Chapter 294 Chapter 294

Shen Mengdie stood up, opened her mouth, but still didn't say any words to persuade her to stay.

"Looking at her current appearance, she is determined to continue like this. I have to change my plan." She sighed softly, and really didn't know what to say about Cheng Xianyu's thoughts.Everyone understands the truth, but when you encounter this kind of thing, it may not be useful.

She thought this mission was very simple, but she met such a stubborn mission target.

Cheng Xianyu looked very peaceful in front of Shen Mengdie, and floated out slowly, but she was very contradictory in her heart. Just as she was thinking about what the other party explained to her just now, a figure suddenly blocked her in front of.

Although she had been a ghost for a long time, she didn't like to go directly through the human body, so she subconsciously moved a little to the side and continued to float back.


Cheng Xianyu froze when she heard the shout, she clearly felt that the other party was telling her to stop.

At this time, the person with his back to her also slowly turned around.

"Why are you?" She exclaimed in surprise, and then continued, "Can you see me?"

The person blocking her way was Yi Wenwen. Although the other party didn't say anything again, his eyes clearly told her the fact that she could see.

"How come?" Cheng Xianyu expressed surprise, although the other party came into contact with them by killing the evil spirits, but along the way, this person did not show that he could see her at all.

"Don't be surprised, I just want to ask you a question now."

"whats the matter?"

"What did she tell you?" Yi Wenwen's tone seemed very casual, but his attitude seemed very strong.

Cheng Xianyu took a look at the way she came, and naturally understood who the other party was talking about.Thinking of the relationship between the two, after hesitating for a moment, she still slowly talked about the conversation with Shen Mengdie.

After Cheng Xianyu had left, Yi Wenwen lowered his eyes and began to think.

"Why is her behavior so weird?" He still didn't understand what the other party's seemingly strange behavior was for. From the current point of view, after looking at many things on the bright side, it seemed that there was an answer that was about to come out.

Shen Mengdie didn't know that her every move had been exposed to that person's eyes. After she figured out how to deal with the next day, she fell into a deep sleep.

At dawn the next day.

The moment Shen Mengdie opened her eyes, what she saw was a little bit of sunlight coming in through the window.

She twitched the corner of her mouth lightly, sighed softly and said, "I have to talk to Xiao Yi later."

The conversation with Cheng Xianyu last night was not ideal, she couldn't find a breakthrough with the other party, and finally had to find another protagonist of the story, Xiao Yi.

"Cuiping, you don't have to follow me today."

"Yes, Ms. Shen." Cuiping could only nod in response, and then silently retreated to the side.

Shen Mengdie walked along the road in memory, and asked the system in her heart from time to time.

"System, report Xiao Yi's current location."

'The target is 20 meters away from the host...'

"20 meters?" She murmured, then raised her eyes to check her surroundings.

Before she knew it, she came to the gate of the largest garden in the Xiao Family Villa. After scanning the door plaque, she straightened her hair that was a little messed up by the wind, and walked in.

"What do you think of my house?" Xiao Yi's voice came from the front, as if he was talking to someone.

Just when Shen Mengdie was guessing who the other party would be, Yi Wenwen's calm voice came over.

"very good."

"Brother Yi, why don't you stay for a few more days, so that I can show my kindness as a landlord."

"I came to say goodbye."


Shen Mengdie didn't know exactly how many people were there, but from the sound, they could hear the voices of Xiao Yi and Yi Wenwen.

Now that she found the mission target, she naturally wanted to get close to him, so after bypassing the trees blocking her, the pavilion not far away came into her eyes.


The sound of dead branches being trampled off sounded, although it was very faint, but the two people who were talking were not ordinary people, so they naturally heard the sound.

"Miss Shen." After hearing the movement, Xiao Yi turned his gaze away and saw her standing not far away.

Shen Mengdie nodded slightly, lowered her eyes to look at the dead branches under her feet, and slowly approached the two of them.

At this time, Xiao Yi had already stood up, and was about to move away from the seat close to Yi Wenwen so that the two unmarried couples could sit together.

"Young Master Xiao, can I talk to you alone?"

Xiao Yi, who was moving to the side, was obviously taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at the woman who was talking to him.

"Is something wrong?"

"Can I take a step to talk?" Shen Mengdie looked at the other party like this, and asked calmly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi turned his head and glanced at Yi Wenwen who had stood up and was silently watching Shen Mengdie.It seems to be asking, and it seems to be wondering.

"Is it okay?" Seeing that Xiao Yi didn't answer her own words, Shen Mengdie asked again.At the same time, she also turned her eyes to Yi Wenwen who was staring at her deeply.

Seeing that the two people present looked at him, Yi Wenwen couldn't help chuckling. "Do you need me to avoid it?"

"Brother Yi, this..."

Just when Xiao Yi didn't know how to answer the words, Shen Mengdie nodded her head lightly, and said with certainty: "If you need it, you can leave first."

"In this case, you can talk slowly." Yi Wenwen just licked the corner of his mouth slightly for Shen Mengdie's attitude.After walking two steps outside the pavilion, he suddenly turned his head to Xiao Yi and said, "Brother Xiao, I will come to you later."

"Brother Yi, yes." After Xiao Yi responded, he looked at the person who was leaving slowly, put his eyes on the woman who was still standing in front of him and said, "Miss Shen, who are you?"

Shen Mengdie naturally saw puzzlement from the other party's eyes, but she was not in a hurry to explain, but after raising her hand to signal to sit down first, she slowly said: "This time I took the liberty to bother you because I want to go up This time we have nothing to talk about."

Xiao Yi heard this, and after recalling it for a while, he frowned tightly.Now he also remembered what the other party wanted to say to him. When they were in the inn last time, the two broke up on bad terms. At that time, they were just strangers, so they could leave in a huff.

But the current identity of the other party is the fiancée of a good friend. If it is still like that, it will be a bit inappropriate.So he could only sit quietly on his seat after nodding his head slightly, listening to what the other party wanted to say.

Shen Mengdie didn't know that the person in front of her was willing to stay and listen to her explanation because she had a special relationship with that person.

(End of this chapter)

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