Chapter 291 Chapter 291

Listening to Mrs. Xiao's words, Shen Mengdie was speechless for a moment. It seemed that the other party had confirmed what she knew.At this time, she had to wonder if her words of refusal were not obvious enough.

Yi Wenwen took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then turned his attention to the three people who had just talked.

He couldn't tell that among the three people talking, only Mrs. Xiao in the middle was actively facilitating the affairs of those two, but those two were full of reluctance.

When he saw Shen Mengdie's expression, he hooked the corners of his mouth and gave a chuckle.

In the silent hall, his chuckle seemed very abrupt, which also made everyone's eyes shift to him.

"Master Yi, what's the matter?"

Just when the atmosphere seemed a little weird, Xiao Yi asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that I don't know if I should say something or not?" Yi Wenwen waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

"If you have anything to say, you can be as straightforward as possible."

"Yeah." Yi Wenwen groaned, straightened his robe, and stood up slowly. "The dream butterfly you are talking about is exactly my fiancée who ran away from home."

The words he said casually surprised everyone present.

When Shen Mengdie heard this, her heart skipped a beat, she raised her head suddenly, and looked at the speaker in shock, but her heart kept calling the system.

"System, do you have information that you didn't give me? How come there is another fiancé?"

'The host doesn't need to be nervous. '

"I'm not nervous, I just want to know if this is true?"

'no! '

"Then? Forget it, I don't ask you anymore, as long as there is no such thing." Shen Mengdie got the key point she wanted, and began to watch the development of the matter instead.

"What?" The one who reacted the most to Yi Wenwen's words was not Shen Mengdie, but Mrs. Xiao, who wholeheartedly wanted her son to start a family.

After Xiao Yi heard this answer, he was also a little surprised. "Master Yi, what you said is true?"

Hearing this, Yi Wenwen raised his brows lightly, a look of amusement flashed in his eyes, he turned his gaze to Shen Mengdie and said, "You can ask her."

Following his words, everyone's eyes turned to Shen Mengdie again.

Shen Mengdie, who was finishing talking with the system, just recovered, and suddenly found that everyone present was looking at her.Facing these scorching gazes, she suddenly turned cold, then quickly adjusted her expression, scanning everyone calmly.

"Mengdie, isn't what he said true?" Mrs. Xiao asked with a trembling voice. She didn't want her future daughter-in-law to belong to someone else's family.

Faced with Mrs. Xiao's question, Shen Mengdie was obviously taken aback.She had been communicating with the system just now, and she didn't listen carefully to what they were talking about. Now that she was asked out of the blue, she was a little stunned for a while.

Just when she was about to ask the system secretly, Yi Wenwen seemed to see her embarrassment, and after taking two steps slowly towards her, he said softly, "My fiancée, do you think so?"

"Who is your fiancee? You can't talk nonsense about this." Shen Mengdie frowned when she heard this.

"Are you still angry with me?" Yi Wenwen said, walking towards her position.

"I don't even know you."

"Hey, don't make trouble."


Just when she was about to speak again, Yi Wenwen had come to her side, leaned down and whispered in her ear: "Do you want to marry Xiao Yi?"

Shen Mengdie, who was a little angry, stopped her movements suddenly after hearing the other party's words, and looked at Mrs. Xiao who was staring at her from the corner of her eyes.In desperation, she could only sigh softly, stood up slowly and said: "Madam Xiao, this is indeed my fiancé, we are childhood sweethearts."

When talking about her childhood sweetheart, why did she suddenly feel so ashamed?

"This..." Mrs. Xiao slowly lowered her head upon hearing this, with obvious disappointment in her eyes.The daughter-in-law she had planned in her heart suddenly became someone else's, so how could she not be disappointed.

After hearing this answer, Xiao Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, raised a slight smile and said, "Congratulations, brother Yi, for finding his fiancée."

Yi Wenwen waved his arms lightly to Xiao Yi, and looked down gently at the people around him.

Seeing the other party's expression now, Xiao Yi was even more convinced that the two in front of him were a couple.

"Brother Xiao, since this is the case, let's take our leave first. You have been away for a long time, and you should have a lot of things to arrange, so we won't bother you."

"Brother Yi, just stay overnight at my house today." Seeing that his troubles had been resolved, Xiao Yi invited him.

"If that's the case, then I'll bother you."

"You are polite, you should." Xiao Yi responded repeatedly, and then told the servants beside him: "Take the guests down to rest."

After receiving the order, the servant hurriedly stood in front and began to lead the way.

Yi Wenwen took advantage of the situation and gently embraced the woman next to him, then nodded to the owner here, and prepared to lead people out.

After Shen Mengdie noticed the movement of the person beside her, she stretched out her palm with some resistance, pushed the other person lightly, and signaled with her eyes to let go of herself.

"Don't move." Yi Wenwen said softly, but tightened the strength of his arm instead. "Do you want them to notice? You just admitted our relationship."

When Shen Mengdie heard this, she withdrew her hand a little depressed.After raising her eyes to catch Mrs. Xiao's gaze, she resigned herself and buried her head in the arms of the person beside her.

Yi Wenwen was obviously pleased by Shen Mengdie's actions, and he could not hide the joy in his eyes.Looking at the person in his arms, he sighed silently in his heart: "Mengdie, I'm afraid you don't know it yourself? You never know how to reject me."

Shen Mengdie is not in the mood to observe the expression of the person beside her at this time, she is walking forward quickly now, hoping to get out of the other person's embrace after leaving the hall.

Yi Wenwen was almost being pulled forward by the other party. He could probably guess some of the psychological activities of the person in his arms, but he didn't feel lost, because after going out, he would use actions to tell the other party what he was doing. Totally wasted effort.

When the two stepped out of the living room, Shen Mengdie raised her hand without thinking, and gently pushed the waist of the person beside her, signaling the other person to let go of her.

Yi Wenwen felt that he was nudging his palm, let go of the opponent's waist, and grabbed the soft palm.

"You?" Shen Mengdie raised her eyes and glared at the other party.

"Hush..." Yi Wenwen raised his hand and made a soft movement, then lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "You have to do everything you can to act. You see, there are people from the Xiao family around. If our affairs are exposed, it will be very difficult It will soon reach the ears of those two people."

(End of this chapter)

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