you really misunderstood."

"Mother, you heard it all. This girl said it was a misunderstanding, so don't say any more." After hearing the conversation between the two, Xiao Yi couldn't help persuading her.

"Go away, I'm talking to Mengdie." At this time, Mrs. Xiao really didn't give Xiao Yi any face for her future grandson, but turned her head to look at Shen Meng expectantly butterfly. "Mengdie, don't worry, I have my mother here, and I will support you."

In Mrs. Xiao's heart, it was not easy for a woman to have a relationship with her son, and she absolutely couldn't wait any longer.Xiao Yi is her only son, and he is also a child of old age. Her only wish now is to see him get married and start a career.

(End of this chapter)

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