Chapter 301 Chapter 301 Three Lives About (27)
After a moment of surprise, Xiao Yi turned his eyes back and forth between Yi Wenwen and Shen Mengdie, and then a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Xiao Yi's expression, Shen Mengdie naturally guessed that the other party must have made up something in her own imagination, but she didn't say anything to explain. Instead, she coughed lightly to attract the attention of several people, and said softly: "Everyone sit down first. Let's chat."

The other two sat down silently after hearing the words.

"Brother Yi, you just said that there is a way to get the best of both worlds, can you tell me what it is?"

Xiao Yi looked at Yi Wenwen who had everything under my control on his face in front of him, and there was a look of urgency in his eyes.Because of Shen Mengdie's reminder a few days ago, during the time spent with Cheng Xianyu a few days ago, although he was very happy to meet Cheng Xianyu, he still noticed the slight changes in her.

Basically every moment, the already ethereal soul body of the other party became more and more illusory, and he was also worried that the day Shen Mengdie said would come earlier.Although there was reluctance in his heart, his rationality told him that he must let the other party reincarnate instead of being by his side in such a meaningless way.

Yi Wenwen also didn't like to show off, so after pondering for a while, he slowly said to the other party.Not only did he tell Xiao Yi about this method, but he also wanted to let Shen Mengdie know that he was definitely not lying, and that he would definitely fulfill the promise that day.

"I can guarantee that you two will meet in the next life, and I have already figured out how to deal with it."

"Brother Yi, what method?" Xiao Yi asked eagerly.

"When she was going to be reincarnated..." Yi Wenwen paused after saying this, and turned his gaze to Cheng Xianyu, who was also looking at him eagerly. When the eyes of the two people around him turned away, He continued to say slowly: "At that time, I will leave a mark on your palms. When she is reincarnated, we will help you find her. And the mark I left is to ensure that she will be born in the This world is also the key to unlock the memory of the previous life. When the time comes, you only need to face her palm, and she will have the opportunity to restore the current memory."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand to refill a glass of water for himself, took a sip, and then looked at Shen Mengdie.

When Shen Mengdie was surprised by Yi Wenwen's words, she felt the other's scorching gaze.

Just as her heart was beating faster for Yi Wenwen's gaze, Xiao Yi interrupted the eye contact between the two at an untimely moment.

"Brother Yi, is it really as you said?" Xiao Yi looked very shocked. In his understanding, he had only heard of such a method called the magic of the fairy family in illusory legends.

Faced with Xiao Yi's question, Yi Wenwen twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and nodded his head invisibly.

"Of course it's true, Brother Xiao, don't you believe me?"

His rhetorical question made Xiao Yi wave his hands again and again. "Brother Yi, you misunderstood, I was just too surprised. I don't know when is the right time to start?"

After Yi Wenwen heard the words, he raised his eyes to look at Xiao Yi, then took a look at Cheng Xianyu, then sighed and said: "It's better for you two to go back and discuss it first, when it will start, you two can discuss it by yourself. "

In fact, his remarks still have his own selfishness in them. When he hypnotized Shen Mengdie the day before yesterday, he got the word "task" from the other party, and began to guess in his heart whether what was going on in front of him might be what the other party said. task, so he decided to procrastinate for a while to see the situation.

"Okay, then I will thank Brother Yi here."

At this time, Xiao Yi already understood that the other party's identity was definitely not simple, but since the other party didn't want to reveal it, he didn't ask any more.Thinking that he would part with Cheng Xianyu, he decided to go back and have a good discussion.

After Xiao Yi left with joy, Shen Mengdie supported her chin with one hand, and couldn't help but look at the person in front of her.

Faced with such a strange gaze from her, Yi Wenwen only raised his brows lightly, then continued to sip the tea in his cup.

"Yi Wenwen." Shen Mengdie whispered after looking at her for a while.

"Huh?" Yi Wenwen put down his teacup and looked up at her.

"Aren't you amazing? You can actually make reincarnated people remember things from their previous life."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a little trick."

Yi Wenwen seemed to enjoy the faint admiration unconsciously in Shen Mengdie's eyes.

"Then can you help me remember the past? I feel like I have lost some memory." Speaking of this, she was a little dazed and scratched her hair.

Yi Wenwen was overjoyed when he heard the words.

"I can help you, but you have to trust me completely."

"Do you want to use the hypnosis from last time?" Shen Mengdie asked aloud.In her memory, the last time she was hypnotized, she didn't think of anything, and she almost revealed her biggest secret.Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling troubled.

"Why, can't it?"

Yi Wenwen naturally understood what the expression on the other person's face meant, but what he cared most about was the attitude of the person in front of him towards him.Originally, the hypnosis last time was forced by himself. He had already prepared himself for the person in front of him to hate him. Now he found that the other person did not hate him, but began to subconsciously guard against himself. He didn't know whether to be happy or not. It's time to worry.

"Is it possible without hypnosis?"

After deliberating for a while, Shen Mengdie asked softly.

Yi Wenwen stared straight into the eyes of the other party, and after a while, he sighed leisurely and said, "Yes."

Shen Mengdie got the other party's promise, her eyes lit up, and a happy smile appeared on her cheeks.

"Okay, I will try my best to cooperate with you. Hurry up, let's start now."

"En, yes." Seeing the other party's eagerness, Yi Wenwen also felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

"How can I cooperate with you?" Shen Mengdie tilted her head and looked at the other party suspiciously.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen stood up slowly, opened his arms and said, "Come into my arms."

"You..." Shen Mengdie watched the other party stretch out his hand, and couldn't help but blushed a little on her cheeks, but after thinking about the past that she had forgotten, she stood up abruptly, and then slowly walked towards the other party .

Seeing that she cooperated with him so well, Yi Wenwen was naturally very pleased.He wasn't sure whether the method he was about to use would work, but he had to experiment before he knew, even if it failed, there would be no loss.

In his plan, he needs to rely on a kind of intuition that the other party is not aware of, and that intuition is the unbearable closeness to him.A person can forget his past memories, but subconsciously, he will always retain some small habits.

(End of this chapter)

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