Chapter 293 Chapter 293

"Miss Shen, I'll open the door."

"Well, let's go." Shen Mengdie responded softly, wondering who was looking for her.In this Xiao Family Villa, there should be no one coming.


There was a sound when the wooden door opened, and then Cuiping's surprised voice came.

"Master Yi, why are you here?"

After Cuiping exclaimed, she quickly reacted, and she quickly covered her mouth knowing that she had made a slip of the tongue.

"I'm here to find Mengdie." Yi Wenwen looked at the little maid who opened the door with such an expression, with a warm smile on his lips, and replied in a deep voice.

Cuiping hastily stepped aside to allow the people outside the door to enter. "Please come inside quickly."

Yi Wenwen didn't refuse either, and after lightly nodding, he walked slowly into the room.

Although Shen Mengdie was in the inner room, after hearing the conversation outside the door, she slowly stood up and walked towards the outer room.

After lifting the gauze curtain in front of her, she saw the person staring at her with scorching eyes.

"How did you come?"

"Of course it is to go to the banquet with you, after all, we are an unmarried couple."

Shen Mengdie saw that the visitor actually used what happened in the lobby today as an example, and turned her head and let out a soft "hum".

After Cuiping knew the relationship between these two people, she had a little idea in her heart. Seeing the weird atmosphere between the two, she closed the door lightly, and quickly stepped back to wait outside.

Yi Wenwen didn't feel lost because of the behavior of the person in front of him. He stepped forward to the other person's side, lowered his head and said softly: "I'm going to see the Xiao family in a while, you have to understand."

Shen Mengdie naturally understood the meaning behind the other party's words, and she didn't mean to get along with the other party like this on purpose, she just felt that when she faced this person, she could no longer maintain peace in her heart.The existence that could disturb her heart made her secretly vigilant.

"No need to say much, let's go."

After throwing down such a sentence, she took the lead and walked ahead.

When the two came to the hall where Xiao's family held a family banquet, someone had already arrived.

Shen Mengdie raised her eyes and glanced at the people present, and after confirming that she didn't know them, she was led in by the people beside her.

After seeing the two of them again, the people present had wonderful expressions on their faces.And those young women all had cheerful smiles on their faces, and the hostility towards Shen Mengdie seemed to have dissipated long ago.

Although there were no big names at this dinner party, everyone talked happily in detail.During this period, Mrs. Xiao still wanted to match Shen Mengdie and Xiao Yi unwillingly, but was interrupted frequently by the people present, and finally had to let it go.

Shen Mengdie also managed to get in touch with Cheng Xianyu by taking advantage of the crowd. After making an appointment to meet in her room tonight, she bid farewell to Mrs. Xiao and went back.

As the only one who can see ghosts, Yi Wenwen naturally sees Shen Mengdie's every move. Regarding this, he only evoked a playful smile when no one was paying attention.

As the two left one after the other, except for Xiao Yi's concern, the others didn't care much about it.

"Come on."

Shen Mengdie sat quietly in her room, looked at the swaying flames, and shouted softly.

Cheng Xianyu floated in front of the other party, then looked directly at the woman in front of her, and began to look up and down.

Shen Mengdie saw that the other party didn't speak, so she spoke first: "Do you know why I came to you?"

After being silent for a while, Cheng Xianyu slowly said in a distant voice, "For what?"

She hadn't spoken for a long time, and she was not used to it for a while.For so many years, no one could hear her voice, and she consciously avoided those warlocks.

"You shouldn't stay in the world!"

"I know." Cheng Xianyu said, Qingpiao sat down opposite her, and when she raised her hand, her arm directly penetrated the back of the chair beside her.Seeing this, there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "I know I shouldn't stay, but I can't bear to leave."

"For that person, is it worth it?"

"Is it worth it?" Cheng Xianyu murmured, as if asking the other party, but more like asking herself. "There is nothing worth it, I just want to be by his side, that's all."

The person and the ghost who were talking knew who the other party was talking about, but Shen Mengdie didn't agree with the other party's approach.

"I can understand your feelings, but if you continue like this, what's the point?"

"I just want him to be safe forever."

Shen Mengdie frowned slightly when she heard this. "I think you also feel something wrong with your soul body? You still have a chance to reincarnate now. If this continues, I won't be able to help you."

"Isn't it just the soul flying away? I have already thought of it." When Cheng Xianyu said that the soul was flying away, there was no fear in her eyes, but a light chuckle instead.

"You can't touch him, and he doesn't know your existence, so why?"

"Maybe you will find it ridiculous, but this is the only thing I can do for him." Cheng Xianyu is just a ghost now, even though her eyes are already crying, she can't see any teardrops.But her expression cheered Shen Mengdie up, and she couldn't help but feel a little helpless in her eyes.

"Maybe you don't know yet? You have a destiny for three lives, and you will meet again in the next life."

Hearing this, Cheng Xianyu suddenly raised her head to look at her, her eyes shone with scorching light, and after a moment of silence, she lowered her eyes in disappointment, and the little light in her eyes quickly disappeared.

Seeing the other party showing such a strange expression, Shen Mengdie was slightly puzzled in her heart. "Isn't this bad? You will meet again, so it's really not worth it for you to fight so hard now."

Cheng Xianyu curled her lips and shook her head lightly. "No need, that's fine."


"He will no longer be him in the next life, and I will no longer be me."

"What kind of logic are you talking about? You are still you, he is still him, even if you don't remember each other, you will meet again." Shen Mengdie tried to convince the gentle female ghost in front of her, unconsciously carrying all the urgency in her tone.

Cheng Xianyu sighed, then floated up gently and stood up, looking gently at the woman who persuaded her. "Thank you for your persuasion, but I still stick to my own ideas."

"I'm helping you now, reincarnation is your best destination."

"Thank you, but reincarnation is not what I want, I just want to be by that person's side now." After Cheng Xianyu thanked again, she swiped and floated out of the window.

(End of this chapter)

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